
Explaining The characters

Elly_West · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Eden's character details


Strength physical/magic- she doesn't have much physical strength but has lots of magical.

Role in battle- support but can still hold her own in a 1v1

Weapons of choice- Silver dagger

Powers- she can predict what a person is going to do next only when the opponent thinks about their next move *if there idiots this power is useless*. She can send bats out to scout and she can see through their eyes. Even though she isn't physically strong she is flexible and has lots of agility. She can also make someone teleport if necessary.

Weapon explanation- silver dagger

This dagger is the same dagger that had killed her mother. They still don't know who did it but when Eden saw it she swore she would avenge her mother with the same weapon that killed her.