
Experimental regret

In the bustling city of Eaglewood Falls, two brilliant young doctors, **Evelyn** and **Marcus**, find themselves at the heart of a groundbreaking psychological experiment. They're part of a clandestine project known as **Project Psyche**, which aims to explore the human mind's limits by altering brain chemistry and behavior in subjects without their consent. Evelyn, with her sharp intellect and compassionate heart, begins to witness the toll their experiments take on their subjects. She sees the ethical lines blurring and the humanity fading from the eyes of those they manipulate. The weight of guilt and moral conflict grows unbearable, and she decides that this can't continue in the shadows. Marcus, on the other hand, is driven by ambition and the thrill of scientific discovery. He believes that their work could revolutionize the understanding of the human psyche. The potential for fame and advancement blinds him to the suffering they cause, and he is determined to protect their secret at all costs. As the story unfolds, the tension between Evelyn and Marcus escalates. Evelyn's resolve to end the experiments strengthens, while Marcus becomes more desperate to preserve their life's work. Their conflict reaches a climax when Evelyn gathers evidence to expose Project Psyche, forcing Marcus to confront the possibility of losing everything.

Poetrywastaken · Teen
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8 Chs

chapter 8

"This in, the FBI just swatted Hope Haven Clinic. After Some recent investigations, there was unmistakable evidence that they were using illegal drugs on patients in an illegal underground project. These drugs changed their brain chemically but also kept them asleep for longer after their so-called 'tests.' These tests were them manipulating their brain in ways that had been banned since the 18th century. The FBI took Official Philip Max and Assistant Braden Max into custody after the raid. Their trial will happen soon after investigations. But others who have helped alter the patient's brains will also be put to trial."

Marcus turns the TV off. In compensation, Marcus and Evelyn received their degree, but also the sum of money they were going to make anyway. They are under witness protection for the time being. They're in a nicely sized three-story home.

"Thank god we went with that cop after midnight to take them out of there," Evelyn says, relieved.

"You're right. I heard the official had a gun on him too," Marcus says. Evelyn and Marcus stand up and head to the door, putting their coats and shoes on.

"We should probably go pick them up now," Evelyn says with a smile.

"Or we could leave them there," Marcus jokes. They exit their house and enter Evelyn's car. As the engine comes to life, they turn the radio on.

"Want to pick the playlist again?" Evelyn asks Marcus.

"Of course I do," Marcus smirks. He plays the same playlist they listened to on their drive to the diner. They both smile as they drive to pick up the four. "Just like old times," Marcus jokes. "Just like old times," Evelyn repeats.