
Chapter Sixteen

Abandoned Lab: Night

We see a bright purple light and korell appears. He starts to look through the broken lab equipment looking for something.


(To himself)

It must be here...I can feel it...

He continues to search. Moments pass until he finds what he's looking for. He picks up the small item and closes his eyes in concentration. Then he opens them and smiles.


Excellent... I know the location, of what I seek.

Suddenly Aziel appears.


You will never find....the well...



You know you can't stop me, no one will stand in my way..

Energy flares from Aziels arms.


If I have to put you down, so be it.

Korell charges at Aziel who in return blasts him with a huge energy blast and his knocked unconscious. Aziel leans down.


My dear child, you had potential... But your ideas were flawed.