
Chapter Six

Unknown Place:Unknown Time

We see we are inside an impressive looking temple. We see Ryan lying on a large comfy bed. He stirs momentarily and sits up and looks at his surroundings curiously.

Ryan Shepard

Where the hell am I?

From nowhere the short old man appears.

Old Man

Ah… I see you are awake, my apologies for seemingly abducting you… But I must speak with you.

Ryan Shepard

Should've just spoke to me, instead of kidnapping my ass.

Old Man

I humbly apologise… Shepard, but we must speak.

Ryan Shepard

Ok what about?!

Old Man

Do you not remember your accident do you?!

Ryan Shepard


Again with this shit!

If it's not Kai bringing up the same bullshit, it's you! And for the last time...NO!

Ryan leaps out of bed and punches a nearby wall hard.

Old Man

I am sorry to upset you Shepard, but we must speak of this.

Ryan Shepard

I'm sorry for getting angry, but I really don't remember anything.

Old Man