
Chapter Fourteen

see we are inside the crystal where Korell is imprisoned. We see him sitting staring ahead.


(To himself)

Why did I believe, that being could offer me power. I have to find some way out of this.


I thought I taught you better than this...son!

He turns to see an image that looks like Roselle but it morphs into another.



The image slithers from the crystal and reveals itself. But it changes to an exact image of Korell but darker in appearance. With bright red eyes


Am I going mad, you look exactly like me.

Dark Korell

Oh I am you, the side of you… That you suppress. Look at you, you're weak… Pathetic!



I am not…

Dark Korell

Yes you are, you wallow in self pity at your own incarceration. Where is the Korell that forces his way out of any prison. You sit here, a mere…shadow of yourself.

Korell stands up.


You're right, my enemies celebrate their small victory. As I linger here.

Dark Korell