
Chapter 10

Unknown Place: Unknown Time

We see we are inside an ancient tomb. A blue flash is seen and we see Ryan appear and at the same time candles appear and light up his surroundings. His vision is drawn to a shadowy figure with purple eyes. The figure walks out from a nearby doorway. It's the dark being. He stands with with his arms crossed smiling at Ryan.

Dark Being

I see you live… My old friend.

Ryan Shepard

Sam? What the hell has happened to you?!

Dark Being

(Laughs Madly)

I am not your brother… You don't know who I am, do you?! Yes, I have taken over the form of your sibling…Korell failed in his task, so I personally will oversee his mistake.

Ryan flares the energy given to him into life.

Dark Being

You think you can defeat me, puny human? You have NO idea who you are dealing with.

A blast of purple energy hits Ryan hard and he flies into a nearby wall hard. He slumps to the ground and slowly gets up. The energy he summoned sputters and dies.
