

Chapter 381 Long-term Commission

Offer a lot? "Justice" Audrey, "Magician" Forsi, "The Hanged Man" Alger, and "Moon" Emlyn turned their heads almost at the same time, looking at Renekton in surprise, obviously surprised by Renekton. Cotton's words "you can get through a lot" were irritating.

"The Hermit" Cattleya glanced at Renekton across from her, and she began to guess in her mind, Professor Scroll, or a mechanical expert? Relying on a scholar to analyze extraordinary abilities, and then using a magical item to create a scroll or spell that can use this extraordinary ability?

Azik looked around at everyone, and his observations during this period had given him a rough judgment on the members of the Tarot Club:

Most of their strengths are not high, only at Sequence Five and Sequence Six levels, and some are even lower. However, their identities cover a wide range of areas, and they can be regarded as good news channels.

While thinking, he imitated the movements of Tarot Club members when they spoke, slightly raised his right hand, and chuckled:

"I can also provide some similar methods, but the operation may be a little more complicated."

Mr. Azik's method would not be to directly summon the more powerful undead under him to fight on his behalf. Klein looked at Azik who was leisurely leaning back on the high-backed chair and became more and more sure of his guess.

Immediately, he controlled his trumpet "World", looked sideways at Renekton and asked:

"What means? How much money? What extraordinary abilities are included?"

Hmm, it looks like Mr. "World" and Mr. "White Tower" are very familiar. Should I also buy some of these disposable items? The psychiatrist himself did not have much ability to fight head-on. "Justice" Audrey lowered her head slightly and fell into deep thought.

Renekton's right index finger and middle finger tapped the armrest next to him rhythmically. When he heard Klein's question, he answered without hesitation:

"Scroll, after chanting the corresponding incantation, you can directly release the ability I sealed in it."

"As for the extraordinary abilities that I can make into scrolls, I will make a list after Tarot ends and you can choose for yourself."

"Limited by the materials, the production time ranges from three to five days, and the strength is between sequence five and four. Each scroll costs 100 pounds."

"Magician" Forsi lowered his head and once again lamented his poverty.

The same move as her was "Moon" Emlyn, who had just been promoted to Baron. He had almost consumed the gold pounds that were used to fund him within the vampire clan.

One Danitz can be exchanged for 45 scrolls, and you only need to use one scroll to deal with him. It is very cost-effective to think about it. Um, why should I use Danitz as a unit of measurement? The thought passed away, and Klein started to control " World" responded:

"Five of them, I only have one request. They have powerful attack power."

"No problem." Renekton nodded happily and accepted the deal. It was profitable for him anyway.

"Justice" Audrey also raised her right hand and said:

"Mr. White Tower, I also want to buy some scrolls, but I may need to choose the abilities of the scrolls."

"Okay." Renekton responded with a slight nod.

As everyone's exchanges came to an end, Azik sat up a little straighter. He looked around everyone, and after confirming that no one else spoke, he raised his right hand slightly and said in a gentle voice:

"Everyone, I have a long-term commission."

"What commission?" Audrey turned her head and asked curiously.

Azik considered his words and said:

"Help me collect information or items related to the death consul of the former Balam Empire in the Southern Continent, and I will reward you based on the value of what you provide."

"Death Archon?" Audrey asked in confusion. She knew the word Archon, but the prefix "Death" seemed very unusual. Is this a special title due to status?

"This is the Angel of the Death Path. It is the name of the second potion of the Path Sequence. It is also the title of the governor of the Balam Empire at that time."

After "Hermit" Cattleya pondered for a while, she explained the meaning of "Death Archon" to everyone. Death Archon investigates an angel. What is the identity of this new member? Whether it was Mr. Fool's previous introduction or his investigation of an angel, they all showed that his identity was unusual. Alger, the "Hanged Man", frowned incomprehensibly, and his attitude towards this new member I became more and more curious about my identity.

"I will try to collect it, but it is too long ago, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the information and items that have been handed down. I cannot guarantee that it is really effective."

"Hermit" Cattleya answered very conservatively, but also with some temptation.

"It's okay, I can judge." Azik responded in a calm voice.

Azik's answer gave Cattleya a strong thought that he was the Death Archon!

He can judge, but how? What things does he know? There is still a special identification method. After thinking about it, Alger, the "Hanged Man", said in deep thought:

"I'll try to search."

"I will also try to search for related things." Klein responded by controlling his trumpet "World".

The other members of the Tarot Society also said that they would pay attention to it, except for Derrick the Little Sun, who was in a place abandoned by God and had no understanding of the outside world and could not get involved.

After everyone fell silent again, Renekton turned slightly, looked at Azik beside him and said:

"I don't know much about the 'Death Archon'. I only know that he is a cold and cruel Extraordinary."

"This is due to the out-of-control crazy tendency contained in the extraordinary characteristics and the influence of the 'God of Death' passed down from a high position. His divinity is far greater than human nature, and he is far from as gentle as he is now."

Azik didn't seem too surprised by this. Although his expression became more solemn, he was still calm and said with a little sigh in his voice:

"I am immortal, not immortal. Once a person gets older, he will always become gentler."

"Yes, long years can smooth out all the edges and corners." Renekton sighed and stopped continuing the topic.

I? It means that Mr. "God of Death" is the former death consul of the Balam Empire, an angel of death! I actually saw an angel with my own eyes. Did he choose to be the angel under Mr. Fool when he appeared at the Tarot meeting? The thoughts in Audrey's mind surged uncontrollably, and her whole body fell into an extremely excited state.

really! Mr. "Fool"'s condition is much better than I expected. His power has probably returned to the angel level. "Hermit" Cattleya's eyes moved slightly, but she buried her head lower.

She tried hard to restrain her urge to look sideways at Azik. As a secret peeper, she could see more things than ordinary extraordinary people, and she was not under her control. When facing an angel, This is quite dangerous.

"The Hanged Man" Alger also lowered his head, making no secret of the shock in his eyes. He was indeed a big shot, but it far exceeded my expectations.

This, Mr. "Death" is an angel! I actually sat at a party with an angel!

"Moon" Emlyn, "Sun" Derrick and "Magician" Forsi had almost the same thoughts in their minds.

Now, Mr. Azik has revealed his identity? At the top of the mottled long table, shrouded in gray mist, Klein was stunned for a moment and quickly came to his senses.

Mr. Azik is helping me create the image of "The Fool", a great being who is served by angels. Although "The Fool" is only a Sequence Six, "Death" is a real angel.

Thinking of this, Klein felt relieved. He relaxed his body against the back of the chair and glanced at everyone covertly. Seeing that everyone was immersed in their own thoughts and forgot to speak, he chuckled and said leisurely:

"You guys can start communicating freely."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 382 Fat Pharmacist and Fat Owl

Mr. Fool's words brought everyone who was immersed in their own thoughts back to their senses. There was still complete shock in their eyes.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Klein glanced at Mr. Azik from time to time. He suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, controlled the trumpet "World" and said in a low voice:

"I received news that the matter in Bansi Port has been resolved by the Church of Storms."

"There will be no Porto Bansi for some time."

Mr. "World" means that Bansi Port was directly wiped out by the Church of Storms? This is really their style. I wonder if the Pope of the Church of Storms came to the scene in person. While thinking, "Justice" Audrey looked at "The World" with bright eyes and asked:

"Mr. World, do you know the specific process?"

"No one can understand, except the top leaders of the Church of Storms."

"The World" shook his head slightly and glanced at the Hanged Man inadvertently.

Feeling the sight of "The World", "The Hanged Man" Alger was silent for a moment before speaking in a hoarse voice:

"He is an archbishop carrying a level 0 sealed artifact. He is currently sitting in Bayam, the capital of the Rhoside Islands, the City of Generosity."

Him? Angels from the Church of Storms, in order to solve the problem in Banxi Port, the Church of Storms directly sent an angel and a level 0 sealed artifact!

After sighing for a while, Audrey keenly noticed the last part of Alger's words. She looked at "The Hanged Man" Alger with some confusion:

"I remember, wasn't the 'Sea King' from the Church of Storms sitting there?"

Her words made "The Hanged Man" Alger and "The Hermit" Cattleya remain silent at the same time. Their ships had been near the waters of Rossed in the past few days.

After a brief silence, "The Hanged Man" Alger glanced at Renekton, but failed to observe the slightest reaction from him. He immediately looked away and said in a depressed voice:

"A few days ago, there was a big battle in the Rhoside Islands. The cause was a demigod-level witch and a demigod of unknown origin."

"At the end of this battle, the original witch came with part of her will, and the hidden sage came directly for a short time. Finally, it was the Lord of Storms who sent down divine punishment to drive them away."

"The time they chose happened to be when the Church of Storms was dealing with Bansi Port. This resulted in the Church of Storms not being able to react in time and make the best response."

It's not me, it's the time chosen by the witches. Renekton defended himself in his mind. He glanced at the top of the mottled long table and looked at Klein through the gray fog.

"Was that battle serious?" Although she was questioning, Audrey felt that it was certain, otherwise an angel would not have been allowed to guard there.

"The Hanged Man" Alger shook his head slightly and said:

"I was not in that sea area at the time and didn't know the specific situation."

"However, it is said that the sea surface was melted by a layer at that time, and the aftermath of the battle spread to the entire Bayam."

"Now the merchants, pirates and adventurers there are all rushing to flee. If the sea route had not been fully restored, it is estimated that only locals and official forces would be left in Bayam now."

Indeed, Bayam is now in a recession that is visible to the naked eye. Although there are not many casualties, it has a great impact on the economy and cannot be recovered in a short time. It is no wonder that the Church of Storms has such a big reaction. If conditions permit, the Lord of Storms Maybe he would show up in person to give him a set of electrotherapy.

Klein's eyes fell on Renekton, who was sitting on a high-backed chair and had no reaction at all to what Alger was describing. He couldn't help but curse in his heart. The pirates fled Bayam in a hurry, giving me no chance of earning the bounty. there is none left.

The sea is really dangerous. In less than half a month, so many things have happened one after another. Sure enough, the best life is to go to Harvest Church to pray every day, chat with the dolls at home, and learn some herbal knowledge. .Um, why did I add the point of going to Harvest Church.

"Moon" Emlyn thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of his promotion to Baron. He cleared his throat, tilted his chin slightly and said:

"Ahem~ Everyone, I have a question to ask."

"As a vampire, after being promoted to Baron, do you need to use the 'playing method' like you humans to promote the so-called digestion and better master the extraordinary characteristics?" Azik looked at the slightly raised chin with interest and made no secret of it. Emlyn glanced at the arrogant Emlyn, then chuckled and said:

"You need to act, because that path only has Sequence Seven called 'vampire', and you are born with it."

"Okay, thank you for your answer."

"That is to say, if I want to be successfully promoted to Viscount of the Vampire Clan, I still have to play the role of a 'potions professor', even if we, the Vampire Clan, are the darlings of the moon."

Emlyn's slightly tilted chin paused, a smile appeared, and he nodded gently towards Azik to express his gratitude. Then he added spontaneously, and he deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "blood clan".

Renekton leaned on the high-backed chair and tilted his head, looking past Azik and onto Emlyn. He was really a stubborn vampire. Even when facing an angel, he had to correct himself as a vampire, and Not a vampire.

Because Azik directly revealed his identity as the Death Archon, everyone fell into a state of restraint in the second half of the tarot session.

After everyone communicated with each other for a few minutes, Klein directly announced the end of the gathering.

In Bayam's "Red Theater", a young man with black hair and black eyes, wearing a black hooded robe, about 1.8 meters tall, walked out.

The robe on his body was painted with many symbolic symbols, surrounding a cold, indifferent eye like stars. It looked a bit like a wizard from the Fourth Age, but it didn't reach the pointy hat.

With a faint smile on his lips, his right hand placed in front of his lower abdomen casually played with a tarot card, a ring with a three-layer structure, surrounding the wheel of fortune of a jackal, a sword, a lion and a snake. Card.

This is Renekton who has changed his appearance, image and temperament through the mysterious reappearance of "Cinderella".

He also deliberately restrained his aura as a master of prophecy, and relied on the apostle of desire trait he carried with him to disguise himself as an extraordinary person of the devil's path.

Make yourself completely different from before, both in face and breath, to avoid the screening of the unknown sealed artifact from the Church of Storms.

Renekton walked towards the alley diagonally opposite the "Red Theater" with a clear purpose. In this alley, there was a folk herbal medicine shop.

This fat pharmacist is quite business-savvy. While selling aphrodisiacs to the customers who visit the "Red Theater", he can also buy contraceptive pills and abortion pills for the girls in the "Red Theater".

As soon as he walked to the door of the herbal medicine shop, Renekton saw a fat owl. The owl seemed to have noticed him and stared at him without blinking.

Renekton showed a friendly smile to the fat Mr. Owl. The owl passed by the audience flapped its wings and flew into the herbal shop, landing on the innermost cabinet.

Renekton was stunned for a moment, looking at the owl flying into the herbal shop and lost in thought for a moment. Am I scary? I have always thought that I have a close affinity with small animals.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on a transparent amber pendant hanging on his waist under the black robe. In the transparent amber, there was a rich black mist surging. Just looking at it seemed to be able to arouse people's emotions.

It must be because his body is contaminated with the aura of the apostle of desire. As an animal, his intuition is stronger than that of humans in some aspects.

While thinking, Renekton had already stepped into the herbal shop.

A man in his thirties, with black hair and brown eyes, a chubby, rather round body, stood up from under the counter.

There was still some uneasiness on his round face, and his eyes were almost narrowed to a slit. After looking at Renekton for a while, he curled his lips and said:

"You look a little weak, but there's no big problem."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 383 The Dice of Probability

Renekton twitched the corner of his mouth and looked around the shop casually for a while.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw the chubby animal trainer bending down to find a few light blue bottles from the counter and handing them over. He winked and said with an "I understand you" expression:

"Okay, I have something to go out for today, so I will be closing. There are still a few bottles of remaining potion here. You know how to use it. Just put it to your nose and smell it beforehand. It is very convenient."

"Alternatively, you can pour the medicine into a snuff bottle, so no one knows that you need to take medicine to boost your mood. However, this is inconvenient to store and will waste most of the medicine."

Renekton was speechless for a moment, then took out a few one-pound notes from his pocket and handed them over.

"Hey~ man! Your money is too little, right? It's only enough to buy one bottle." He muttered with some dissatisfaction on his round face.

"Then just one bottle." Renekton said calmly.

He felt that his expression management was about to fail, so he shouldn't come over. He could just wait for this guy to take out the dice of probability.

"Okay~ Really, I thought I could clear out all the remaining goods. I can't use so much by myself."

The fat pharmacist mumbled and handed a light blue vial to Renekton, and put the rest directly into his pocket.

Renekton casually took the small blue bottle handed over by the fat pharmacist and turned around to leave the herbal shop, his figure gradually blending into the darkness of the alley outside.

The fat pharmacist glanced at the direction Renekton left, curled his lips and muttered:

"What a rude guy. Are the quality of adventurers at sea now so poor?"

Behind the fat pharmacist, the fat owl standing on the cabinet lowered his voice and said in a rather alert tone:

"Darkwill, that person just now was terrifying. I just observed him for a while, and then I felt my emotions begin to rise abnormally."

"I know that that guy is probably an extraordinary person. His vitality and spirituality are very active, far beyond ordinary people."

"Bayam is getting more and more dangerous. I have to get out of here, old man."

"The old man should be fine. He has been arrested for so long. If anything happens, it will happen already. Besides, I don't have the ability to rescue him from the Governor's Mansion."


Darkwill mumbled and suddenly sighed.

He stood there quietly for two minutes, then nodded his round head vigorously as if he had made a major decision.

After hastily putting something into his country witch doctor's robe, he took the chubby owl with him, closed the shop door, and walked out of the alley through the shadows.

After he left the alley, there was a sudden distortion in the shadow where the light could not reach, and Renekton, who had just left the folk herbal shop, walked out of it.

"It seems I came just in time." He said to himself with a smile, and then walked out of the alley.

Following his spiritual intuition, he strolled to Enmatt Street.

As soon as he reached the street entrance, a carriage passed quickly in front of him, and a milky-white dice stumbled to his feet, facing upwards.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded the next moment. Renekton raised his eyes slightly and saw Darkwill, who had just sold him an aphrodisiac, tripping himself in an incredible posture and falling to the street. I felt dizzy and couldn't stand up for a while.

"Ha" Renekton chuckled and bent down to pick up the dice with one point pointing upward.

The moment his fingers touched the dice, Darkwill, who was dizzy after falling to the ground, suddenly moved forward a distance, and his chubby palm slapped Renekton's forearm.

The milky-white dice just rolled out of his hand and rolled to a place two or three meters away, with the dazzling point facing upwards tenaciously.

Refuse me? They all rolled to my feet. I thought you wanted to fall into my hands. Renekton straightened his back, but his eyes stayed on the dice with one point pointing upward. At the same time, he was alert to the dangers that might appear around him at any time. Danger. "What are you doing? That's my thing!"

Darkwill's round face showed a ferocious expression due to pain. He stretched out his chubby right hand and firmly grasped the hem of Renekton's dark robe.

Just now, because he saw that the dice he bought for one pound were about to be picked up by someone, he was anxious and moved his body violently, accidentally spraining his waist.


Suddenly, a silvery white lightning shot out of the sky and fell straight down.

Renekton wanted to leave where he was standing the moment his intuition sounded. His robe was held tightly by Darkwill's chin, causing him to pause.

Light blue flames instantly ignited around him, like a cage, and the silvery white lightning fell and solidified in the light blue flames, followed by a violent explosion.

boom! Zila~

Tiny silver-white electric light spread in all directions, causing a sizzling sound.

On the ground directly in front of Renekton, there was a scorched black area, and the masonry was exploded.

Darkwill, who was originally holding his calf, was already anxious, his body was still trembling, and traces of white smoke and burning breath were rising from his body.

Renekton stood in the same position and did not move. Although the lightning that suddenly fell was moved by him, the electric snakes scurrying around him still had a strong paralysis effect.

The intensity of this electric light is a bit high. It is definitely not caused by natural causes. I was discovered? It shouldn't be possible, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as just chopping it.

While he was thinking, the pedestrians around him had skillfully avoided this area, quickly hid in the house, and looked outside through the doors and windows.

The people of the Rhoside Islands have been able to skillfully avoid various unexpected situations. I have contributed a lot to this matter. Renekton calmly cursed in his heart.

A police officer patrolling nearby saw this scene and ran over quickly. He placed his right hand vigilantly on the gun bag on his waist and asked from a distance:

"What are you doing? What happened here?"

"I think this gentleman should be sent to the hospital first. He was seriously injured by the lightning just now."

"As for what happened, it was probably that he was struck by lightning for no apparent reason!"

Renekton glanced at the police officer, and then pointed at Darkwill, who was still holding the hem of his robe with one hand.

The police officer looked at Renekton with alert eyes, as if he was looking at some terrible terrorist. His legs unconsciously took a few steps back, and he said in a serious voice:

"You wait here, other police officers and medical staff will arrive soon."

This is the sea, and people generally believe in the Lord of Storms. Things like being struck by lightning for no reason are basically directly attributed to angering the Lord of Storms, and they are rejected and punished by the gods.

"Okay." Renekton nodded lightly, casually tugged on his dark robe, and pulled the hem out of Darkwill's hand.

A somewhat hesitant look, mixed with surprise and fear, kept lingering on him.

Renekton turned his head and followed his gaze, and saw a chubby owl on a lamppost on one side of the street looking at him with eyes full of human emotions.

He smiled at the owl, and then walked towards the gas lamp pole where it stopped with stiff steps.

The lightning struck just now, and the probability die was knocked away again and landed here. Renekton's eyes were fixed on that dazzling point.

He is already sure that this dice is deliberately making things difficult for him. Wants to drive me away or even kill me with a series of bad luck? Does it sense danger from me? is there any other reason?

"Stop, don't move any more!"

Behind him, the police officer who had been watching him seemed to sense danger and quickly drew the gun from his waist.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 384 Amon! ! !


Two gunshots rang out one after another, and the bullets instantly shot out of the gun barrel and hit Renekton.

The police officer looked at this scene with a somewhat broken expression. He just wanted to warn the other party and had no intention of shooting, but his emotions were so tense just now that he subconsciously pulled the trigger.

Feeling the movement behind him, Renekton didn't hesitate and continued to bend down to pick up the milky white dice under the gas lamppost.

Behind him, an invisible giant hand appeared instantly, intercepting two bullets one after the other in mid-air.


The second bullet hit the first bullet, and with a strange coincidence, the first bullet broke through the blockage of the invisible giant hand, passed under the index finger of Renekton's right hand, and hit the milky white bullet on the ground. Roll the dice and knock it far away.

Renekton stood up helplessly. He felt that he had tried his best to prevent him from getting the dice.

"You don't want to fall into the hands of the Church of Storms, right?"

Renekton lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"What a coincidence! We meet again."

"Huh? After you separated the characteristics of the reader's pathway in your body, did you finally see clearly the true face of the traitorous dragon?"

"Do you want to consider becoming my favored one?"

A somewhat joking voice came from behind, greeting Renekton in a familiar voice.

Renekton's movements froze for a moment without looking back. The moment he heard the voice, he had already sketched in his mind a figure with a monocle on his right eye.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with me. Do you want to consider the proposal I just made?"

Amon's voice sounded teasingly behind Renekton. It was obvious that he had just achieved the effect of "mind-reading" by stealing thoughts and ideas.

Renekton turned around with a complicated mood. In the process, a pure light of deep blue and almost purple lingered in his eyes, giving people an unusually sacred and wise feeling, but also seemed quite cold and without warmth.

He tilted his head slightly and said in a voice without any emotion:

"In order to prevent me from getting it, this dice really tried its best, even you were pulled over."

While speaking, he summoned an invisible hand to pick up the dice of probability that rolled aside.

The moment the invisible hand touched the dice of probability, another silver-white electric snake suddenly fell from the sky.

"I noticed an anomaly in the fate of this area, but I didn't expect it to be caused by this little thing."

"It's really interesting. Tell me, should I hand you over to that stupid big snake?"

The police officer holding a gun and guarding Renekton tilted his head, and then turned the pistol in his hand. As if by magic, the pistol turned into a milky-white dice in his hand.

As he finished speaking, the milky-white dice suddenly fell from His hand. After shaking on the ground for a few times, it stopped steadily, with six o'clock pointing upward!

"Oh, that's really interesting!"

Amon's voice came out from the police officer's mouth. He put his left hand into his pocket, fumbled for a crystal-carved monocle, and put it on his right eye.

The next moment, his image was distorted in Renekton's eyes, like an old TV set whose signal suddenly failed.

When he recovered, the original image of the police officer had changed into the image of a classical wizard wearing a classic black robe, a broad forehead, a thin face, and a tall black top hat.

He reached out and pinched the distinctive monocle crystal glasses on his right eye, showed a very friendly smile and said:

"It seems that I have much better luck than you."

As Amon finished speaking, Renekton felt that the other person's aura suddenly expanded a lot, directly raising his aura to the demigod level.

Renekton glanced at the milky white dice lying quietly on the ground with an expressionless expression. He felt that such a dice deserved a beating.

This dice brought him a batch of cloned insects of time? Or did a nearby clone just find an item that the thief found?

"I just happened to find a doppelgänger in Bayam's Punisher team recently. He also likes to wear monocles, and I have a close relationship!"

Amon answered Renekton's questions in an unhurried voice, even though he didn't ask at all.

"So, your clone just got a sealed artifact controlled by the Church of Storms?"

As he spoke, Renekton's eyes fell on Darkwill lying between the two of them. He gently poked his fingers, creating pieces of starlight that blended into Darkwill's body.

"Cough! Cough!" Darkwill, who was lying on the ground and had fallen into a coma, suddenly coughed violently, causing saliva to fly everywhere, covering half of his face, as if his lungs were about to be coughed out.

After a moment, he coughed up a small translucent worm that was as long as a thumb and had 12 completely transparent links, and fell to the ground along his barely visible jawline.

As the worm of time was coughed out, Darkwill became quiet again, as if he had entered a wonderful sleep, with a trace of saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Darkwill turning from coma to sleep, Renekton raised his right hand slightly wordlessly and pushed forward.

Following his movements, bright stars emerged one after another. They spread out pieces of starlight and connected with each other to form a whole.

These stars surged forward quickly, carrying Darkwill's unconscious body away from the street.

Renekton withdrew his gaze, looked at Amon who was standing opposite him and chuckled:

"There's no need to parasitize such irrelevant people, right? Anyway, if we fight, don't you still have to recycle these Time Insects?"

"If this is your request, of course it's okay. I'm usually very kind to the people I like."

Amon responded with a noncommittal smile.

Are you sure the person you are interested in is not your doppelganger reserve? We have been chatting calmly for so long. How many ideas have been stolen from me? Without the characteristics of the prophet, it is really inconvenient at this time.

As his thoughts turned, he heard Amon's voice clearly appear in his ears:

"It's not a lot. I just stole the twelve different ways of coping that you listed in your mind."

"But I think that's not all. After all, you are still very calm both in appearance and in your heart."

Renekton suddenly felt like he was frightened. Before he noticed it, Amon had already walked up to him and talked into his ear. Or maybe he had noticed it, but the corresponding reaction was stolen.

His mind froze for a moment, Renekton turned his head and looked at Amon, and said in a leisurely tone:

"Bayam happened to have an angel from the Church of Storms staying recently, and he also carried a level 0 sealed object."

"so what?"

"You want me to steal that level 0 sealed item from the angels of the Angry People?"

Amon took a step back and said with a lack of interest.

Renekton raised his lips, shook his head slightly and said:

"Of course not, you are just a demigod-level clone."

"How about we steal the Church of the Waves?"

Amon's eyes flashed slightly, revealing a hint of danger. He was obviously just a demigod-level clone, but it gave Renekton the feeling of facing the pressure of an angel.

Renekton suddenly froze for a moment, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

The next moment, he saw Amon shaking the monocle he was wearing, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Angleweed? That fat lizard with a short neck and short legs has come back to life?"

Amon's description made Renekton subconsciously conjure up the image of Angelweed's dragon form, and he felt that the other person's description made sense.

Led by his words, Renekton quickly reacted and wiped the thoughts from his mind.

Amon didn't pay attention to Renekton's reaction, as if he saw something interesting, he slightly raised the corners of his lips and said:

"It's really like that. It's interesting. Among the few ancient dragons that are still alive, are there clones left by him? Is it Alex? Or is it Eric Hog?"

"It looks like it's that chatty old lizard from Eric Hog."

Amon's words seemed to have some kind of magic, always bringing up Renekton's emotions just right, allowing him to confirm his guesses.

There's something wrong. I shouldn't be easily aroused to so many emotions in my almost sage state. Thinking of something, Renekton flapped his left hand twice on his waist without touching the transparent amber pendant.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Amon chuckled lightly, and in front of Renekton, he took out a transparent amber containing a black mist from the inner pocket of his classical robe.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 385 Proposal

Renekton stared expressionlessly at the Apostle of Desire trait that Amon held in his hand. He put his right hand into his pocket and took out the Wheel of Fortune card. After confirming that it had not been replaced by Amon, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Wheel of Fortune card among the cards of blasphemy? No wonder you can find dice like this."

"Don't worry, I don't need this kind of thing. It's of no use to me. I understand all the twenty-two paths of God. As for its ability to gather, it's even more useless to me. As long as I want, I can do it at any time. Find that big dumb snake."

Amon chuckled, looking at the Wheel of Fortune with eyes full of disdain.

Renekton did not refute Amon's words. At the opponent's level, the blasphemy card is really useless. Unless it is the blasphemy card corresponding to the Fool and the Gate, it can still have some dispensable effect on him.

Renekton looked at Amon with curiosity and asked:

"Do you know where the wrong card is?"

"I know. If you become my favored one, I will tell you, and I can also help you steal the characteristics of the master of prophecy in your body and make you a teacher of deception."

Amon spoke with a bewitching voice.

The deep blue-to-purple light in Renekton's eyes swayed slightly, as if he couldn't resist the temptation.

After a moment of relief, he blocked out the influence of the Desire Apostle's characteristics on his emotions and opened his mouth.

Boom! Boom!

Rolling thunder suddenly sounded, followed by streaks of silver sliding down from the sky, falling straight to where Renekton and Amon were.

The next moment, these silvery white lights lost all traces, as if they had never appeared.

Renekton's eyes fell on the milky white dice on the ground. The number on it had turned into one at some point.

His eyes fell on Amon, and his voice did not fluctuate as he said:

"This die is stabbing you in the back."

Amon glanced at the probability dice on the ground and said in a calm voice:

"The Church of Storms came after your aura. No wonder you didn't react at all to me holding the attribute of the Desire Apostle."

While he was speaking, the dice of probability on the ground struggled to spin again.

Six o'clock up!

It was as if he was trying his best to please Amon.

A guy with less spine than Arrodes!

Cursing in his heart, Renekton turned his head and looked at Amon and said:

"The angel from the Church of Storms will come soon with the sealed artifact. Most of their eyes are on me. Do you really not consider stealing the Church of Waves?"

Amon looked at Renekton with great interest, pinched the crystal monocle with his right hand, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth:

"As you said, I am just a demigod-level clone. Are you sure you want me to steal the Church of Waves instead of sending me underground under the Church of Waves?"

"Or can you give me a reason why I can't refuse?"

Renekton kept turning the Wheel of Fortune card with his right hand, and bits of starlight fell from the card, as if a seal had been lifted, and the Wheel of Fortune card revealed its original appearance.

His eyes fell on the probability dice on the ground. Seeing that the dice had no reaction at all to the Wheel of Fortune card in his hand, he took two steps forward and held the Wheel of Fortune upright in front of his eyes, as if looking through it. He said leisurely as if looking at something:

"Tell me, if I recite the name that points to the Key of Light here, can I establish a connection with it? By then, you may be completely alive, with another identity."

The dice of probability lying quietly on the ground started to turn unsteadily and kept turning, as if it didn't know what point it should point up.

Renekton quietly watched the dice spinning further and further away from him, with a smile on his lips. He recited softly in ancient Hermes:

"Endless chaos, the incarnation of fate"

Just after reciting two sentences, the dice of probability rolled neatly to his feet. After hitting the sole, it swayed backwards and stopped, revealing a four-point. At the moment when it was about to stop, the dice didn't know where it was. With all the strength, he rolled around again, finally facing up at six o'clock!

Pieces of starlight filled the air in Renekton's hand, and instantly shrank and covered the Wheel of Fortune card, covering up the special features of the Wheel of Fortune card.

He bent down and picked up the dice from the ground with a smile, turned to look at Amon and said, "With this probability die fixed at six o'clock, I can't think of any reason for failure."

"Don't you think it's funny to make the Storm Lord so angry that he jumps to his feet, but he can do nothing about you?"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The person who responded to his words was not Amon, but thick bolts of lightning that fell from high in the sky.

These lightning bolts carried an almost substantial aura of destruction and scattered like rain, but they happened to miss Renekton's location.

"You succeeded in convincing me, even though I have already done this kind of thing."

"Not only the furious people, but also the dazzling and noisy sun, were also so angry with me that I pulled the carriage around the planet more than a dozen times."

Amon's figure suddenly appeared in front of Renekton, recounting the glorious deeds he had done as if showing off.

In a forest outlined by silvery white lightning, Amon glanced at the sky shrouded in dark clouds with a playful smile, then withdrew his gaze and stretched out a hand to put on Renekton's shoulder.

The next moment, the two figures suddenly disappeared from the spot.

In the square outside the Church of the Waves, the figures of Amon and Renekton suddenly appeared, as if they teleported directly from a very far away place.

The surrounding pedestrians, whether ordinary people or extraordinary people, did not notice anything unusual at all, as if they did not notice the two figures that suddenly appeared here.

Renekton's eyes looked around, and he was sure that his figure was caught in the eyes of the people around him, but they always subconsciously ignored him. Did he directly steal the sense of existence?

Enmat Street is not close to here. Amon can steal our position so easily and adjust it here. Does he also have a clone here?

As his thoughts turned, he had already followed Amon's steps to the door of Wave Church.

Bayam has been a bit depressed recently, but the number of believers coming to the Church of the Waves to pray has continued to increase. Believers and clergymen are passing by Renekton. Without exception, they all ignore the people who stop at the door of the church. Renekton.

Amon raised the corners of his lips slightly and looked at the Wave Church in front of him as if he was looking at his belongings.

The roofs of the church buildings all look like spires, like a dark blue arrow pointing straight into the sky. Under the pressure of dark clouds, they look even more majestic and sacred.

Amon took a deep look into the Church of the Waves, and said with a little playfulness in his voice:

"Actually, I'm more interested in stealing the betrayal dragon's church. That brooding old dragon has never been truly angered by me."

Renekton played with the milky white probability die with his left hand and responded in a calm voice:

"People in the Church of Knowledge are known for their rationality. There is no point in teasing this group of angry people from a church that steals knowledge."

"That's right, developing you into my favored one is much more interesting than stealing His church."

Amon said as Renekton chuckled.

"." Renekton was silent for a moment, then ignored the topic and said:

"Do you need help luring those people out of the church?"

Amon raised his hand and pressed the monocle on his right eye, and said in a expectant tone:

"No, it's more fun this way."

"It's a pity that the angel of the angry people is not here, otherwise the scene would be more interesting!"

If that angel were here, both of us would have been drowned by lightning right now. Renekton cursed in his heart.

The dice of probability held in his left hand was thrown to Amon at will. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand to take out an illusory hat from the void and put it on his head.

His figure disappeared instantly, hiding all traces.

".Mysterious reappearance? Interesting spell."

"If I want to steal all your magic abilities, it seems like it will take a lot of effort."

(End of this chapter)