

Chapter 131 Tobacco Merchant

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 131 Tobacco Merchant

  Renekton, who returned to the house across the street, did not choose to rest, but went out again with the crow Anu.

The weather has been gloomy today, with not a trace of moonlight penetrating the clouds, and only the dim streetlights dispersing a small amount of darkness on the streets.

The night is dark and windy, suitable for living corpses to appear!

The figures of Renekton and Crow Anu were in a cemetery on the outskirts of the Eastern District, followed by five or six living corpses with varying degrees of decay. In a cemetery without street lights, this scene seemed particularly eerie.

Renekton sprinkled a piece of fine translucent white powder, which quickly spread in the air and turned into a bright, but not dazzling, ripple, illuminating the cemetery.


The crow Anu called twice at the top of his lungs and flew away with wings fluttering from Renekton's shoulder. Sprinkle some pungent herbal powder within the illuminated area.

Crow Anu skillfully placed the ritual materials in the correct location. After the ritual arrangement was completed, Renekton shook his spirituality and lit the candles.

With the assistance of the ritual, the crow Anu controlled the living corpses following him, causing them to disperse and start digging their own graves in the cemetery.

After the tomb was dug, the crow Anu controlled the living corpses to lie down in their own tomb. Later, with the assistance of the ritual, the aura of death was removed from the living corpses, turning them back into quiet corpses.

Then he communicated with the surrounding spirits and asked them to help bury the newly dug grave with soil.

The crow Anu landed on a tombstone next to Renekton, waving its wings excitedly and saying:

"Boss! Nearly one-third of my Gravedigger potion has been digested!"

"However, I feel that there are still some incomplete parts in the performance."

"The progress is good. I will be promoted to a psychic in a month or two."

Renekton nodded slightly. This crow was particularly talented in the path of death.

Then he sprinkled the iron-black material, summoned an invisible giant hand, collected the soil scattered on the ground, and threw it into an unobtrusive corner. He also made some cover to ensure that digging graves in the middle of the night would not be discovered. .

After dealing with the traces at the scene, Renekton reached out and grabbed one of the crow's wings, turned around and reached into the spirit world. Then he appeared in the Hillstown area and blended into the crowd without any sense of disobedience.

As the economic center, Hillston District has a bustling night market and the entire block is brightly lit.

Men and women dressed in fashionable clothes are walking on the streets. There are high-income earners working here, as well as tourists and pedestrians out for fun. Horse-drawn carriages and various strange machines emerge in endlessly, perfectly interpreting the prosperity of Backlund.

Renekton was holding a newly purchased birdcage in his hand. The birdcage was open casually, and the crow Anu stood inside, looking around curiously.

Because of the sudden prophecy, Renekton had no appetite to continue eating the previous dinner. After a busy session, Renekton felt a little hungry again. I skillfully walked to the food court with various snacks and late-night snacks, and bought a large bag of late-night snacks.

Carrying the purchased food, Renekton prepared to find a place with few people and travel directly back to Minsk Street through the spirit world.

Walking out of the densely populated neighborhood, Renekton was about to take advantage of the opportunity to step into the spirit world while avoiding the sight of the surrounding pedestrians. Anu, the crow who was originally standing in the open birdcage, fell straight to the ground.

The little body was still trembling, as if it had encountered something extremely terrifying.

Renekton did not check the situation of the crows on the ground, but followed his intuition and looked to his side and behind.

A well-dressed middle-aged gentleman with outstanding temperament looked towards him with curiosity.

The middle-aged gentleman has bronze skin, black and white hair and extremely rare black pupils. He wears a loose black fur coat and is of medium height. On her hand was a very conspicuous black-red ring set with gems.

Renekton's voyeuristic eyes allowed him to see more.

They were greenish-black scales and pure white feathers. Each feather and each scale had strange symbols of different shapes.

Just as Renekton continued to watch, wanting to see more, his own spirituality suddenly warned him that something extremely terrifying would come at the next moment.

Renekton immediately lowered his head and looked away, no longer looking at the middle-aged gentleman.

One of the secret-peeping rules summarized by Renekton: restrain your strong curiosity and don't try to pry into the unknown and secrets you don't understand.

(Experiences and lessons from my own captain!)

He returned his gaze to Anu, the crow lying on the ground, and checked its condition. Apart from a layer of fear still hanging over its mental body, there were no other problems with it.

"This crow is very interesting. It may have a very unusual life experience."

A very gentle and friendly voice came.

Renekton looked up following the sound and saw the middle-aged gentleman approaching. He nodded slightly, but kept his eyes away from the front and looked into the other person's eyes.

There was nothing wrong with the other party's eyes, but Renekton's intuition kept him alert to the other party's eyes. It seemed that his secretive eyes would see things that were normally invisible, which would bring unpredictable dangers. "Sir, do you know a lot about birds? Are you a biological expert?"

Renekton's casual conversation made the situation less awkward.

"I didn't expect me to have such an academic temperament, but unfortunately, I'm just a businessman."

There was an appropriate look of regret on the other person's face.

After saying this, the middle-aged gentleman squatted down and put the shivering crow that fell on the ground back into the birdcage in Renekton's hand.

After doing all this, the middle-aged gentleman breathed a sigh of relief and said:

  "Sorry, I accidentally scared your crow just now."

"It's okay, there's nothing wrong with it anymore."

Renekton shook his head slightly and replied.

The gentle-spoken middle-aged gentleman opposite him was probably a high-sequence powerhouse in the path of death. Renekton estimated that the man was probably a demigod or above. Otherwise, it would be difficult to scare the crow like this without him noticing.

"Can I ask out of curiosity, where did you buy or meet this crow?"

The middle-aged gentleman asked in a very polite tone.

Renekton restrained himself from raising his eyebrows and showed some doubts:

"Sir, why are you so interested in this crow?"

"I met it by chance in the Backlund Bridge area. It snatched the bread from my hand. I caught it later and I kept it with me."

The middle-aged gentleman had a look of understanding when he heard this. It was unclear whether he believed Renekton's explanation, but a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded slightly and said:

  "It seems that you two are very destined. It has some unusual bloodline. Although it is thin, if you can cultivate it well, it may be able to return to its ancestors in the future."

"Unusual bloodline?"

Renekton repeated in a low voice, already having related conjectures in his mind.

Then he looked at the middle-aged gentleman and bowed slightly:

  "Thank you for the reminder. After chatting for so long, I still don't know what to call you, sir!"

"Pluck Eggers, a tobacco merchant from the Southern Continent."

"It's a pity that you are not a person who likes tobacco. You don't have the smell of tobacco. Otherwise, I would give you a copy of my favorite tobacco. Believe me, it is worth collecting!"

Pluck Eggers introduced his identity in a gentle tone, and only showed a different look of fascination when he talked about tobacco.

Renekton was a little surprised by the other party's surname. Backlund was really a magical place. You could meet a royal descendant of the Balam Empire just walking on the street.

Renekton suppressed his surprised expression and only showed a slightly surprised look in his eyes as he said:

  "Eggs! From the Southern Continent, Mr. Plaque, you are indeed a great nobleman."

"He's just a fringe member. His identity as a businessman comes before this."

Prak Eggers only explained a little, without saying much, but he also did not deny his identity as a descendant of the royal family of the Balam Empire.

Renekton nodded slightly and did not continue to ask about this topic. Over a long period of time, even the royal family of the Balam Empire must have become several internal factions. It is normal for some of them to be excluded.

Anu, the crow in the birdcage, has recovered and is looking around cautiously in the cage. He seemed unaware that the influence he had just received came from the middle-aged gentleman in front of him.

"Mr. Plunk, my name is Al Tynes. I am from Fenebor. I have just arrived in Backlund recently."

"I think it's time for me to leave."

As he spoke, Renekton also picked up the recovered crow in his hand and the midnight snack in the bag in his other hand.

"Well, if you have any questions about tobacco, you can ask me at any time. If you come to me to buy tobacco, I will give you a more favorable price than others, haha."

Pluck Eggers became particularly enthusiastic and energetic when he talked about tobacco.

After Renekton said goodbye to Pluck Eggers, he walked some distance forward, turned into a small alley, and then stepped into the spiritual world and left the Hillston area.

Pluck Eggers, who left in the opposite direction, paused slightly after Renekton entered the spirit world, and then walked forward nonchalantly. He seemed to have thought of something happy, and there was a smile on his lips. .

"A very interesting young man with an interesting crow."

". It seems that I have been away from home for too long. When I see young people, I tend to think of my own children. Maybe it's time to go back and see that boy who has a gloomy face all day long."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 132 Dream


Chapter 132 Dream

In the house opposite No. 15 Minsk Street, Renekton's figure carrying a birdcage was quickly sketched.

The crow Anu looked like he had returned to the safe zone, flapping his wings quickly and flew to the shelf where he usually stayed.

"You didn't even tell me the address. Are you sure I can find him, or are you sure I won't go find him?"

Renekton threw down the birdcage he was holding, leaned on the sofa and muttered to himself, and then turned his attention to Anu, the crow who had recovered:

  "What did you see before? Or what did you feel?"

"I don't know either. I suddenly felt like I was being stared at by a terrifying sight. I couldn't move, and I couldn't raise the consciousness of resistance."

Recalling his previous feelings, Crow Anu couldn't help but shudder again.

Renekton nodded without being too surprised. The tobacco merchant who called himself Prak Eggers should be a high-sequence Beyonder in the path of Death.

As for why he was interested in a crow, the other party had already made it obvious.

Reminiscent of the crow Anu said when he was first promoted, he saw a huge bird. Renekton guessed that Anu's unusual bloodline refers to the phoenix.

Thinking of this, Renekton turned his head again and looked at the crow on the shelf:

  "Do you still remember that huge bird you saw when you were promoted?"

"Remember, the black feathers are very big. No matter how I look, I can only see feathers."

Crow Anu nodded and described the scene he saw before.

"If you see relevant scenes in the future, remember to tell me, whether it's the scene when you were promoted or the scene you saw in your sleep and dreams."

After alerting the crow Anu, Renekton returned to the bedroom on the second floor and prepared to sleep.

In the quiet night, Renekton felt that he saw a long river with no end in sight. He was on a wooden boat, holding a lantern. There was a boatman in front of him wearing a tattered black robe. Punting ferry.

Thick gray-white fog filled every direction around, making it impossible to identify the direction or even know where you were.

The boatman standing in front gave Renekton a very familiar feeling. With curiosity constantly rising in his heart, Renekton moved the lantern closer, trying to see the boatman clearly through the dim light. .

The boatman who was punting the boat slowly turned around as if he felt something. Under the dim light of the lantern, Renekton saw the rusty paper body under the tattered black robe of coarse cloth.

The next moment, the paper man was torn apart from the inside, and eyes glowing with blue-purple light came out one after another. All the pupils looked at Renekton who was holding the lantern.

The screen suddenly shattered, and Renekton suddenly sat up from the bed, breathing heavily.

The moment he saw the paper man, he couldn't help but think that it was him. Renekton even felt that he should look like that.

"It's so weird. What on earth is going on?"

Renekton muttered to himself.

Several minutes passed, and after he calmed down, Renekton began to try to interpret his dream:

"The long river with no end, as well as the boats and the boatmen on them, are they the ferrymen leading to the third sequence of the Path of Death?"

"I don't know why the gray mist reminds me of Tianzun's seal on the Western Continent."

"The weirdest one is the paper man boatman. The eyes drilled out of his body fit the image of a hermit. But why are there paper men and they are covered with rust?"

"Is this dream a foreshadowing or a revelation about my own state?"

Because the sage characteristics in his body are constantly integrating with himself, Renekton has no doubt that his dream is an alternative kind of revelation or prediction.

But I don't have much clue about the interpretation of dreams.

"Perhaps you can find someone who is good at interpreting dreams."

Renekton murmured, and then mentally listed everyone he knew, but in the end he eliminated them one by one.

The nightmares of the Insomniac path are better at interpreting dreams, but I only know one nightmare, Leonard, who is probably still training at the headquarters of the Church of the Night, so it is inconvenient to meet him.

Disturbed by the strange dream just now, Renekton felt that he had no sleep at all. He simply got out of bed, pulled up a chair, and sat by the window.

The crimson moon showed some figures from the thick clouds, and the crimson moonlight was hazy and dim.

Renekton stared at the night outside the window and further analyzed the dream just now:

"I happened to meet Plak Eggers, a descendant of the God of Death, not long ago. He should be of a high rank, maybe a ferryman of rank three."

"So, part of my dream is pointing to him?"

"The ferryman usually also has the meaning of coordination or medium. What does it coordinate in the dream? And who is the medium between whom?" "Me and the paper man boatman?"

"The gray mist may not only correspond to certain external characteristics, but also correspond to my own confused state."

"Perhaps you can ask the Yellow Light Venitan. He is a symbol of the astrological field. He should have some insights into this kind of dream with certain revelations."

Renekton always felt that there were some omissions and inaccuracies in his interpretation of dreams. When thinking about the characteristics and corresponding symbols of dreams, he thought of the yellow light Venitan.

Thinking that the association might be a revelation given to him by spirituality, Renekton immediately took action.

Search the room to find ritual candles and various essential oils, materials, and corresponding gemstones "emeralds." After quickly arranging the ceremony, Renekton stretched out his fingers and gently rubbed the candle twice. Through the friction and vibration of his own spirituality, he lit the candle.

Add a drop of essential oil to the candle flame, and the bedroom is instantly filled with the smell of licorice.

Renekton quickly stood up, took a step back, and chanted:

"The eternal light of the spiritual world, the embodiment of endless knowledge, the yellow of reason and adaptability."

The candle flickered violently, and the temperature in the bedroom dropped a little. Invisible ripples swayed from the all-knowing eye in the center of the ceremony, and even the crimson moonlight shining in from the window was blocked.

The image of a thin old man wearing lemon yellow robes and a long white beard is outlined in the herbal powder blown up by the invisible wind.

"Good evening! Respect Mr. Venetan!"

Renekton greeted the opponent skillfully.

"Good evening, Your Excellency, the Blessed One of Knowledge, why are you looking for me this time to ask?"

Huangguang Wenitan seemed to have expected it. After saying hello, he directly asked what Renekton needed to ask.

Renekton was not surprised by this. The yellow light Venetan was a symbol of the field of astrology, and prophecy was what he was best at.

After organizing the language a little, he told Huang Guangweinitan about his previous dream and some of his guesses and analysis of the dream, and asked for his opinions.

Huangguang Wenitan pondered for a moment, then said after careful consideration:

  "As you might think, the dream you have has something to do with the descendant of the God of Death you met who claims to be a tobacco merchant, but it is not the main reason. This should be just an introduction."

"A hook?"

Renekton asked curiously.


"Your behavior of playing the gravedigger with that crow made you tainted with some aura from the realm of the dead. Later, you met the descendant of the god of death, and you were tainted with some of his aura, as well as the aura of the crow. Phoenix bloodline."

"The combination of these conditions produces a wonderful reaction, which is just captured by your own spirituality."

"This triggered certain qualities in you, prophetic qualities, forming this rather visionary dream."

Huang Guangweinitan explained in detail the reason why he had this dream.

Renekton nodded thoughtfully. Some of his characteristics should be pointing to the characteristics of the Sage in Sequence Two.

Then he raised doubts about the ferryman:

"The scene and image of the ferryman appear in my dream. Does that mean that Mr. Plunk Eggers is a ferryman in sequence three of the Path of Death?"


"This scene should also have another meaning. The gray fog covering the surroundings is like a barrier, and the ferry symbolizes the medium. At the end of the gray fog, there are things closely related to you."

"In addition to symbolizing the ferryman, the boatman also has this direction. The eyes represent peeping, and the paper figure represents a substitute."

"This dream may have more meanings, but you need to analyze it yourself."

"That's my hunch about this!"

Regarding the last premonition that Yellow Light Venitan mentioned, Renekton was more inclined to think that it was a prophecy he had about this matter.

After thinking about and digesting Yellow Light Venetan's words, Renekton politely thanked the other party and ended the exchange.

After cleaning up the remnants of the ceremony, Renekton lay back on the bed and fell asleep again while there was still some time before dawn.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 133 New members of the Tarot Club


Chapter 133 New members of the Tarot Club

  The next day was another Monday of the new week. Renekton was looking forward to today's Tarot session. Rosago had already finished giving away people's heads. In this Tarot session, he could meet Klein's Mr. World. .

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a crimson wave of light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, gradually flooding my sight.

When he regained his vision, the scene in front of Renekton had turned into a palace like a giant's residence above the gray fog.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool. Good afternoon, Mr. White Tower."

Audrey happily greeted every member of the Tarot Club until her eyes came to the end of the long bronze table, where sat a figure wearing a black hooded robe. This figure is equally illusory and hazy.

Audrey cast her eyes with some confusion and joy at Mr. Fool who was sitting at the top of the long bronze table.

She didn't expect that someone new would join so soon. It had only been two weeks since Mr. Baita joined.

This shows that our Tarot Society is developing rapidly! Audrey, you will also be the patriarch of the Tarot Club from now on.

Audrey's thoughts were racing. Before she could ask the new member's code name, Mr. Fool, who was sitting at the top, spoke:

"This is the new member, Mr. World."

Renekton looked at Mr. Fool's trumpet with curiosity, a faint purple fluorescence flashing in his eyes.

"You can't see much, but it feels a bit fake, like a puppet on strings. Klein shouldn't be able to achieve dual-thread operation, otherwise Mr. World's movements wouldn't be so stiff."

"But except for people like me who already know that the world is a small place, they don't dare to think about it."

After Renekton's thoughts were active for a while, he lowered his gaze again and stopped looking at more things. At the same time, he said hello to the new member:

  "Good afternoon, Mr. World."

"If you have features that you need to sell, you can consider me. As a friend, I will give you a friendly price!"

"Good afternoon! I will."

Under the control of Mr. Fool, Trumpet World responded hoarsely and without any fluctuations in tone.

Klein, who was sitting at the top, shrouded in gray mist, glanced at Mr. Baita who was greeting his trumpet with a slight hesitation. He somewhat suspected that the other party was testing him.

He is doubting that this trumpet in the world is Klein Moretti?

Why? Is it because of the codename World or because the position I arranged for World is at the bottom of the long bronze table?

Audrey on the side has been looking at this new member curiously. She feels that the other person has always been very calm and rational, and she has not observed any information from this Mr. World.

"Good afternoon, Mr. World."

Audrey greeted the other party politely.

The Hanged Man and Little Sun also greeted the new member World respectively, and today's Tarot Club officially began.

Klein the Fool, who was sitting at the top, turned his gaze to Audrey and said:

  "The two candidates proposed by you are still under investigation."

Then she gave Miss Justice an inspection mission and asked her to pass it on to the two candidates she proposed.

Then he started operating his trumpet again. After looking around, Mr. World said in a hoarse voice:

  "Mr. Fool told me that tasks and materials can be issued here, right?"

"Yes, only you can pay a sufficient price. Even if we can't do it, there will still be Mr. Fool and his favored ones!"

Renekton responded in a not particularly serious tone.

"Gentlemen, next is the reading time for Mr. Fool."

Justice Audrey spoke up to remind the two people who had a tendency to continue chatting.

"Miss Justice is so spirited of ownership." Klein sighed in his heart, and then looked at Mr. Hanged Man sitting opposite Miss Justice.

Mr. The Hanged Man, who had remained silent and secretly observing because of the new members, saw the look Mr. Fool was looking at and quickly saluted.

Then he gathered his energy, recalled the contents of the diary that he had remembered, and with the help of Mr. Fool, he materialized it.

These diaries suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared in Klein's hands.

Renekton did not catch a glimpse of the content of this diary, but judging from the length of time Klein read it, there should be a lot of effective content in this diary.

After reading all the diaries, Klein calmed down his emotions a little, looked at Renekton to the side and said:

"Mr. Baita, you have completed the task of assassinating Beclang, and your reward will be given to you by my beloved in batches over the next period of time."

Still at sea, the Hanged Man didn't have such a fast news flow. He turned his head and glanced at Renekton in shock. However, due to the tall figure of the little sun sitting between the two of them, the Hanged Man was unable to observe Renekton's details. Condition.

I can only be slightly shocked in my heart by the strength of Mr. Baita.

"He is at least Sequence Six, and more likely Sequence Five. Otherwise, it would be impossible to assassinate an ambassador in such a short period of time and still retreat successfully."

Seeing that the scene had calmed down, Klein resumed control of his trumpet world.

"Ahem! Can I speak now?" Without waiting for anyone to respond, Klein continued to control the world and continued:

"I hope to get the true rhizome of the Mist Tree Man, and at least 60 ml of the corresponding juice, as well as the medulla crystal of the Elf Fountain City, and all the spinal fluid of the evil-striped black panther."

"What do you want me to give you in exchange?"

Renekton was a little confused. He remembered that the magician's formula did not contain the elven spring's medulla crystal. This should be the material of the medicine master path.

"It's very cautious. In fact, there is no need to be so defensive at all. There are too few extraordinary people in the diviner path, and most people can't tell what these materials are for!"

Renekton commented in his mind, but did not answer. He himself had no access to extraordinary materials other than the church.

In the end, Little Sun, who was living in the Silver City where there were many monsters, accepted the request for materials from the Mist Tree Men, hoping to get a weapon suitable for him as a reward.

"The psychiatrist's magic potion formula and the corresponding extraordinary materials"

"The magic potion formula of the Six Winds Blessed in the Sailor Path Sequence"

Then Miss Justice and the Hanged Man also said what they needed, if a deal could be reached.


Shijie answered in a low voice, and then said:

  "I have another commission."

"I hope to get information on all the ruined nobles of the Loen Kingdom. The more detailed the better."

Miss Justice, who is a Loen noble, was stunned for a moment, and then tentatively asked with some vigilance:

  "What do you want to do?"

The world controlled by Klein laughed hoarsely:

"You don't need to worry. I'm just looking for something and will not cause any harm to them. You can ask Mr. Fool to be your witness."

Audrey couldn't read much from a dummy and could only rely on her own judgment and thinking to answer:

"I know some information about the ruined nobles, but it's not detailed enough. I need some time to complete it and give it to you before the next Tarot session, okay?"

"no problem."

The World responded in a low voice and spoke again:

  "What do you want to be paid?"

"What I can pay for is: some hidden history of the Fourth Age, knowledge about some extraordinary pathways, and some potion recipes."

"But this needs to be equivalent to the information of those ruined nobles, or you can also make some other requests."

After thinking carefully for a while, Audrey chose to communicate with Mr. World alone.

Renekton, who had always been isolated from communicating alone, was quite disappointed. He couldn't even think of being a quiet melon-eater.

Renekton then turned his attention to the Hanged Man, who was also isolated from communicating alone. He chuckled and said:

  "Mr. Hanged Man, I know the main ingredients of Wind Blessed's potion and the corresponding playing rules. I wonder if you need it?"

Alger the Hanged Man hesitated for a moment:

  "Only the main material?"

"Only the main ingredients, but if you can pay enough, I can also help you ask for the complete potion formula."

Renekton nodded and replied.

As for the complete potion formula, Renekton believed that both Mr. Huang and the mysterious Queen Bernadette should know it.

The former belongs to an angel from a similar path, and the latter even keeps in captivity the Obnis sea monster needed for the Sea Singer's promotion ceremony, and obviously also masters some of the magic potion formulas of the sailor path.

Renekton felt that the four pirate kings on the sea had more or less a certain grasp of the sailor path. After all, the ancient name for sailors was "Sea Favorite". People who lived on the sea must train sailors under their command.

Alger, the Hanged Man, was stunned for a moment. After listening to the other party's answer, he seemed to be very sure of getting the Wind Blessed One's magic potion formula.

After thinking for a moment, he asked:

  "If I need the complete potion recipe, what will it cost?"

"It depends on what the other party wants. I can help you ask, are you sure you need to get the formula of the Wind Blesser from me? I am not sure what the other party's conditions are."

Renekton reminded the Hanged Man.

"Can you help me first ask what the other party's conditions are, and then I will consider whether to trade?"

"I will pay you regardless of whether the deal is concluded or not."

The Hanged Man made a quick decision.

"Okay." Renekton nodded, another small income.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 134 A chance encounter in the cemetery

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 134 A chance encounter in the cemetery

  After Renekton and Alger the Hanged Man also reached a deal outside, it didn't take long before they heard the sound of Mr. Fool at the top tapping the long bronze table, indicating the separate communication between Miss Justice and Mr. World. Finish.

Then, under the control of Klein, Mr. World spoke again:

  "I have one more question."

"I want to know if there are any high-sequence strong men in the Sauron family in Intis."

Renekton was a little curious and didn't think of the use of Klein's information on the Sauron family. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I didn't know if there were any angels in the Sauron family, but there was a high probability that there were.

He raised his hand slightly to answer Mr. World's question, but then he heard a tapping sound from the top of the long bronze table.

"Let me answer this question, what can you pay me?"

The world under Klein's control then spoke:

  "One recipe, one recipe for Sequence Seven."

"Okay." Klein, shrouded in gray fog, replied.

Then he created an environment where he and his trumpet were alone.

Renekton sat in his seat and raised his eyebrows slightly. The left hand he was about to raise supported his body and changed his position on the seat. He quietly watched Klein perform a self-question and answer program.

After a while, after Klein ended his private communication, he manipulated the world to stand up and salute:

  "Dear Mr. Fool, thank you very much for your answer. It is very helpful to me."

"This is an exchange of equal value. No thanks are needed." Klein responded with his own trumpet.

Renekton was very interested in this scene and watched the drama with relish.

"Should I say it or not, the Extraordinaries in the diviner path are really talented in acting. It should be said that they are a performing troupe on their own."

Renekton maintained his composure on the surface, but in his heart he was cursing every high-sequence fortune teller.

Afterwards, Klein controlled Mr. Trumpet World to communicate with everyone for a few minutes, and this was the end of the Tarot session.

Returning to his study, Renekton still had some lingering thoughts about Klein's performance above the gray mist. He said with some sigh:

  "Some people are really born diviners!"

After that, he summoned his own messenger and wrote letters to Mr. Huang and Cattleya on the Future, asking if he knew the magic potion formula of the sailors passing by the Wind Blessed.

Because he often exchanged letters with Frank, the courier had already recorded Frank's breath. As long as the Future did not sail too far in a short period of time, the courier could find him.

After writing the letter, Renekton dug out Backlund's map again, planning to change to a new cemetery tonight and take the crow Anu to play the role of gravedigger.

Through this period of experimentation, Renekton has summarized the rules for playing a gravedigger:

Gravediggers do not simply dig or destroy graves, but they are people who bring peace to the deceased.

The common practice is to baptize the deceased and then take the body to the cemetery for burial.

At first, he took the crow Anu to the cemetery to wake up the living corpses, and the behavior of destroying the graves was completely opposite to the role of a gravedigger.

The real role of a gravedigger should be to requiem the dead but unprocessed corpses and bring them to the cemetery for burial.

This is the previous sequence, with the body collector taking the role a step further.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still afternoon, Renekton took the crow Anu and went directly to the East District and Backlund Bridge area. These two places are where the poor at the bottom of society gather, and there are many homeless people and beggars.

Many people die here every day, and many people join.

Renekton walked with the crow Anu on the streets of the East End, watching everyone around him with his voyeuristic eyes, watching them weak, like the life of a candle in the wind. Mark every nameless person who is about to die or even has died, and wait for the right time to collect their bodies.

"I actually think this way of acting is very reasonable, instead of lamenting that the world is too cruel."

Renekton whispered in a self-deprecating tone.

"Boss, death is the final destination of all living beings. We have brought them sleep after death."

The crow Anu stood on Renekton's shoulder, leaned his head to Renekton's ear and whispered something.

"Death is the final destination of all living things!"

Renekton turned his head and glanced at the crow on his shoulder as if feeling something. At this moment, he really felt that this crow had an unusual talent in the path of death.

"I did not bring them suffering. On the contrary, I gave them their final rest." Renekton explained to himself in his mind.

After wandering around the East District and Backlund Bridge areas, it was already dark.

Renekton helped the crow Anu take away the homeless man who had turned into a corpse secretly. Through the spirit world, the body was brought to Allston Cemetery on the outskirts of the South District.

This place is managed by the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, and Renekton feels that perhaps the cemetery managed by the church is a better choice for the deceased. So I chose the cemetery managed by the Church of Steam, which I was destined to deal with in the future.

Renekton's figure had just dragged the two corpses out of the spirit world when he saw Klein, who was looking at him in stunned silence.

After being stunned for a moment, Renekton showed an awkward but polite smile and said hello:

  "Good evening, Mr. Detective, are you here to bury someone too?"

Klein looked back and forth between Renekton and the two corpses he was dragging, and after confirming that Al was not killing people and dumping their bodies, he responded with an embarrassed smile:

  "Good evening, Al, I came here to dig graves." "Grave digging? Do you still have this hobby? You soothsayers have really special hobbies."

"But can you please stop digging the grave I buried? It's for the crows I raise to act as gravediggers."

Renekton didn't quite understand Klein's behavior of going to the cemetery to dig graves in the middle of the night, but he still explained to him the reason why he buried people to avoid him digging up the corpses he bought, just in case this counted. It would be bad if the role fails.


"I'm just here to test a magical item belonging to the realm of the dead! Don't think too much."

Klein explained again. He felt that what he just said could easily lead to other things.

"Well, are you in a hurry to test the magical items now? If you are not in a hurry, help me take a look at these two corpses. I have to go back and drag the other corpses over."

Renekton said something, and before Klein could respond, he put down the corpse he was dragging and turned around and stepped into the spirit world.

Klein looked at Al who had disappeared and the two extra corpses on the ground, and was speechless for a moment.

He sighed helplessly, leaning against the nearby trees that shielded the tomb from the sun and rain, waiting for Al's return in the cold and cold night.

As a result, Al went back and forth five or six times at once, bringing a total of ten corpses.

Klein stared blankly at the corpses of homeless people lying on the ground. If his spiritual vision hadn't revealed that these homeless people all died of natural causes, he would have suspected that Al was secretly killing Backlund's homeless people in order to help his crow. .

"Okay, Anu, go and make preparations. First, use rituals to requiem the dead, and then dig holes to bury them. This time, we can't use living corpses."

Renekton warned Anu, the crow standing on the tombstone nearby.

Then he walked to Klein, and the two watched side by side as the crow Anu requiemed and buried the bodies of these homeless people.

"Where did you find so many homeless bodies?"

Klein asked the doubts in his heart.

"In the East District and the Backlund Bridge area, a large number of people die every day in these two places. I just brought out a few inconspicuous corpses."

"No matter how prosperous the city is, there are dark places, and this is especially true for Backlund in this era."

Renekton explained the origin of the corpse, and then sighed.

"this era?"

Klein didn't quite understand.

"It was the best of times and the worst of times."

Renekton said without further explanation.

Crow Anu has carried out rituals to requiem these corpses.

Then it used the spell Renekton taught it to sprinkle iron-black powder, summon an invisible giant hand, dig ten grave pits in the cemetery, and put the corpses in one by one, and then Bury with soil.

Finally, Renekton found some stones, made them into tombstones, and inserted them into the ground in front of the grave pit.

On each tombstone is an anonymous epitaph:

  I don't know which of the stars in the sky will be me

  If you are a kind person passing by, you can give me a flower.

  "Do you want to write a sentence?"

Renekton turned his head and asked Klein, who was watching next to him.

"Me?" Klein hesitated for a moment and wrote a phrase on the last tombstone:

  I have been to this world

  "Gah~ Boss, my potion has been digested a lot. I feel like if I do this for two or three more times, the potion will be completely digested."

The crow Anu flapped his wings excitedly and flipped in the air.

"It seems that there is no problem with the acting rules summarized this time."

Renekton nodded without being too surprised.

"It's your turn to experiment with your magical items. Do you need me to take the crow and leave first?"

Renekton turned around and asked Klein beside him.

"No need." Klein shook his head gently. He still had the trust.

Klein took out an exquisite, ancient copper whistle in front of Renekton. It had many strange patterns on it that made it full of mysterious charm.

Walking away from the place where the tramp's body had just been buried, he repeatedly tossed the copper whistle in his hand into the air.

He repeated this many times and stopped only after confirming that there were no signs of corpse transformation around him. Then he greeted Renekton who was standing far away:

  "It's already fine. Let's check back in a few days to see if there are any additional changes."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 135 Well, that's the title!


Chapter 135 Well, that's the title!

Renekton took Klein and the crow Anu through the spirit world to St. Estin's Hospital in the Backlund Bridge area.

Winter is approaching now. Although the hospital's morgue will not let corpses stay for too long, the management is relatively relaxed now. There are still many corpses staying overnight in the hospital's morgue.

In the morgue on the basement floor of St. Estin Hospital, a gloomy and cold feeling spread throughout the body.

Renekton frowned instinctively. He didn't like this environment very much. It was easily reminiscent of the horror movies he had seen before.

"Why did you come to the hospital here? Are there more corpses in the hospitals in the Backlund Bridge area?"

Renekton asked curiously.

"Absolutely. Many low-income people here have died of illness. There are corpses with nowhere to put them at home. They usually store them in the hospital morgue."

Klein nodded and explained in detail why he chose this hospital.

Renekton looked at Klein with some surprise:

"You are very well prepared for your role as a detective! You have paid attention to all these details."

"Because this is more than just a disguise, this is my job and source of income."

While answering, Klein took out the gold case pocket watch in his arms and took a look at it. Take the time to take back the spirituality wrapped in Azik's copper whistle.

Renekton glanced at the environment in the morgue. After Klein withdrew the spirit wrapped in Azik's copper whistle, the aura of the undead realm instantly became stronger.

In the view of Renekton's clairvoyant eye, the morgue was stained with a dark and thick dark green color.

Time passed minute by minute, probably about a minute or two. A corpse on the long table in front suddenly sat up.

boom! boom! boom!

  There were intensive slapping sounds from the iron cabinets where corpses were placed around, as if something was trying to break out.

"Crimson!" Klein threw a requiem spell at the corpse sitting up on the long table in front of him.

The sounds of banging on the iron cabinets around him died down instantly, and the body that had been sitting up on the long table lay down again.

A bright, bright and pure warm light spread out around Renekton like water. Wherever the light passed, all the activated corpses were purified, and the remaining aura of the dead in the corpses quickly dissipated.

Klein raised his head and glanced at Renekton gratefully. The other party's solution was more perfect than his own way of putting the corpses into sleep.

clatter! clatter!

  The old man guarding the door outside was attracted by the movement and light in the morgue. He held a lantern and moved closer.

Renekton took two steps closer to Klein and put his hand on Klein's shoulder. The two of them quickly disappeared into the morgue as a crow.

Squeak! With a sound, the old gatekeeper opened the door of the morgue with the key. He held up the lantern and carefully scanned every corner of the morgue.

At No. 15 Minsk Street, the figures of Klein, Renekton, and Crow Anu were quickly outlined in the living room.

"Phew! I was almost discovered. Traveling through the spirit world is really useful!"

Klein couldn't help but sigh.

"After all, the apprenticeship path is the most suitable path for making sealed artifacts."

Renekton answered.

The expression on Klein's face paused slightly, and he used the clown's ability to control the corners of his twitching mouth and said:

"Your joke is not funny at all to the Beyonders on the apprenticeship path."

"Why do you want to ask for information about the Sauron family?"

Renekton took advantage of Klein's relaxation and asked the question from the tarot meeting off guard.

"I'm a little curious"

Klein answered subconsciously, and suddenly fell silent as he spoke. He looked at Renekton in embarrassment, with a somewhat unnatural smile on his face and said:

"How did you guess that?"

"Just asking, but I didn't expect you to be so honest."

Renekton looked at Klein with a smile that couldn't be concealed.

"You" Klein was speechless, calmed down his mood, and then said with an expression like "I'm confessing everything":

"Yes, I am the world in the Tarot Club."

With the identity of "The World" as a cover, Al should not have any more suspicions. Well, my identity as the Fool must be concealed. It would be troublesome for others to find out, but if Al knew more, it would be social death.

Klein thought of Emperor Russell who had died socially in front of him. He did not want to follow in the footsteps of the Emperor and die socially in another time traveler.

Renekton glanced at Klein suspiciously. He felt that the other person's psychological activities were very rich at this moment. The inspiration in his heart was touched. Renekton stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void. Through the connection with the spirit world, he pulled out a few pieces of paper placed in the house opposite.

Klein looked at the two pale yellow pieces of paper that suddenly appeared in the opponent's hand, and the fortune teller's intuition had a bad premonition.

"Suddenly I remembered that I didn't give you these two paintings because you were in a low mood when we were in Tingen."

As he spoke, Renekton reached out and handed over the two watercolor paintings that Klein had made when he was first resurrected.

Klein reluctantly took the two paintings handed over by the other party:

  One is a watercolor painting of himself crawling out of a grave, leaning out half of his body;

The other is a watercolor painting of a cartoon version of a black cat with a top hat leaning half out of a grave.

The black cat with the top hat reminded Klein of himself for no reason, and he frowned again and again.

"Is this what you were holding in your hand?"

Klein had already recalled that when he crawled out of the grave just now, the other party did hold two pieces of light yellow paper in his hand, but he quickly put them away.

"Very vivid, isn't it?"

Renekton raised his eyebrows, a smile that couldn't be concealed on his face.

Klein was speechless, and his words finally turned into a sigh:

  "Your hobbies are really unique!"

Under Klein's dumbfounded gaze, Renekton took the crow Anu into the spirit world and returned to the room across the street.

"A tiring day is finally over!"

Stretching and sighing, Renekton walked to the bathroom on the second floor and washed himself briefly, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

After going out and buying two lunches, Renekton sat in the restaurant and ate the freshly grilled lamb chops and the wine made by Bugs Bunny.

Anu the crow and Bugs Bunny sat directly at the dining table, eating their portions of food.

Renekton's spiritual intuition was touched at this moment, and a book like a book made of gold fell out of the spiritual world.

A crack like a mouth was ripped open on the cover of the golden edition:

"My dear master! The extraordinary characteristics you need have been completely extracted. The great and supreme Mr. Huang asked me to tell you to take them away as soon as possible, and do not create some strange items, especially some strange side effects."

Renekton raised his eyebrows. He always felt that the book came out deliberately while he was eating.

He didn't pay attention to the words that followed, and asked with a little doubt:

  "Do you respect Mr. Huang so much?"

"Of course, I respect every knowledgeable scholar, especially the one who is a cherubim."

The messenger kept shaking the body of the book and said.

"My dear master, please allow me to sing the praises of my Lord here for a while. I cannot help but chant the glory of my Lord every day!"

The messenger didn't wait for Renekton's answer and began to sing praises to the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Renekton skillfully used a spell to temporarily block his hearing, and Crow and Bugs Bunny quickly left the restaurant with their food.

For a moment, the only thing left in the room was the messenger's selfless voice singing praises to the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

While Renekton was eating the food on his plate, he was cursing in his heart:

"Why are most of the side effects of the solar pathway praising the sun? How much the Eternal Blazing Sun loves to sing, and he also likes to listen to other people's singing! And it's weird!"

"No wonder Knowledge, Storm and Sun are hostile to each other. Apart from their own paths, I feel that their relationship should be quite bad."

After finishing the lunch on the plate in silence and drinking the last sip of wine from the glass, Renekton sat on the chair and waited for a while. The messenger finally completed today's singing mission and returned to the spirit world.

Renekton sighed helplessly. He already understood why Mr. Huang found this book that always praised the God of Knowledge too noisy.

If it were not his messenger, Renekton would not be able to resist throwing it back into the spirit world when it sang praises to the God of Knowledge.

After clearing the dining table, Renekton returned to the study on the second floor.

He quickly took out the materials and arranged the ritual for depositing and retrieving items from the library. He took out the characteristics that were gradually separated from the devil's badge and the conspirator's characteristics.

Renekton holds a red object resembling a heart in his hand. The "heart" slowly expanded and contracted, and invisible flames spurted out from the small holes on the surface.

"It's a pity that there are not enough materials for a creature that mainly uses flames. Otherwise, I really want to make a phoenix. However, for a phoenix, it must have characteristics of sequence four or above to have enough character."

(End of this chapter)