

Chapter 91 Boarding the Future

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 91 Boarding the Future

"These two transactions are not equivalent. You can also add some conditions." Bernadette added after the deal was concluded.

"There seems to be a problem with the power of this ship. Can you send the people on this ship to a nearby port?" Renekton said without thinking.

"Are you sure you want to add this condition?" Bernadette did not agree immediately, but asked again.

"Well, that's the condition." Renekton nodded and confirmed.

Bernadette said nothing more, and the peas in the room began to disappear one by one, and everything returned to how it was before.

"You go to the deck to find Auf, he will arrange for you to board the ship." Bernadette's figure also disappeared along with the surrounding peas.

Renekton and Bugs Bunny, who was timid and didn't dare to say anything, looked at each other.

"Let's go! Pack your luggage, we have to change ships." Renekton said.

After packing the luggage in the room into the leather suitcase, Renekton took Bugs Bunny and prepared to go to the deck to find Orv.

On the deck, Renekton saw a middle-aged man dressed as a pirate with a sailor knife and a revolver hanging on his waist, a pirate hat with two corners turned up, and a thick beard.

The other party was negotiating something with the staff on the ferry. Mainly the man dressed as a pirate was talking. The staff on the ferry listened obediently and kept nodding.

On the deck on one side, there was also a person who was somewhat familiar to Renekton.

Wearing a dark brown coat, he is a fat, middle-aged man with dark brown skin and small eyes. The extraordinary person whom I passed by at the port of Sevia before.

There was a strong aura of decay, coldness and death lingering around him, and his face was as pale as a living corpse.

"He is the Extraordinary who dares not show his face! It seems that the negative effects of that sealed object are quite serious. Even Extraordinaries of this path cannot withstand the erosion of this breath of death." Renekton sighed in his heart.

Looking past the corpse collector path extraordinary who was eroded by the aura of death, Renekton looked at the middle-aged man dressed as a pirate who was negotiating with the ferry staff. Renekton was a little unsure whether the other person was the Auf.

"Don't look. I'm Auf. Just wait a moment. I'll take you away after I've taken care of these people's affairs." The middle-aged man dressed as a pirate spoke to Renekton with a rough voice. shouted.

Renekton nodded clearly and led Bugs Bunny past the pale Beyonder who looked like a living corpse. He leaned on the guardrail and stared at the huge sailing ship on the sea, the famous "Dawn" across the world.

"Why did you conflict with that group of pirates? Are they coming for you?" Renekton looked back curiously at the miserable corpse collector and asked.

Because he was so seriously eroded by the aura of death, this extraordinary person who looked like a living corpse took a long time to react.

The other party opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and he said weakly: "No, I just happened to meet the pirates who were hijacking the ferry in the cabin. He found the magical item on me and wanted to rob it, and then we had a conflict. "

"That magical item has a great negative impact. Even if I have good resistance to the breath of death, I can't be immune. That's why I asked for your help at that time." The other party seemed to be afraid of Renekton and was also thinking about his item. Magical item, he quickly added.

"Are you a corpse collector?" Renekton felt that with such a talent, it was unlikely that he was a higher-level gravedigger.

"Yes! I was originally going to send my teacher's relics back to the Southern Continent, but now..." The corpse collector stopped talking.

Renekton said nothing. In a sense, this corpse collector was indeed quite unlucky. After innocently encountering pirates and finally risking his life to deal with them, he encountered a more powerful pirate.

While Renekton was communicating with the corpse collector, Off, dressed as a pirate, had already negotiated with the staff on the ferry.

These staff members quickly dispersed, leaving only two people, who accompanied Aof here fearfully, not daring to speak.

"The captain and vice-captain on this ship were all taken care of by that group of pirates. In the name of the Immortal King, they are very skilled at doing this! Huh!" Auf came closer in a few steps and said in a right tone Still disdainful of being a pirate.

"So, they are indeed not the Immortal King's men? Then why would the Immortal King allow this group of people to parade around under his banner?" Renekton asked with some confusion.

"These guys don't just pretend to be under this banner. They will use whichever Pirate King's name is more popular. The Immortal King doesn't care about these things at all, so they will come under the banner of the Immortal King most of the time. Robbery." Off explained the style of this group of pirates.

"No one questions it?" Renekton was a little confused.

"Doubt it? They only robbed ferries and never attacked freighters with stronger protection." "And the name of the Pirate King is just to prevent the robbed people from resisting. This does not mean that they They are just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps, and their leader also has the strength of Sequence Seven." Aof explained.

Then he added: "Of course, in the eyes of people with some strength, they are just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps."

Renekton nodded, roughly understanding what was going on.

"When will we set off?" Renekton was more concerned about when he could go to the Future.

"We have to wait a little longer. The people on this ship will pay our craftsmen to help them repair the ferry. Don't worry, it won't take too long. There is no problem with the ship's power system. The pirates just destroyed the operating system, and Those who can command and repair the ship can quickly be solved by the craftsmen." Aof explained the current situation in detail.

Renekton simply chatted with Auf about what he had seen at sea. As a pirate who had been at sea for a long time, Auf knew much more detailed information than the information given by the Church of Knowledge.

Soon, the staff of the ferry came to the deck with a bag of collected banknotes and gold coins. Aof took the money handed over by the other party and threw it to the subordinates who were following behind him without even looking at it. Then he took several members of the Dawn crew and followed the staff into the cabin.

Renekton looked at Auf's skillful business and felt that he often did this kind of robbery at sea.

As Aof said, repairing the ferry's operating system was quick. In about half an hour, Aof led a group of people back to the deck.

"You guys, take this guy who is about to turn into a living corpse aboard the ship." Aof said and pointed to the corpse collector sitting on the deck with a face as pale as a living corpse.

Then he walked to Renekton and said, "Hold on to my shoulders, let's set off now."

Renekton was stunned for a moment and thought of an ability: "Spirit World Travel".

This means that I don't plan to take myself to the Dawn, but to go directly to the Future!

"Lie down on your shoulder." Renekton warned Bugs Bunny on his shoulder, and then stretched out his hand to place a hand on Off's shoulder.

The surrounding environment rapidly changed and stretched, turning into a richly colored oil painting. The time traveling in the spirit world did not last long. The surrounding scenery changed again. Off had already brought Renekton to a rocky island.

After traveling through the spirit world three times in a row, Renekton appeared on a pirate ship anchored on the sea.

Under the watchful eye of Renekton, many mysterious and complicated symbols were painted on the sails, sides, and hull of this pirate ship. These symbols were connected with each other to form a whole with strange effects.

"Auf? Why are you here? Did the Queen ask you to come?" came a lady's voice, which sounded a little surprised and excited.

The figure of a lady wearing a purple dress embroidered with gold and gold-rimmed glasses, with fair and smooth skin on her face, small ears, and a pair of slightly dark purple eyes was quickly outlined in the starlight.

Renekton took a look at the future hermit lady, and then looked away.

"I accepted the Queen's order to bring this young man to your ship for a while. I don't know anything else. You can ask this young man directly. If there is anything else with the Queen, I will go back first. ." After Aof said this, his figure quickly faded and disappeared.

Renekton didn't expect Auf's explanation to be so simple and crude. He thought he would arrange an identity for himself so that he could stay on board the Future.

Star Admiral Cattleya's eyes fell on Renekton after Auf left. There was a faint purple halo in her eyes, and she was obviously looking at Renekton with her voyeuristic eyes.

In Cattleya's eyes, the spiritual light on Renekton was normal, but the blue, green, and red spiritual light on the rabbit lying on his shoulder was simply dazzling.

Cattleya frowned slightly. She couldn't figure out why someone put so many magical items on the extraordinary animals they raised, but she had nothing on her except a few spiritual items.

If Auf didn't explain too much, she even suspected that the rabbit on her shoulder was the real body.

"Hello, my name is Al Tynes. I made a deal with Queen Mystery and asked her to send me to the Future for a while. I have some experiments and want your first mate, Frank Lee. s help."

Seeing that the star admiral had no intention of speaking first, Renekton had no choice but to introduce himself first.

When she heard Renekton say that she needed Frank Lee's help, the expression on Cattleya's face became strange. An experiment that requires Frank's help, she is worried about the future of the Future.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 92 Frank Lee

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 92 Frank Lee

  "This matter has been confirmed by the Queen of Mystery and will not have a negative impact on you." Renekton quickly explained.

"What was the deal between you and the Queen?" This is the question that Cattleya is most concerned about.

Being able to let the Queen directly put a stranger on her ship, even though the Queen has made corresponding prophecies, is still very surprising.

"An opportunity to be promoted to the Second Sage of the Sequence." Renekton directly stated the content of the transaction without hiding anything.

Cattleya nodded clearly: "I understand, how long do you want to stay on the Future? In what capacity?"

"About half a year or so. As for the identity, crew members are fine. Well, crew members still have time to do experiments, right?" Renekton directly expressed his thoughts.

"Well, you come with me." After Cattleya said that, she turned around and walked into the cabin.

Renekton followed behind, looking at the pirate ship curiously. After confirming that there was no danger, Bugs Bunny had jumped off Renekton's shoulders and was jumping and groping around on the boat.

Cattleya's eyes swept over the rabbit without stopping.

"This is a cultivator rabbit, my experimental assistant." Seeing the other party looking at Bugs Bunny, Renekton explained.

"No, I'm doing all the experiments, you're only responsible for talking on the side!" Bugs Bunny retorted rudely.

When Cattleya heard this, her eyes paused. This rabbit was much smarter than it appeared. In other words, except for its appearance, it didn't look like a rabbit at all.

"Hey! Captain, is this the new guy? Our ship hasn't even docked, how did he get up here?"

A woman over 1.8 meters tall, with blond hair, unremarkable facial features but a good figure walked from the side.

"This is the Bosun of the Future, Nina."

"Nina, this is Al Tynes, the new crew member of the Future for the next period of time, and Frank's assistant."

Cattleya took the opportunity to introduce the two of them.

"Frank's assistant? Captain, are you sure Frank still needs an assistant?" Nina didn't feel very good after hearing the words of Frank's assistant.

"He brought Frank a new research project, so he doesn't have to deal with cows, fish and mushrooms for the time being." Cattleya explained.

Nina's expression improved a lot, she no longer bothered about Frank's assistant, and instead greeted Renekton.

"I'm Nina, the bosun of the Future and the navigator's mate."

"I have seen your information, "Undersea Killer" Nina, the reward is 3600 pounds." Renekton subconsciously said the information given by the Church of Knowledge.

"You saw my reward order, right? Your way of greeting is really unique." Nina smiled jokingly, but she was not angry because of it.

"Well, I don't know much about things at sea. I can only judge the degree of danger through the official reward order." Renekton gave a random reason.

"Really? It seems that I am quite good in the official evaluation, so I can let you take note of it." Nina said boldly.

"Is this the rabbit you raised? Is it an extraordinary creature like the cat?" Nina quickly looked aside at Bugs Bunny, who was dressed like a wandering magician, and asked curiously.

"Are there any other extraordinary animals here? What does it look like?" Bugs Bunny's attention was immediately attracted.

"It's a very cute black cat!" Nina said with a smile.

"Black cat?"

Renekton thought of the Pazmew he had met in Madan, and wondered where that guy had followed Eliza.

After Nina left, Renekton followed Cattleya to the laboratory located on the lower level of the cabin, and happened to run into Frank Lee who was sorting out the products of his experiment outside.

Several brightly colored fish, like oil paintings on their bodies, were being thrown into a wooden barrel by Frank, and a smell of mixed alcohol came from the fish. "Frank, let me introduce you to a person who will be a crew member of the Future for a while and will also be your experimental assistant." Cattleya stopped Frank and said.

"Captain? I don't need a lab assistant!" Unexpectedly, Frank rejected the offer for his assistant.

"Hello, my name is Al Tynes. I am a collaborator of the Church of the Earth. I have an experiment that needs your help. I came to the Future specifically to find you." Renekton did not expect Frank's reaction. I had to find a way to convince the other party first.

Frank was stunned for a moment, and after looking Renekton up and down for a while, he said with some confusion: "You are not an Extraordinary of the cultivator path, right?"

"Yes, that's why I need your help even more. You don't have to worry about the Church of the Earth, because this proposal is approved by the Mother Goddess of the Earth. The Church of the Earth is a participant, but not the leader."

Renekton said as he opened the leather suitcase he was carrying and took out the holy emblem given by the Church of the Earth from the suitcase.

Frank was stunned for a moment. After receiving the Holy Emblem of the Church of the Earth, he felt the breath of the Mother Goddess on it. What the other party said was true!

Cattleya was also stunned for a moment after seeing Renekton take out an obviously blessed holy symbol.

He was able to take out the Holy Emblem of the Earth Church, but judging from his behavior, he didn't look like he was from the Earth Church, which made Cattleya curious about Renekton's identity.

"If you can complete this experiment, you will definitely be recognized by the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Perhaps those in the Earth Church will call you Saint Frank in the future!" Renekton took the opportunity to continue to persuade Frank.

"What kind of experiment is it?" Frank wavered under Renekton's continuous persuasion.

He really wanted to be recognized by the Earth Mother Goddess and let those in the church know that his ideas were correct.

Renekton breathed a sigh of relief, although he was a little worried about what the Earth Church would become if Frank returned to the Earth Church and became Saint Frank.

However, this is something that the Mother Goddess of the Earth should worry about. She just wants to fulfill her unspoken promise to the Church of the Earth as soon as possible.

He repeated what he had said at the Church of the Earth, and asked Bugs Bunny to show him the results of his grafting experiment.

Frank was finally convinced by Renekton.

"I will join this experiment, but it requires a lot of materials to accumulate a large amount of experimental data, and it cannot be completed in a short time." Frank agreed and immediately started talking about the experiment.

"This is no problem. I can apply directly to the Church of the Earth for experimental materials. There is no time limit." Renekton explained.

Then he added: "The Church of the Earth has begun to promote new varieties of grafted products. I believe that it will not be long before the news is received even at sea."

After Frank discussed the details with Renekton, he wanted to drag Renekton to start the experiment immediately.

Renekton left Bugs Bunny to Frank, and then just found an excuse to get familiar with the environment on the ship, and left Frank's laboratory with Cattleya.

"You don't seem to want to do experiments with Frank?" Cattleya said doubtfully.

"I will have to take the make-up exam in a while. I have to hurry up and prepare, otherwise it will be difficult for me to apply for the next series of potions." Renekton said helplessly.

There is not much time left for the make-up exam that Mr. Huang promised to postpone for himself before, and he did not read much at all during the time he left Madan.

"Make up the exam?" Cattleya became even more confused after hearing Renekton's explanation.

"I didn't pass the Knowledge Church exam last time, so I have to make up the exam!" Renekton explained awkwardly.

Cattleya looked at Renekton with more and more confusion. As a member of the Church of Knowledge, he was helping the Church of the Earth, and he could also make a deal with the Queen with the opportunity to be promoted to Sequence Two.

The other party was full of mysteries, and she couldn't decide whether it was good or bad to let Renekton stay on the Future.

"I hope the Queen's judgment is correct and that he will not have a negative impact on the Future."

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  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 93 Paz Meow

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 93 Paz Meow

Renekton followed Cattleya and got to know most of the crew on the Future, including Heath Doyle, the "bloodless man" who was promoted directly from ordinary people to Sequence Six.

Renekton felt that compared to the lucky ones on the monster path, people like Heath were the truly lucky ones. No, such a lucky person should be called a winner!

"You had a different emotion when facing Heath. Have you known him before?" Cattleya suddenly asked as she walked on the deck of the Future.

"Ah? I don't know him. I just know some information about him. When I saw him, I thought of two unlucky guys who have never been promoted."

Renekton didn't expect Cattleya's observation to be so keen. Compared with her, he really didn't look like an Extraordinary who could see the secret path.

"The unlucky guy in the path of destiny?"

Cattleya was very interested in Renekton's description. Walking on the path that symbolizes destiny, you can still be called an unlucky person.

"Yes, after all, the talents in each path are in other paths, well, except for thieves!"

Renekton suddenly became interested and made a little joke in front of the star admiral.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Cattleya was very interested in Renekton's words.

"Haha, I will tell you when I have the chance to meet them in the future!"

Renekton smiled and ended the topic. It would be uncomfortable to discuss this topic any further.

"I hope you still remember this sentence by then. This is your room. If you need anything, you can go directly to Frank." Cattleya stopped and pointed to a room in front of her.

After taking Renekton to his room, Cattleya turned and left.

Renekton looked around in the room. The room was not big, but the facilities were very complete. It was enough for one person and a rabbit to live in daily life.

After closing the door, Renekton placed the leather suitcase he was holding on the table next to the wall, took out the ritual silver pen, candles and other items from it, and then began to arrange the ceremony.

Because of this kind of ritual, Renekton would most likely arrange it frequently in the future, so he simply did not set up a spiritual wall to isolate outside observers. This would also increase Cattleya's trust in him.

This ritual was modified by Renekton through the ritual of sacrifice and gift. It was inspired by the crow that Mr. Huang had previously incarnated in taking things from the spirit world.

Through his connection with the library deep in the spiritual world, Renekton used it as a storage place for his belongings.

Of course, Renekton had already informed Mr. Huang in advance that he would not throw away the items he stored in the library as garbage.

Through ritual magic, Renekton quickly established a connection with the library deep in the spiritual world, and then took out a pile of books and a suitcase from there.

When the ceremony was about to end, Renekton seemed to hear Mr. Huang's words in the library.

"The content of the next exam is knowledge of creatures in the spiritual world. It's time for you to read a book!"

Renekton was stunned for a moment. It seemed that his study progress made Mr. Huang unable to stand it anymore, so he directly drew the scope of the exam for himself.

In the captain's cabin on the other side, the stars in Cattleya's eyes disappeared, with some curiosity and surprise in her eyes.

She had noticed it when Renekton had just held the ceremony, but because of the origin of the other party, she did not interrupt. Instead, she used her connection with the Future to remotely observe the situation on Renekton's side.

When she saw Renekton take out a pile of books and a suitcase from the spirit world through a strange ritual, Cattleya was stunned for a moment. This was the first time she had seen the spirit world used as a storage place for items.

Cattleya was very interested in this strange ritual magic. However, looking at the pile of books that Renekton took out, she felt that he was probably going to read a book, so she didn't bother him for the time being.

"In the Church of Knowledge, will Sequence Seven Extraordinaries still fail the exam? The Extraordinaries of the Reader pathway are better in learning ability than the Secret Seekers who have no knowledge."

Cattleya muttered to herself and didn't think much about it.

Renekton, who was sorting books in his room, encountered new troubles. The books he prepared did not contain much knowledge related to the spiritual world, and even less introduced the creatures of the spiritual world.

"Could Mr. Huang prepare me for the exam by reading these books?" Renekton reasoned in his mind.

"I have no choice but to borrow it from the captain. As an Beyonder of the secret-peeping path, Cattleya should have a lot of books." After Renekton thought of the solution, he wasn't too worried about the exam. .

The books taken out from the spiritual world were sorted and classified, and all three books related to the knowledge about the spiritual world were taken out.

While flipping through books introducing the spiritual world, Renekton suddenly thought of a problem. Books involving knowledge about the spiritual world have a certain amount of mental pollution and should not be read for a long time.

"In this state, I cannot master a large amount of spiritual world knowledge in such a short period of time by myself. Even if the spiritual world warlock's system is resistant to this, it would be great if someone could help me."

Renekton rubbed his hair helplessly, feeling that Mr. Huang was trying to make things difficult for him by taking the make-up exam.

"Boss, let's go to the party! Frank said there will be a welcome ceremony for entering the ship today! You can eat a lot of delicious food!"

Bugs Bunny hurried in and interrupted Renekton's thoughts. "Welcome ceremony? Is there still this?"

Renekton was confused for a moment. He felt that this was more like the crew of the Future wanting to have a carnival, and the welcome ceremony was just an excuse for them.

"Yes, yes, let's go quickly. Frank has brought a lot of fruits and mushrooms to the deck!" Bugs Bunny walked over and pulled Renekton's trouser legs and said.

"The ingredients provided by Frank?" Renekton suddenly didn't want to attend this so-called welcome ceremony.

Although Frank's food won't kill people, it is indeed a bit unpalatable.

In the end, Renekton was dragged out by Bugs Bunny. After all, the slogan was to welcome newcomers. As a newcomer, Renekton still had to participate no matter what.

There were many tables put together on the deck. On the table were barrels of rum, some seafood, and a small amount of fruit. The crew of the Future also moved a lot of stools. A large group of pirates. Sitting on the deck drinking and chatting.

It doesn't look very orderly, but it's very atmospheric.

"Yo, our new crew is here! Come on, come on! Have a drink!"

Nina first noticed Renekton walking with Bugs Bunny, and quickly walked up to Renekton and stuffed a glass full of wine into Renekton's hand.

"Special dried fish!" A somewhat familiar voice sounded behind Nina.

Renekton took two steps sideways and saw the figure blocked by Nina. A black cat with jet-black fur, a red band around its neck, and a small fish bone pendant.

"Paz Meow! You and Elisa went to sea to become pirates?" Renekton looked confused.

Unexpectedly, the black cat that Zhen Nina was talking about was really Paz, but being a pirate was not in line with the blood clan's style, and it was still in someone else's pirate group.

"It's Paz, no Meow!"

Paz came over with an indiscernible piece of dried fish in his mouth and handed it to Bugs Bunny, who was also an extraordinary animal.

"Eliza and I got separated in a port, and now I have joined the Star Pirates!" Paz said dejectedly.

But Paz soon changed his tone and said, "Are you here to give me special dried fish?"

It's a little sad about being lost, but not much.

It can be seen that it is doing very well in the Star Pirates, and it has almost forgotten its owner, or it is already the previous owner.

Renekton was speechless for a moment. Compared to its owner, this cat was really messing around!

  "There is no dried fish, because I haven't received a letter yet, and I have already fed your share of dried fish to the rabbits." Renekton casually made up.

Bugs Bunny thought about it carefully and found that he had never eaten dried fish. Looking at his boss in surprise, he suspected that he had other rabbits.

"You even lied to the cat! The stupid rabbit doesn't eat meat!"

Paz didn't believe Renekton's words at all.

But the next moment it was slapped away by Bugs Bunny's paw. Bugs Bunny held a toy cane and pretended to punch it on the ground, acting like a gentleman.

"Stupid black cat, how dare you call the rabbit stupid!"

Bugs Bunny glanced at Paz and said disdainfully.

"Meow!" Paz meowed with authority.

Bugs Bunny, who was still acting like a gentleman, his legs went weak for a moment, and then he ran behind Renekton and hugged his trouser legs.

Renekton noticed that Paz's cry was more majestic than when he encountered the clown. It seemed that this cat was really doing well at sea.

"Have you finished digesting the Arbiter potion?"

Renekton stopped Paz, who was still trying to fight Bugs Bunny, and asked curiously.

"Yes, I digested it not long after joining the Star Pirates!"

When Paz saw Bugs Bunny cowering in fear at its meow, he no longer wanted to teach this overestimating rabbit any more.

"The party has already begun. Since you know these two extraordinary creatures, you are responsible for taking care of them! Drinking too much wine can easily lead to drunkenness, whether it is a human or a cat!"

Cattleya walked out of the captain's cabin at some point.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 94 Red Light


Chapter 94 Red Light

  What was said to be a party to welcome newcomers ended up with Renekton, the newcomer, sitting on the side of the ship eating dried fish and nibbling fruit with a cat and a rabbit.

"Sure enough, the so-called welcome to newcomers is just a reason they came up with to hold the party."

Renekton leaned against the side of the boat and angrily took a bite of the dried fish handed over by Paz.

"Huh? What kind of dried fish is this? It's quite delicious."

Renekton smacked his lips and said, no wonder Paz likes dried fish so much.

"Meow! You can't steal my dried fish."

Paz jumped to the side warily and used his tail to protect the small fish behind him.

"This is a kind of silver-finned fish that is special to the northern part of the Sunia Sea. It is relatively rare and tastes good. These dried fish were caught when we sailed to the Sunia Sea last time." Cattleya came closer and explained. .

Bugs Bunny glanced disdainfully at Paz, who was guarding the food, and gnawed the fruit in his hand, making a crisp clicking sound.

"Captain! Why are you here? Aren't you going to drink and chat with everyone?"

Renekton asked curiously.

"No, they can just have fun. Everyone on the ship cannot be drunk."

Cattleya raised the glasses on her nose and said.

Renekton nodded. Cattleya always acted calm and collected, perhaps to take care of a pirate group with too many problem children.

"You? Won't you get bored staying here alone chatting with two extraordinary animals?"

Cattleya showed concern for every crew member.

"Of course not, I don't drink anyway, and these two little guys can be considered my partners!" Renekton shook his head and said with a chuckle.

"More importantly, I have to find them as coolies later on to help me learn some of the knowledge about the spiritual world!" This was what Renekton didn't say.

Cattleya nodded and prepared to leave.

"Captain! Do you have any books about creatures in the spirit world? This part is not in the book I prepared." Renekton stopped Cattleya who turned to leave.

"Books that record knowledge about the spiritual world are contaminated to a certain extent. Both the compiler and the reader will be affected. There are very few such books, and I don't have many in my collection. If you need them, you can come to the captain's room to borrow them."

Cattleya did not ask why Renekton needed knowledge about the spiritual world.

"Okay, Captain!" Renekton nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After Cattleya left, Renekton sighed slightly. He didn't expect that there were so few books recording the knowledge of the spiritual world. Even Cattleya, the star general, didn't have many.

"It seems I have to think of another way, otherwise I will fail the make-up exam." Renekton muttered to himself.

Renekton didn't really want to ask his "best study partner" for help. He doubted that Mr. Huang could keep an eye on him. Once he asked the Hidden Sage to instill knowledge, he would change the subsequent test questions.

Apart from the Hidden Sage, the only one who likes to impart knowledge to others is the Seven Lights of the Spirit World.

Renekton only knew the honorable name of Red Light El Moria, but the red light was enough. The red light represented power and will, and to some extent held knowledge related to the creatures and places in the spiritual world.

After most of the Star Pirates collapsed on the deck, Renekton left with Bugs Bunny and Paz.

After drinking the wine spiked by Frank, these pirates can sleep peacefully until noon tomorrow. This is why Renekton has been following Paz and Bugs Bunny to eat dried fish and eat fruits. As animals, their intuition is more reliable in this regard.

Paz, the black cat, didn't want to leave after seeing Bugs Bunny's nest. He must sleep with Bugs Bunny and a rabbit.

In its words: "Since leaving Madan, it has never slept on a soft bed! In order to better integrate into the Star Pirates, it even reduced its value to Nina as a pillow!"

Renekton was helpless. The black cat coaxed Bugs Bunny into silence with just a few words, and he had no choice but to let the two of them sleep in the same bed.

Anyway, there is only one rabbit and one cat, so you don't have to worry about them giving birth to a bunch of rabbits and cats!

After greeting the two animals, Renekton set up a spiritual wall in his room, and then began to prepare the secret contract ceremony to communicate with the red light El Moria.

He quickly arranged the ceremony, lit the candles, drew a pattern of the omniscient eye on the table with a ritual silver pen, and sprinkled a layer of red herbal powder on it.

This is a ritual for people from the Knowledge Church to communicate with the seven lights in the spiritual world. It is more convenient and easier to use than ordinary rituals.

After getting ready, Renekton took a step back and then began to chant:

  "The eternal light of the spiritual world, the incarnation of infinite knowledge, the red of power and will!"    "I pray to you for knowledge"

As the chanting was completed, the flame of the candle expanded violently. The herbal powder that Renekton had scattered on the table quickly rotated, expanded, and finally distorted into a blur of light and shadow, the image of an extremely majestic old man wearing a red robe.

"Hello! Dear Red Light, Your Excellency El Moria!" Renekton quickly saluted the other party.

"First meeting, the blessed one of 'knowledge'!"

The voice of Red Light El Moria is as majestic as his image.

Renekton felt that the other party seemed to have emphasized the word "knowledge". He stared at the red light projection with doubt in his eyes.

"As one of the seven pure lights of the spirit world, we can see some things that ordinary people cannot see, especially after your connection with the spirit world deepens."

Red Light El Moria explained.

Red Light's answer surprised Renekton. He felt that the characters of the seven pure lights in the spiritual world were a little unusual.

"Perhaps he is a direct subordinate of the ruler of the spiritual world, so he enjoys some status bonuses?" Renekton guessed in his mind, not very sure.

"Why did you summon me?" Red Light interrupted Renekton's contemplation.

"I want to seek some knowledge about the creatures in the spiritual world from you." Renekton immediately revealed his purpose after coming back to his senses.

"As expected, but I can't give you the knowledge directly. This is the agreement between Qi Guang and the librarian. We can only provide corresponding books. You need to read and understand it yourself."

Hong Guang nodded with an expression that was indeed the case, and then rejected Renekton's proposal.

Hong Guang's answer is not too surprising. After all, Mr. Huang is an angel resident in the spiritual world, and he is also a Cherubim. It is normal to maintain some contact with Qi Guang. Just this agreement with Qi Guang is a bit torturous.

"It's okay to provide books. Thank you very much for your help. I wonder how I can get the books?"

The ritual prepared by Renekton did not have the ability to directly communicate with the spirit world and deliver items.

"We Qiguang are also frequent visitors to the library. You can definitely use the previous method."

Hong Guang gave an unexpected answer.

Renekton was stunned for a moment. He even suspected that when he used ritual magic to get things from the library, the red light was drinking tea and chatting with Mr. Huang in the library.

"Okay, I understand. I wonder what Qi Guang thinks of the system of spiritual warlocks?"

Renekton did not dwell on whether he was being watched by everyone when he stored items in the library, but instead asked a question.

"From the perspective of our Seven Lights, this is a good power system. Although its upper limit is far less than that of the potion system, it is more stable and has no characteristics restrictions. Even this system that relies on the spiritual world will be very It increases the influence of the spiritual world to a great extent, and we Seven Lights have also joined this system."

A faint ring appeared on the illusory figure of red light for a moment.

Renekton remained silent, waiting for the red light to speak.

Seeing that Renekton didn't speak, Hong Guang continued:

"From the perspective of this world, this system has advantages and disadvantages. Although there are no limitations on characteristics, there are limitations on knowledge. This is unavoidable. The biggest disadvantage of this system is that it is too connected to the spiritual world. Once you step into this system, your character will gradually become extreme, and more powerful and strange evil spirits will be born after death. This is the price of absorbing the power of the spiritual world."

Red El Moria's words made Renekton a little worried. Under the influence of the outer gods in the future, this system would become a group of explosive barrels. People with extreme personalities are more susceptible to external factors.

"The personality has become extreme? Is there a way to solve this?"

Renekton remained silent for a long time before asking this question.

"No, this is a negative effect caused by long-term exposure to the spirit world. As long as you control your condition, it is not too dangerous. It will only increase the chance of forming evil spirits and wronged souls, as well as its power."

Red Light El Moria explained.

Renekton nodded with confidence. The Seven Lights of the Spiritual World were authorities in this area, and the words of Red Light El Moria were highly credible.

"As a beloved of knowledge, what do you think of this?" Red Light El Moria asked in return.

Hearing this, before Renekton even thought about it, an answer already appeared in his mind:

  "Every piece of knowledge has its own weight. Those who draw strength from knowledge will inevitably bear this heavy burden!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 95 Remarks on the launch (let's write it down)


Chapter 95 Remarks on the launch (let's write it down)

It will be ready to be put on the shelves at noon today. According to tradition, you have to send a testimonial before going on the shelves. I actually have a lot to say in my speech, but when I wrote it myself, I couldn't write it out (╯╰)

  This book can be said to be the first time I started writing a novel obsessively, the first time I signed a contract, the first time it was published, and so many firsts. At the beginning, I did not expect that I would write it to the point of being put on the shelves. I would like to thank every book friend who has supported me. For a newcomer, your support is really, really, really important! ! ! (Say important things three times)

  The results of this book may not be very good, but for me, a newcomer, being able to write it till now is already considered an achievement (regardless of whether it counts, this is how I encourage myself anyway)

  Thank you again to every book friend who has supported me. I will be more diligent in the next updates. Before, I planned to post a few more chapters when they were put on the shelves. In the future, I won't need to. Basically, I will post as many words as I can code every day! ! !

つ_つWhen I update this time, I will post all the manuscripts I have saved during this period (although there are not many⊙﹏⊙), mainly because I don't remember the timeline of many mysterious details very clearly. I am working on it. Refresh.

PS: If you can, please leave a monthly ticket or recommended ticket, and take pity on the child (o°ω°o) (because when I read it two days ago, I was still a few monthly tickets away from being on the fantasy monthly ticket list)

(End of this chapter)