
Exodus: The Valiant Chronicles

It began with a crack of thunder and a flash of green light seen around the globe. A hundred thousand people, in the blink of an eye, are gone. Growing up in a desolate and loveless home, Vann always had two choices in life: to press forwards or fall into a pit of despair like his fathers before him. Never one to be deterred, Vann spent each day in pursuit of something greater, until he too was caught up in the storm that shook the world. Now alone amongst a crowd of strangers in a mystical, yet deadly world, Vann must press ever-onwards to find purpose and reason and power in his new life. With countless lives hanging in the balance, he must join the ranks of the truly strong, or die trying.

thewinterwriter ยท Fantasy
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Ductor Universalis Havenensis: Fifth Edition FINAL PART

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< The Valiant >

Adler City's, and humanity's, vanguard against the world of Haven. They are adventurers, scouts, and handymen. Their job is to secure locations in the outside world to prepare settlements, delve into ruins for useful artifacts, and cull the population of threats to Adler City.

They are split into ranks, determined by skill, cunning, and feats.

โœพ Class Three:

โœฆ Cadet:

The entry point for any wannabe adventurer. A cadet must be accompanied by a class three, rank two or higher to receive training and guidance. They are unable to take any jobs, and instead must train until they are deemed worthy of going to the next stage.

โœฆ Rank Three:

The first rank in which an adventurer may begin to take on various jobs. Generally, these jobs are limited to resource collection, handyman work around the city, and very basic extermination missions.

โœฆ Rank Two:

For those that have proven themselves, and their worth, to the Valiant. The complexity of jobs increases based on their skillset. More complex jobs around the city include infrastructure repair, plumbing, building, and event planning. This is the minimum rank to train cadets and to take on group jobs outside of the city.

โœฆ Rank One:

For those that are considered an expert in their field in one way or another. Architecture, city planning, and small leadership roles become available to them. It is here that one may join an expedition to a ruin, or take official jobs to hunt targets of interest.

โœพ Class Two:

โœฆ Rank Three:

Class two adventurers are those that have proven themselves to be invaluable to Adler City. They are given a great deal of resources for personal projects and are able to plan expeditions with the supervision of a class two, rank one member.

Targets of interest in this bracket are generally considered to be a high risk to any settlements outside the city.

โœฆ Rank Two:

At this level, adventurers would be known by name to many people. Only a select few make it to this stage and are considered gifted experts in their fields. To reach this stage, one must have made either a significant contribution to Adler City, completed multiple expeditions into ruins and had one successful planned expedition completed, or hunted an extremely high-risk target of interest.

It is said at this stage, the creatures to be hunted are able to single-handedly take out a battalion of one hundred class three, rank ones.

โœฆ Rank One:

The pinnacle of most adventurers' careers. At this point, their name would be commonplace amongst the people and would be considered a B-list celebrity. They have achieved great things for the city and have exhibited an immense amount of strength. At this point, one could be considered an army unto themselves.

โœพ Class One:

โœฆ Rank Two:

Whether it be gift or dedication beyond belief, class one adventurers are extremely rare. These people often take up high positions of power and usually have a settlement in which they reside.

The jobs these individuals take on have an effect on every human in Haven and would be considered an A-rank celebrity. The targets of interest in this bracket would be city-level calamities, capable of posing a threat to forts, settlements, and Adler City itself.

โœฆ Rank One:

Legends whose names are commonplace and spoken often in taverns, halls, and households. These individuals have forged a living legacy through action and accomplishments.

The targets of interest one would face at this level would pose a threat to Haven in its entirety.

โœพ Special Class

Those who have exceeded every expectation, born with gifts and talents beyond compare, may find themselves in the special class rank.

The feats and accomplishments of these individuals are unable to be measured, being that every action they take lays the foundation for the future of all in Haven. They exhibit strength beyond myths and are considered by some to equal even the Gods in power.

There are only five in existence, two native humans, and three summoned, who have reached this rank.

< Targets of Interest Ranking >

These rankings are specific to individual targets and not a group.

โœฆ Level One: Single citizen threat. Attacks result in long-term treatment being required; death is also possible in circumstances.

(Corrupted Rats, Wild Boar, Imps)

โœฆ Level Two: May threaten a group of lives, directly or indirectly. Civilian confrontation almost always results in serious injury or death.

(Minor Elementals, Beastmen civilians)

โœฆ Level Three: Immediate threat to groups of civilians. High probability of death and any injuries sustained will have difficult, lifelong aftereffects.

(Demons, Werewolves, Harpies)

โœฆ Level Four: Threat to settlements outside of Adler City's walls. Requires immediate adventurer response. A team is recommended.

(Beastmen warriors, Chimeras, Orc chieftans)

โœฆ Level Five: Potential large loss of life to settlements and forts. Confrontation is recommended to be class three, rank one and above or else significant injury or death is to be expected.

(Basic Devils, Trolls, Wyverns)

โœฆ Level Six: Immediate evacuation of settlements required. Forts are recommended to prepare heavy defensive measures. Large loss of life likely.

(Behemoths, Large Devils, Hydras)

โœฆ Level Seven: Lockdown of Adler City in effect. Loss of life outside the walls unavoidable. Serious threat to the stability of civilian life, and extreme loss of life expected.

(Corrupted Manticores, Mutated Basilisks, Thunderbirds)

โœฆ Level Eight: Class two rank one and above immediate action required. Potential for human casualties to exceed the millions if left unchecked.

(Kraken, Elemental Titans, Demon Elites, Beastmen Warlords)

โœฆ Level Nine: Class one and above responses only. Loss of life across the continent if left unchecked.

(Dragons, Precursor Automatons, the Four Demon Generals, Intelligent Devils)

โœฆ Level Ten: Special class action required. Inter-continental threat. Loss of planetwide life expected if left unchecked.

(The Demon King, the Beast King, Primordial Dragons, Fallen Gods)

โœฆ Extinction Threat: Theoretical extinction event scenario. Measures taken for planetary evacuation required for any chance of survival.


< The Erebos Librarians >

These worshippers of Erebos, the Eternal Night, are the country's spy and intelligence network. The librarians are scouts, assassins, researchers and spies for the city of Adler. They provide most of the ratings for targets of interest and are in constant communication with the higher-ups of the Valiant.

< The Scions of Fire and Ice >

Adler City's only military force. Followers of the brother gods, Ignis and Arctus, they use their powerful frames and dextrous weapon skills to defend their homes and the citizen of Haven. They are at odds with the Valiant, as the Scions feel their position of protectors is currently under threat.

< Adler Royal Family >

Descendents of William Adler, the hero that led the charge against the Devils in the great war. With his might, battle tactics, and charisma, he united humanity against the threat and claimed victory. It is thought that William Adler was another summoned, due to his apparent unnatural abilities, but the Gods remain silent on this.

< The Arena >

A simple arena in which warriors may face off against one another to prove their strength. It is Adler City's most popular pastime, and considered the greatest sport of all.

< Rankings >

Without celebrities in the traditional sense, the Adler Royal family created the rankings system. It ranks adventurers and warriors based on feats and skill and gives the civilians of Haven something to discuss and hope for. It is common for people to bet on their favourite rankers in the arena.

< Special Class >

โ Pilgrim

The first individual to ever claim the title of special class Valiant. He is a master of magic, and created a unique system to emulate the power of aura for magicians. He uses his power to fight with mace and shield on the frontline, using his mana to bolster his physical abilities.

โ The Chemist

An enigmatic figure that rose suddenly to prominence. A scholar of precursor technology, the Chemist unleashes upon his enemies ancient weapons of immense power. It is said that he has a penchant for young girls of many races, but the city turns a blind eye due to his immense achievements.

โ Malik, the Hero

Malik was born in Cairo, Egypt, and lived a life of generosity and giving. Wherever there was hardship amongst his people, he was always the first to dive in to assist.

A summoned warrior with aura reserves unparalleled by any on the continent, Malik received the blessings from all seven gods and was tasked to destroy the Demon King. He embodies all that is good in every action, and has seldom found himself down the wrong path.

โ Kim Haneul

A South Korean savant. Haneul, while lacking the aura reserves of Malik, has proven to be the most gifted user of aura the world has ever seen. Described by people who have seen it as dense yet quiet, Haneul is the number one ranked adventurer and considered by many to be monstrously gifted in the art of hunting.

His focus remains on the subjugation of large calamities, including that of dragons and titans.

โ Gabriel

A summoned with a mysterious history. Despite lacking the control of aura that Kim Haneul boasts and the sheer quantity of energy that Malik commands, it is a common thought that Gabriel, the Pale Rider, is humanity's strongest warrior.

Where Haneul's skillset sits in the domain of monster subjugation, and Malik is focused on the war against demons, Gabriel honed one skill, and one alone: the art of killing.

Unparraled in delivering death, Gabriel utilises his unique method of aura manipulation to maximise offense at the cost of defense. Seldom seen in the public eye, Gabriel is considered the Adler Kingdom's trump card against serious threats.

< The Ark >

A place discovered through text by Pilgrim and the Chemist. It apparently holds all of Haven, and Lenniex's, secrets. A library of knowledge. Together, they have begun their journey to discover the truth of their world and find this ark.