
EXILED : The journey of Unique Hero ELEMENTAL

In a distant future, where continents have merged, new powers have arisen, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, a young martial artist named Avalon discovers a hidden secret within himself. Hindered by his lack of understanding and a poor upbringing, he faces numerous challenges and ridicule from those around him. What happened next? How he overcame those ordeals? Dive-in in my world and find out.... "Exiled : The journey of Elemental" is a thrilling and action-packed novel that combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and martial arts. It explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the enduring power of the human spirit. With its dynamic characters, captivating world-building, and unexpected twists, this epic tale will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to uncover the ultimate destiny of Avalon and the fate of the universe itself. NOTE : The initial 3 chapters are a bit slow as I'm trying a new approach but you'll definitely have fun after that. Enjoy ;)

ShivamSingh · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Awakening

The year was 3231, a time when the world had transformed into a mosaic of altered continents, unrecognizable from the maps of old. Some landmasses had merged, others had vanished, and new ones had risen to take their place. It was a world shaped by the mysterious energy fluctuations that had plagued the solar system for centuries.

Back in the year 2400, the solar system began experiencing strange waves of energy, fluctuating in strength and intensity. These waves brought about drastic changes to life as humanity knew it. Genetic mutations ravaged all living beings, leading to the extinction of some species while others adapted and evolved. The once seamless wireless electricity transfer system crumbled, and societies regressed to rely on archaic wired infrastructure for their basic needs.

But amidst the chaos, human ingenuity prevailed. The discovery of an enigmatic substance called "Aetherion" a radioactive amalgamation of every known element, brought newfound hope. Initially considered useless, Aetherion proved to be a remarkable absorber of the strange energy waves. Its potential for energy storage was five thousand times more efficient than conventional methods. With this breakthrough, humanity advanced in certain areas, harnessing the power of Aetherion to create energy shields, formidable weapons, and impenetrable armor.

However, not all regions fared as well. Less developed countries and islands struggled to cope, unable to rely on advanced technology. They had to rely on their own bodies, their willpower, and perseverance. Many perished, but those who remained learned to temporarily store the cosmic energy within themselves. They used it for defense, offense, or simply fortifying their bodies to perform daily tasks. It took six to seven centuries for this adaptation to take hold.

During this time, around the year 2750, the energy reached its peak intensity. The cataclysmic event caused islands to sink into the depths of the ocean while new ones emerged. Continents merged, and nations fell, giving rise to new political boundaries. Yet, one insurmountable obstacle divided the world—the sea between two major continents had become unnavigable due to the monstrous mutations that occurred. Animals, transformed by the energy waves, developed cores within them, granting them extraordinary and bizarre powers. These creatures were reminiscent of mythical monsters from long-forgotten tales.

Inhuman experiments and research took place, using cored animals and humans. Eventually, the World Government banned such practices, recognizing the potential dangers they posed. It was during this tumultuous period that children began to be born with level 5 to 7 cores, an unprecedented occurrence. Typically, humans possessed cores of level 1 or 2, making these children exceptional. Cores were categorized into levels based on their efficiency of absorption and usage, easily identifiable by their distinct colors. The darkest cores, level 0, were considered unusable, but with practice, they could be refined and cleansed of impurities, increasing their level and efficiency. The conversion ratio of absorption and release improved with higher levels, with level 11 cores being the most potent, characterized by their golden hue.


Riya Pulse lives in the slums of New Deccan city. She is a beautiful yet weary woman, living a modest life. She resides alone, struggling to make ends meet. With no memory of her husband or past life, she faces the challenge of raising her soon to be born kid alone. She worked tirelessly, pushing herself to the limit, as a small employee of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the city. Despite her poverty, she finds solace within the relative safety of the slums, shielded from the chaos of self-proclaimed superheroes and villains that rampage through the city streets. The city itself pulsates with life, a concrete jungle where advanced technology coexists with societal apathy.

The people around them are distant and detached, engrossed in their own struggles. Next door lives a grumpy young neighbor Miranda, their interactions limited to occasional grumbles and hurried greetings. On the other side of Miranda's apartment resides Mr. Anderson, an elderly man whose kind heart radiates as a beacon of hope in this desolate landscape.


Riya's body ached as she welcomed the first rays of dawn filtering through the cracks in her dilapidated apartment. The slums stirred with the noises of people beginning their daily routines. Riya, with her belly swollen with the promise of new life, rose slowly from her threadbare mattress.

As she prepared herself for the day ahead, Riya couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Thoughts of her kid consumed her mind. Riya yearned for her kid to live a better life than the one she had known.

Leaving her modest home, Riya stepped into the bustling streets of the city. Fascinating skyscrapers loomed overhead, casting shadows on the weary souls that traversed below. People hurried past, their faces etched with weariness and resignation. It was a city of stark contrasts, where the gleaming façade of progress masked the struggles of those forgotten in the shadows.

Riya's workplace, the sprawling headquarters of the pharmaceutical company, stood as a testament to the stark divide between the haves and have-nots. She entered the building, greeted by polished floors and immaculate walls—a world so far removed from her own. She blended into the sea of workers, each consumed by their own tasks and ambitions.

Her employer, Mr. Vanderson, a stern and enigmatic man, rarely spared a moment for pleasantries. But his company provided Riya with a means to sustain herself. She toiled day after day, dedicating herself to her work with determination.

Months passed, and Riya's pregnancy reached its zenith. The anticipation within her grew with each passing moment. She had made a promise to herself—no matter the cost, no matter the risks, her kid would be safe. She had seen the dangers that cores brought, witnessed the chaos they unleashed. And so, she decided to keep his core a secret, even from herself. She refused to have him tested, fearing the consequences.

The day arrived, marked by a symphony of pain and triumph. Riya, surrounded by the sterile walls of a small private hospital, endured the agonizing labor. Sweat dripped from her brow as she pushed, her strength fueled by a mother's love. The world outside faded away as Avalon took his first breath—a cry that reverberated with the promise of a new beginning.

Riya cradled her newborn son, his tiny form swathed in a blanket of hope. She marveled at his innocence, his delicate features mirroring her own. In that moment, all her worries and fears seemed distant, overshadowed by the profound love she felt for Avalon.

I don't care if it's constructive or destructive, I just want CRITICISM. Abuse me, praise me, tell me if it's exciting or boring, but just guide me. See ya soon in next chapter dawg...

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