

Sona was an ambitious martial artist who compromised everything he had into becoming the clan successor. only to be tricked by a demon. after an unfair deathmatch, he finds himself revived as the immortal devil who supposedly threatens the world. as he begins his new life as a devil, he finds that the world is not what it seems to be. fueled by revenge and his desire for redemption he takes matters into his own hands to become the greatest demon, Mahasona`

Mahasona_yaka · Fantasy
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5 Chs

pure destruction

[No point in complaining now. ill just have to figure out how to manipulate my subconscious like Sanjay. not a problem ill just try the infinite possibilities until I hit the correct one.]

"THAT PIECE OF SHIT! ILL FUCKING MURDER YOU" he shouted again pointlessly.

[I can't really blame him for this, fuck these circumstances. What's bugging me is that thing about me not deserving sympathy. damn it. what should I do to manipulate my subconscious? now that I have all the time in the world ill figure something out

But what's happening outside right now. I should be properly announced as dead I guess. but damn they won't even be able to pay respect to my death. I mean my body is still with me. My mom would probably cry. Don't know about sis tho, maybe she'll cry? Meh. I doubt it. But my old man sure won't, he's already experienced enough grief through his comrade's deaths.]


[The fate of a fighting clan huh… I probably should have died there with my honor intact. now I'm an accursed devil. one of the few beings we've sworn to kill. I'll kill the bastard who turned me into this wretched state. what the hell would life mean without people in them. I won't even be able to let my mom see my face. because she'll have to kill me.I won't be able to face anyone…they'll run away.]

What am I gonna do as an immortal devil on the overworld.No way in hell am I gonna kill innocents. maybe I can still do what I wanted to do. I could protect people…from the shadows!]

That's it ill kill any demon who enters my sight and protect them .then ill wait for the right moment to kill that Abhaya. Oh yes, it'll be an act of sweet revenge. after that ill look after my family from a distance.]

"you can finally rest easy old man, your son accomplished something beyond his wildest dreams!. I'll protect people till the end of eternity haha!"

But then he felt a chill.his body felt a shear fear that couldn't be explained.

[Sanjay…He knows about me.What if he tells the clan elders. Then Abhaya will definitely hear about me. they'll leave my family out of it right. they can't. they won't be hurt because of me. but what if… no.no.no…they're not safe right now…Shit …]


[I can't imagine a situation where he won't is just sitting around. I know he's a demon, he'll definitely try to hide that fact. and of course, my family will try to know why and how I died..]


[No one in my clan could defeat him now. maybe Sanjay…no he has no reason to protect them. shit, he'll probably be better of with the dead!]

[I have to get out of here quickly and fast…come on… What's the best method to control a subconscious without taking too long. meditation is out of the question. what about mantras..I don't know any mantras, I'm no magician…breathing techniques…I can't calm down with that shit]

[Damn it why didn't I think of them before.why.shit!.they can't die because of me!]

"not for a failure like me!!!" he kneeled down as if his body lost its energy. and as he looked to the sky remembering his family's face tears came rolling down his terrified face.

Suddenly his surrounding started to get darker. Thunderclouds started getting formed and quickly covered the entire sky, blocking off the sun's light.

Sona's right hand clenched into a fist and tightened until his fingers dug into his palm and blood dripped to the ground.

[no way in hell will they hurt my family. If I cant manipulate my subconscious, ill fucking obliterate it to wake up.I'm sure my will to protect will be enough to trigger my instincts to protect my family.let's see them deal with an immortal mindless beast for a change. huh ha ]

{ demon blood- pure destruction!!!}

Then with his right hand, he punched the ground, creating a huge shockwave that blew him and the forest to the sky.

Then Sona` felt intense pain.his vision went blurry and his head started to feel like it was getting ripped apart. this was the recoil for destroying his subconscious. but he endured and tightened his fist to hit the ground again as he fell down from the sky.


The ground started getting cracked. while sona` continued to keep on punching untill he wakes up.

With every punch he delivered, a severe crack appeared. after cracking the ground it spread to the sky .with every punch little cracks also appeared on Sona`s body. these little cracks then became large and then those pieces started to fall apart. similarly, his subconscious also started falling apart.little by little his body parts fell apart, first his legs then his thighs, stomach, chest…they all fell apart and withered into the new abyss forming after the destruction of his subconscious.until all that was left was a piece of ground and a piece of Sona's knuckle.

And as the knuckle landed on the crack they also withered into the abyss


Sona woke up and quickly looked around. and then sighed. he was lying on the seabed of skeletons in the sea of blood. The last time he visited this place he was barely conscious and void of energy.

[guess this is the place you come after a soul is liberated. huh…I can still breathe in this blood sea. judging from the nice view, you won the bet, Sis. I really did go to hell. well, I don't have to worry much now. my mindless immortal body will destroy all who would hurt my family and protect them.]

[but now what to do…find my devil friends of hell? No point in waiting around anyway.]

Then sona` got up and started walking towards the place where the skeletons form a hill to get a good look around. but as he reached the top of the hill, he found something interesting.

[an altar..?what the hell is it doing here]

The alter was like a little hut. it had four pillars as support, a conic roof, and a long pedestal in the center. It had rune's covering from top to bottom. but Sona` recognized them.

[runes from nirvana(his spear) are also here. huh, what's that on the pedestal]

As he went near it, he saw that it was a body covered by a cloth with weird murals on it. with a little excitement, he removed the cloth


The body belonged to a human. more specifically it belonged to him

Sheesh,Sona` is a family man

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mahasona_yakacreators' thoughts