
Special Chapter Four

With the change of her daily routine, Macy gained weight and girth rapidly. Much to the delight of everyone around her, especially Andrew.

“You’ve got to stop feeding her all this unhealthy stuff!” Hani protests as she eyes the packet of cookies depleted at record time. Andrew is gazing lovingly at the woman who is doing the depleting with precision.

“She needs to eat and the baby needs to eat too!” Andrew grinned as Hani rolled her eyes with a hopeless glare.

“Look at her! She’s gaining too much weight!” Hani cried in desperation. “What about healthy stuff like grains and vegetables and yogurt?”

“She eats those too!” Andrew argues.

Macy rolled her eyes irritably. “For your information, ‘She’ is still here! You two are talking as if I am not in the room!”

“Sorry, love.” Andrew apologized with a smile but Hani could only shake her head sadly for the writer who is a total whip guy now.