

' Help your brother Queen! You know that you are his right hand. Get his papers and bring them to the agency. Are your documents ready?" My sister once said.

" I saw that you can come and the sun is behind you. Place rice cakes, 'litson Baboy', banana chips, and salted fish in a box. Sealed it and write your name anywhere outside the box." She added.

I cannot deny the fact that I am excited. The officer asks me where I am going and who I am with.

My brother walks to the runway. Passengers follow him. My seat is adjacent to his seat and number 80.

Hey Buddy! What if I will die? Imagine.....12 hours in the sky. Look outside....Wow!!!! endless white smoke!!!

"IT'S not SMOKE!!! That's cloud. Haven't you read or saw it in the book?"

" Excuse me... Ms.....coffee, Tea or water?

Flight M. asked.

" There are also chips under your seat." She told.

Flight M., just cold water please?


"Queen.....!" My brother called.


I am not hungry. I will eat later.

I need to pee.. Where's the C.R.?

I have to balance my walk.

Knock.... knock! Is somebody there?

None... Okay...

I think... I gonna vomit.. Why should I experience like this?

My father, I sometimes regret my decision to be with humans. You know there are complicated moments that I don't want to feel and just want to magic everything.

"Queen... you have to realize that magic is not always the solution. The essence of life is not magic!'

Yahhhh. No option to take. I have opted to be different and make changes.

At last we are here....

"Queen..... !!! Welcome to Netherlands! "

" We'll wait for 5 minutes. Our sister will pick us here." My brother said.

"Aunty, I saw a girl coming with you!" My niece said.

Really? Where is she????

" A curly girl and she stops in the tree outside the airport but she is now there in that pine tree outside the house." She pointed out.

Hahhhhaha. You're just imagining,..