

He stepped in. Looking around the room, he noticed the recent changes that happened. He loved it. Then, his eyes fell on the table beside the bed. He picked up the book on it. "HOW TO HAVE SEX FOR THE FIRST TIME" Just then Desi stepped out of the dressing room surprised to see Michael in her room. What shocked her even more was the book in his hands. "Nooo!" She screamed and rushed forward to grab the book but he was faster. He raised the book above his head. Desi was tall but just for a woman. Her height was nothing compared to Mike's. "So, you are virgin?" Desi's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. Why was this guy so blunt with his words. "If you wanted to know about sex, you would have come to me. I'd be glad to teach you."

Chinelo_Comfort · Urban
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53 Chs

Welcome to Heaven Gate residence


"Mother I'll be moving out today." Desi said and stared at her mom who didn't react the way she had expected her to. Instead her mother avoided any contact with her eyes.

"Mom is there something you aren't telling me?" Desi asked as she became suspicious.

After a long while of waiting for a response from her mother. She finally heard her voice.

" I know about your marriage with the Kinston's. I've known about the proposal even before you accepted. Michael's mother and I were childhood friends." She said.

Desi has already gotten a grip on the whole story. To think that her mother-in-law and her mother were friends. What a small world. Too bad the marriage was a sham.

The was an awkward moment in the room. This silence between the two was something they had never experienced before. Each of them had a lot of questions running through their mind. Thousands of unspoken words, but was held in.

Seeing that there was nothing else to say and to relieve the silence. Desi stood up and started going to the staircase.

"I'll go pack up, mom."

She walked on each stair heavily. It was as if each step she took pronounced the pain she felt. She was barely twenty one. Was she ready for this?

"Desi if you aren't ready for this, don't do it. Mummy can take care of you. You have mummy OK?"

She was on the last stair when she heard this. In the next second she flew down the stairs and went straight for her mother's embrace. Finally crying out loud. It was the first time she had cried after her Father's incident. Hot tears ran down her cheeks like an overflowing river.

"Mummy I'm scared, I can't do it. I'm not ready. I don't love him."

Vanessa's heart broke for her little girl.

"You don't have to go baby. I can work as a servant at their place to pay up for breaching the contract. Since we don't have enough money."

Desi cried for an hour and finally fell asleep in her mom's arms.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your daughter Mrs Le grande."

Desi heard as she stepped to the living room. She was quite shocked at who she saw. Sitting on the couch like a king was Michael Kingston. Her gaze shifted to her mother who was talking to Michael like she was entrusting the switch to her life to him. Her gaze softened at that.

Just then her mother saw her and quickly stood.

"Desi go on and clean up, your belongings are already in Michael's car. I helped you pack."

"OK mom." She said obediently as she turned back to the room.

Michael who seemed to have noticed her presence way before her mom did hadn't even bothered to acknowledge her.

He only played with the cigarette lighter in his hands.

It didn't take long before Desi came down. After hugging and kissing her mom, she left with Michael.