

He stepped in. Looking around the room, he noticed the recent changes that happened. He loved it. Then, his eyes fell on the table beside the bed. He picked up the book on it. "HOW TO HAVE SEX FOR THE FIRST TIME" Just then Desi stepped out of the dressing room surprised to see Michael in her room. What shocked her even more was the book in his hands. "Nooo!" She screamed and rushed forward to grab the book but he was faster. He raised the book above his head. Desi was tall but just for a woman. Her height was nothing compared to Mike's. "So, you are virgin?" Desi's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. Why was this guy so blunt with his words. "If you wanted to know about sex, you would have come to me. I'd be glad to teach you."

Chinelo_Comfort · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Make her ugly..


Desi was busy in class again, trying to pay attention to lesson going on. Her phone buzzed and she quickly glanced at it.

Demon King: I'm in front of your school gate, come out.

What? What was he doing here. Was he trying to embarrass her again? She was in school for crying out loud!

Desi: I'm sorry, I'm having a class right now, and I can't distract the class by walking out.

Demon King: I'll be coming in myself then.

This sent danger alarms blaring in her mind.

Desi: Wait!

Within a matter of minutes, Desi could be seen running out of the school gate. The consequences would be dire if Michael stepped into the school. People would have to start making speculations as to why he came. Then if he steps into her lecture hall and asks of her. That would be the end of her! She would become popular all over again. She would have thousands of haters!

She saw the black sedan parked not so far away from the school gate. She started running towards there. The door was quickly opened for her and she entered.

"What was so important that you couldn't wait for me to come home first." She asked while trying to catch her breath.

"You skipped breakfast, I brought you food." He said. Desi felt a little bit of warmth. But, it was quick to dissappear because she knew that this Demon King wasn't capable of love.

"Who said I was hungry? I'm perfectly fine." She lied. She was already thinking of how to skip class and get some food. But because it was Michael, she had to endure.

"Throw this out." Michael instructed the driver, while handing a box over to him. Out of reflex Desi screamed.

"Nooo! I will have it."

Michael handed it over to her and she murmured a 'thank you' wanting to leave the car but Michael motioned her to stop.

"Eat in the car."

"What!" Desi exclaimed.

This guy wanted to make things difficult for her. She moved to the edge of the car, very close to the door and started munching her breakfast. The taste of the food made her forget that Michael was even in the car. She savored every taste of the food.

When she was done, she swiftly left the car and returned to her class.

Desi was earnestly wishing she wouldn't see Felix but unfortunately for her she met him.

While they both had lunch they weren't aware that someone was secretly taking photos of them.

She laughed at every joke Felix cracked. Thus, encouraging him to crack more.


In a not so popular restaurant that people barely went to. An elderly woman and another man sat opposite each other at the table.

"Are you sure you don't need your assets now?" The man asked.

"The time is not right yet." The man nodded.

The woman wondered if she should reveal the secret or not. She doesn't want them to disturb that person yet. That person still had so many battles to face. The time wasn't right yet.

"If that's all, I would be leaving." The woman said and left the restaurant. One would know that she was the only abstract being around that place. This was so because her charisma was that of a super wealthy woman. And the limited edition handbags and clothes she wore confirmed the speculation.

"Mother, I can't seem to get pregnant." Daphne complained to her mother.

"Sweetheart, you are still too young for pregnancy, why are you pushing yourself?" Daine said, trying to console her daughter.

"I'm just scared mom, scared of loosing everything. My position as the vice-president of Le grande's Enterprise; my position as Limuel's fiance; My position as grandpa's granddaughter. I'm scared of loosing out to Desiree." She concluded as she sobbed in her mother's arm.

"About Desiree, you can already make her loose everything by ruining her beauty. That way, she would become the unfortunate daughter of Le grande's Enterprise. No one would want to marry her. She would quit being a model. What do you think?" Daine asked her daughter.

Daphne smiled wickedly. She stopped crying but her face was a mess. Her tears smeared the makeup all over her face but she cared less about it. She was very much interested in ruining Desiree. She sneered, she had the perfect plan.

Soon, it was weekend. Desi decided to go shopping.

She came down and Michael who was watching the TV asked where she was going. She said she was going out to shop and Michael decided to follow her.

Desi was fuming with anger when she was made to wait for Michael as he prepared. And as always, Michael took his time. Always forgetting one thing or the other. He finally gave in when Desi almost cried out in frustration.

Soon they got to the most expensive shopping mall in town. Not surprising, Michael was one of the shareholders. They made sure his identity wasn't revealed while they shopped.

Desi had been longing to buy new lingeries. But, now she couldn't because Michael was following her all around.

After a while, she decided to find a way to trick him into leaving her alone.

"I have a presentation in school. I have no ideal dress for it. Since you are more of the office type, would you mind picking out for me?"

She asked him.

"Sure." He said and walked away to another section. That was her cue! She quickly ran to the lingerie section and started picking out her lingerie as fast as possible.

She wanted to try out some but, time wasn't on her side.

"I think I found the perfect dress for your presentation." She heard from her back.

She turned and saw Michael holding up a knee length skirt and a shirt. She loved it!

"OK.. She said and grabbed the dress from him. She equally grabbed his hands in a haste trying to drag him out of that section.

"Aren't you going to buy any of these?" He asked while looking at the female undies that were hung there.

"No!" Desi answered and dragged him further away from there.