
Exciting Life in DXD

A boy is killed by a god by mistake, and the said God gives him a chance to live a second life in an anime world of choice with three wishes, in a try to hide his mistake of killing an innocent from his wife. The Book Cover is not mine, I am just using it, the original creators or someone else posted it on Pinterest.

Moon_Light_1126 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 5: First Fight & Experiment

Chapter 5: First Fight & Experiment

[27th Day later]

It has been 27 days ever since I reincarnate into this world right now I am standing in front of an old abandoned factory on the outskirts of Kuoh, with a 1.5m long Katana in my hand that I made using [Trace-On] on a Wootz steel Katana I saw in an antique shop.

In the last 27 days, I have been working hard daily and has reached level 3 three days ago but sadly after that my growth got slow not much but slow so I am here in front of this old abandoned factory on the outskirts of Kuoh to kill two low-class stray devils that are staying in it and attacking people in this area.

I have been keeping an eye on it through the surveillance feature off my map, right now there is no soul present in a radius of 400 m around me except the devils inside the factory.

Due to the training, my status is now like this.


Ethan Iekami (04 y/o, Male, High Human)

Level: 3 (Next level requirements: needs 5*X in all attributes like Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Agility)


HP: 1,700/1,700 (Endu.*100) [Regeneration: 170 per minute]


Strength: 16 < Normal Adults have max. 5 >

Endurance:17 < Normal Adults have max. 5 >

Intelligence: 16 < Normal Adults have max. 5 >

Dexterity: 18 < Normal Adults have max. 5 >

Agility: 18 < Normal Adults have max. 5 >

Mana: 1,400

Chakra: 1,360

Luck: 555

Charm: 580

System Points: 1,000

Skill Pt. : 38 [+5 On Every Level Up]*2


Active Skills - [Developing Body (uniqueSkill)], [Shape shifting (Unique Skill)], [Shadow Army (unique Skill)].

[Concealment Rank S]

[Energy manipulation Rank B], [Cooking Rank B]

[Transmutation Rank C], [Reinforcement Rank C], [Swordsmanship Rank C], [Appraisal Rank C]

[All Element Manipulation Rank D], [Enchantment Rank D]

[Double Skill Points], [Double System Points]

Passive skills - Blessing of Goddess Bela, Language comprehension, Concealment.


I have all of my stats in attributes above the 15 mark where the stats of my opponents I just checked using my Map are above the 20 mark but they are mentally unstable due to the chaotic energy present in their bodies due to the Evil pieces.

After checking for any people in the area near me I entered the factory that reeked of blood with a heavy Iron smell in the air.

Just as I entered the factory I heard the sounds of something sharp grinding across the concrete floor.

Hearing the sound I use Reinforcement to enhance my physical attributes and grip the handle of Katana on my waist.

Then suddenly a web of sticky threads shot at me from the front and I dodge it by jumping to my right. The web missed me and stuck on the door blocking my exit.


Then I hear a mysterious laugh from the darkness in front of me and then two devils with four hands and a snake body slowly emerges in front of me from the darkness with their acidic saliva dripping from their mouth and melting the ground beneath them.

Seeing them my heart started beating fast and the adrenaline starts to reach every part of my body making me excited for my first life and death fight

The devil's in front of me were growling like animals with no trace of intelligence as we continued to stare at each other.

Nobody knows who gave us the signal to start but just as we heard the sound of wind blowing outside we ran towards each other.

I came in their range first due to their large hands which they bring down upon me to squash me like a bug but I evaded it by turning to my right and then with a slide I evade the other one and then dive forwards and reach under one of them and then with my Katana that is reinforced with Chakra I slash at one of its hands which its using to pushing it forward.



With one slash I cut one of its limbs and it let out a blood-curdling scream.


As the first one is busy screaming I create two shadow clones to take care of the screaming one as the other one starts to attack the other one with me.

My clone and I started to run in a zig-zag pattern to confuse the monster with me ready to slash it again and my clone was ready to smash a Rasengan in it which I successfully recreated in just one week.

The monster decided to focus on me first due to fear of the sword in my hand as it throws itself on me but I evade it by hair's breadth and my clone takes the advantage of the situation and smash the Rasengan into its stomach that throws it back and it crashes in the wall and I with swift motions cuts all of its hands-off.

Then I use my threads to tie the defeated devil in a cocoon and when I look back where the other devil was fighting my Clone I saw my clone dragging the other devil toward me after tying it in a cocoon of threads just like me.

"I am going to start the experiment," I said to my clones who nodded and took guarding positions beside me as I myself squats down and starts to use soul magic that I have learned in the past month.

My second reason for coming here today is also to test my soul magic upon these two devils.

I started by looking at their souls by seeing through a special magic circle from the grimoire that allows me to see people's souls.

Through the magic circle, I saw a Dark red ball that is the soul of the devil and I also saw something stitched with it very crudely.

After checking a little more I find out that the things stitched to the soul are the sacred gare this devil possesses.

Then I started to remove the stitches that are keeping these two together and it took me an hour and a half to do it as it was my first time doing something like this and when it ended I left with a silver ball that is more of a spiritual thing than physical, then I stored it in my inventory to research on it later.

Then I use another magic circle to read the memories of the devil with another to protect my mind from any chaotic effect it can have on me.

It took me thirty minutes to read all of its memories in a fast film and find out that two devils are brothers who got tricked into being enslaved by a high-class devil using devil pieces as both of them possess sacred gare.

The one I just extracted is [Blade Blacksmith] whereas the one his brother has is known as [Shadow Manipulation], they ran away after they killed their master one day in anger due to how many torches they have endured.

Then I checked the other devil and found another sacred gare with this one being pure black it took me 30 minutes this time to take it out.

After that, I killed both of them, then prayed for a better next life for them, and stored their bodies as they might be useful in the future.


[Word Count: 1239]

Guys, I want to see your enthusiasm for this Novel, and to show it donate your Power Stones.

I wanted this novel to reach under 500 in the Ranking, I know you guys can do this.

On reaching under 500 in Ranking I will upload two chapters at once.

If you want this then donate your power stones to me.

On the same note Special Thanks to my current p@treons and their names are:

1) ShadowXK

2) Rocky Hammack

3) Arthur Taborsky

Thank you very much guys for supporting my creations.

I have more than 25 chapters on my patre*n, if you want to read check my patre*n at:


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