

After a painful heartbreak Maria sweared to take her revenge on Ethan. Spending seven years with him all she got is a painfull break up from him. 6 months later Maria came back heavily pregnant for her revenge. The day she arrived at Thailand she found out she was pregnant for Ethan but he was already married to Stella her sister and they are expecting baby Georgia. How could he. Her daughter needs a dad no matter the circumstance. Her unborn daughter Doreen cant be an illegitmate child. The rain fell heavily , the sound of thunder could be heard. Three baby girls will be exchanged. Exchanges in process ..........

Adwoanovels · Fantasy
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6 Chs

3 Chapter 3

Maria's P.O.V

' Mommy save me please , l don't want to die mommy' the same little girl in my dream stretching her hands forth me. I ran to her stretching my hand forth her to take her into my arms. The place became black as the girl disappear desperate to find her l ran towards her direction. In my search for her l ended up falling in a mountain. I clutched my stomach in fear ' why do l see her in my dreams, the exact carbon copy of me abit ' l tried figuring out.

' You are awake Maria ' a voice came from the door. It was a man with a book in hand, l guess he is a doctor. I turned to look at him, he could be about 5'8 feet tall , he had dimples , with his blue ocean eyes. ' Am l that cute Maria ' he asked. ' How did you know my name Mr cutter' l replied. I got to know Beauty gave him my details. I could tell from this that Beauty was setting me up with him. He was cute , yes but he had a ring on his finger . I guess he is married , didn't Beauty take notice of it. ' I will leave you to rest Ria , will come back after two hours ' he said and left . Guess being a doctor is not easy , schedule must be tight.

lmmediately he left l coax myself in bed .

Two hours later 😵😵

The noise coming from the other side of the door woke me up. A male voice and females voice caught my attention. Ethan stood infront of me angry , it was all written in his face by his side was my so called best friend #sidechick. ' You wanted to kill my kid cheater ' Ethan said trying to get to me but the security held him back . I turned to Stella direction , seeing her smirking l knew it her plan to disgrace me. Detecting from her act l looked at my ex boyfriend clapping my hands together.

Finally the side chick started putting out a big show 'My belly , l can feel the baby kick ' . The nurse and l burst into laughter the nurse interrupted her drama ' A baby can not kick at this stage ' . Stella raised hand with something in hand looking like a bottle of acid . I pushed the nurse away as the acid spilled on my face. I screamed in agony holding the bed for support . My eyes and face felt like they where on fire, l couldn't see anything.

I heard the nurse call for the doctor and instructing the security to take Ethan and Stella away.

' I just left her for two hours , l instructed you to take care of her since she is pregnant Nadia' l heard someone say . I couldn't see the person but l can recognize the voice it was that of the doctor.

So am pregnant , what will happen to my baby . Would l ever get a chance to see her ??