
Exchange System

Shangguan Yi fully awakened his memories at the age of 20. From then on, with the Exchange System, he embarked on a genuine path of cultivation. Let us follow Shangguan Yi's journey as he hunts the world's prodigies, charms beauties, and attains invincibility, indifferent to conventional methods.

Little_Thief · Eastern
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41 Chs

Chapter 29 The Confrontation at Azure Cloud Pavilion

The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the grounds of the Azure Cloud Pavilion. The air was filled with the scent of evening blossoms, and the Pavilion's majestic architecture stood tall and imposing. Xiao Yan and Xiao Xing'er arrived at the Pavilion's entrance, Xiao Yan's expression was serious and determined. From Xiao Family to the Azure Cloud Pavilion, it had to take around one hour to arrive. Thanks to their cultivation and urgency, it had taken them less than half an hour to traverse the distance.

Old Wang, the shopkeeper of the Pavilion, was there to greet them. He was an elderly man with a kind face and a demeanor that exuded calm and wisdom. "Young Master Xiao, Young Lady Xiao, welcome to the Azure Cloud Pavilion," he said warmly.

"Thank you for personally welcoming us, Shopkeeper Wang," Xiao Yan replied curtly. He wasted no time on pleasantries. "I'm here to see Shuang'er. Is she available?"

Old Wang's expression grew slightly more serious. He had been aware of the relationship between Xiao Yan and Shuang'er for some time. However, he knew that matters involving her were beyond his direct control. "Young Master Xiao, Shuang'er's situation is somewhat complicated at the moment. I must seek permission from Master Shangguan before you can see her."

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded in understanding. "Very well, please inform him quickly."

Old Wang turned to a young disciple nearby. "Zu An, go inform Master Shangguan that we have visitors requesting an audience with Shuang'er."

Zu An, a diligent young man with quick reflexes, nodded and immediately set off towards Shangguan Yi's quarters. Upon arriving at the entrance to the secluded area, he was stopped by a barrier of dense essence. He called out respectfully, "Senior Shangguan, Young Master Xiao Yan is here to see Shuang'er."

Inside the room, Shangguan Yi was already dressed, looking composed and calm. Shuang'er lay on the bed, tired and recovering from the intense experience earlier. Shangguan Yi's voice resonated with authority as he responded, "Shuang'er is currently at a critical point in her breakthrough. She will need at least three days of uninterrupted meditation to stabilize her progress."

With a simple thought, Shangguan Yi caused a batch of mid-grade essence pills to materialize out of thin air. They floated gently into Zu An's hands. "You take it and return back to Old Wang and inform him that I will be unavailable for three days. Ensure that no one disturbs this process."

Zu An, feeling the weight of responsibility and the rare gift of the pills, bowed deeply. "Yes, Senior Shangguan. I will relay your message."

Zu An returned to Old Wang with a noticeable spring in his step. He conveyed the message scrupulously. Old Wang listened briefly, nodding in understanding. He turned to face Xiao Yan, who was waiting impatiently.

"Young Master Xiao, Shuang'er is currently in a crucial stage of her cultivation breakthrough," Old Wang explained carefully. "Master Shangguan was helping her in breaking through, he has instructed that she must not be disturbed for at least three days."

Xiao Yan's eyes darkened with suspicion. "Breakthrough? Why wasn't I informed about this sooner? I don't believe it. Let me see her myself."

"Please understand, Young Master Xiao, this is for her benefit. Any interruption could be detrimental to her progress," Old Wang insisted.

But Xiao Yan's patience had worn thin. "I said, let me see her!" His voice thundered as he surged forward, core essence crackling around him. 

Old Wang moved to block his path, his own aura flaring up in response. "Our pavilion has its rules. I hope you consider the consequences before creating problems here, Young Master Xiao."

However, Xiao Yan turned deaf as he didn't hold back at all. His core essence erupted violently, the condensed flame core within him radiating intense heat that spread throughout the area. The air around him shimmered with the scorching energy, causing those nearby to instinctively step back.

"Out of my way, Old Wang!" Xiao Yan roared, charging towards the direction of Shangguan Yi's room.

Old Wang stood firm, his own aura growing more pronounced. As the Shopkeeper of the Azure Cloud Pavilion, he had a reputation to uphold and could not allow an outsider to act so arrogantly. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Young Master Xiao."

With a swift motion, Old Wang summoned core essence, creating a barrier to halt Xiao Yan's advance. The two auras collided, sending shockwaves through the courtyard. Sparks flew as Xiao Yan's fiery core essence clashed against Old Wang's more controlled and refined essence.

"You underestimate me, Old Wang," Xiao Yan growled, his eyes blazing. He summoned a pillar of fire, directing it towards Old Wang.

Old Wang responded with a swift hand gesture, forming a protective shield that absorbed the brunt of the attack. The ground beneath them cracked and sizzled from the heat, but Old Wang remained steadfast. "This is my last warning, Xiao Yan. Turn back now, or face the consequences."

But Xiao Yan was beyond reason. "Not until I see Shuang'er!" He intensified his attack, the flames around him growing hotter and more aggressive. Each strike he launched was met with equal resistance from Old Wang, the two locked in a battle of wills.

Despite Xiao Yan having broken through to the Core Formation Realm just a few years ago, he had been instructed by Teacher Yao, giving him a deep foundation. Right now, Teacher Yao was also giving him instructions. Therefore, he could match Old Wang.

Their clash drew the attention of other Pavilion members, who gathered at a safe distance, watching with a mix of concern and awe. The ferocity of Xiao Yan's attacks and Old Wang's unwavering defense showcased the strength of both combatants.

The two clashed, their core essence colliding with explosive force. Xiao Yan's strikes were relentless, driven by a mix of worry and anger. Old Wang, though formidable, found himself gradually being pushed back by the younger cultivator.

Xiao Xing'er, seeing the struggle, felt a pang of concern for Xiao Yan. Despite her earlier reservations about Shuang'er, she couldn't bear to see Xiao Yan in such distress. "Big Brother Xiao, let me help you!" she shouted, joining the fray. Her addition to the fight tipped the balance, forcing Old Wang to retreat step by step.

"Stop this at once!" Old Wang gasped, struggling to maintain his ground against the combined assault. "You're making a grave mistake!"

But Xiao Yan was beyond reason. He broke through the final barrier, bursting into the hallway that led to Shangguan Yi's room. As he approached the door, he heard a faint voice that froze him in his tracks.

"Xiao Yan, please… go back first," Shuang'er's voice was weak but clear, filled with a mix of emotions. "Trust me… I need this time."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan had mixed feelings, but he also felt relieved.

Xiao Yan clenched his fists, torn between his love for her and his instincts to protect. After a long, tense moment, he slowly turned away, his heart heavy with reluctance. "Alright, Shuang'er. I'll trust you. But I'll be back."

As he stepped away, Xiao Xing'er joined him, casting one last glance at the door. "Let's go, Big Brother Xiao Yan. There's nothing more we can do here."

Just as they were leaving, a group of Azure Cloud Pavilion experts arrived, alerted by the commotion. They found Old Wang catching his breath and Xiao Yan and Xiao Xing'er standing in the hallway. The tension was palpable.

"What is going on here?" one of the elders demanded.

Old Wang straightened up, regaining his composure. "It's alright. Everything is under control now."

The elders eyed Xiao Yan and Xiao Xing'er suspiciously but nodded, deferring to Old Wang's judgment. "Very well. But let this be a lesson – no one is above the rules of the Pavilion."

Xiao Yan and Xiao Xing'er left the Azure Cloud Pavilion, Xiao Yan's mind heavy with unanswered questions and unresolved feelings. As he walked back towards the Xiao Family residence, Xiao Yan's thoughts were a whirlwind of worry and frustration.

"I don't trust them, Xing'er. Something doesn't feel right," he muttered.

Xiao Xing'er placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll find out the truth in three days, Big Brother Xiao. Together."

Meanwhile, back at the Pavilion, Shangguan Yi watched over Shuang'er with a mixture of possessiveness and determination. After a while, he stood up and went out to seek Old Wang.

Following a night of discussion with Old Wang, Shangguan Yi returned with much-needed information and resources. When he arrived back in his room, Shuang'er was still there, asleep from exhaustion.

The following days passed slowly for Xiao Yan and Xiao Xing'er. They continued their training and cultivation, but Xiao Yan's mind was never far from thoughts of Shuang'er.

Due to his outburst and the commotion he caused, Xiao Yan was banned from entering the Azure Cloud Pavilion. The restriction gnawed at him, adding to his frustration and worry about Shuang'er. 

However, on the third day, Shangguan Yi and Shuang'er were nowhere to be found within the area of the Azure Cloud Pavilion.

Shangguan Yi had meticulously prepared during the previous days. He gathered ample information and the necessary resources to craft a concealment array, both for himself and for Shuang'er. This array would shield their presence and movements from the Core Formation Cultivators and lower.

Before their departure, Shangguan Yi ensured to leave a cryptic message with Old Wang. He simply stated that they had departed and made no mention of their destination or purpose. Their journey was shrouded in secrecy, designed to evade immediate notice by the inhabitants of the Azure Cloud Pavilion. Given Shangguan Yi's previous declaration of entering seclusion with Shuang'er, it was anticipated that their absence might go unnoticed for an extended period.

Their path led them towards Shuang'er's familial home, nestled in the northern reaches of Shanxi County. This region was renowned for its rich history and deep-rooted traditions, offering a tranquil sanctuary far removed from the bustling streets and political machinations of Xi'an.

With the concealment array activated to shield their movements, Shangguan Yi and Shuang'er embarked on their clandestine journey northward, leaving behind a sense of mystery and anticipation in their wake. The Azure Cloud Pavilion would remain oblivious to their departure, unaware of the transformative journey that lay ahead for Shuang'er and Shangguan Yi in the serene embrace of her ancestral home.