
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

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96 Chs

You gonna have my baby for me?

Mu heart porcelain just want to run, seems to be afraid of Ye fan will be more uncomfortable, deliberately walk slower.

"Still holding up." Ye Fan bit his teeth, then took out the things in his pocket, "Here you are!"

Mu Xin porcelain a look, found is a bag of dysmenorrhea treasure particles.

"You know that?" Mu Xin porcelain is very unexpected, eyes bright.

Ye Fan don't open a handsome face, ears red: "I know a lot more!"

In fact, he's a tough talker.

I specifically asked the lady who owns the concession store, and he rushed to buy this.

"Ok, I'll make you a bath." There is shame in the porcelain.

After all, it is because of the exchange of body feelings with Ye Fan, so Ye Fan is now suffering.

"You sit down, I'll go." In Mu heart porcelain to start, be Ye fan to press on the position.

Congratulations to the host, detect and school flower back, reward you 300 points.

The system of gas, let Ye Fan some helpless smile.

Hook up?

It's not even close.

But the shoulders of the heart porcelain are pretty cocky and pretty.

Right shoulder.

Can be said to meet all of Ye Fan's fantasies of the other half.

But that's not the point.

The important thing is that he has to get rid of his menstrual cramps.

Ye Fan picked up the mug and said, "This is brand new, I haven't used it, you wait here."

He endured the pain and went to the tearoom.

Watching him stumble, Mu Xin porcelain worried to pull the door frame secretly look at him.

Just in case he falls.

Fortunately, he managed to stagger and soak up the menstrual cramps.

"You drink it." Ye Fan is the first time to the girl so care.

Mu Xin porcelain looked at the glass filled with mist in front of her, blinked her eyes and said gratefully: "Thank you, come, you also sit down and have a rest."

She patted the chair next to her.

Ye Fan sat down, too.

He saw Mu Xin porcelain sipping medicine.

It made her lips red, and you could see the pink tip of her tongue when she moved.

Swept him cute, soft as a little rabbit.

Ye Fan felt a warm flow, lips and teeth is a similar bitter Chinese medicine.

It was the heat of the medicine she'd been drinking.

Dysmenorrhea treasure granules, warm, very intimate.

Shit! Sweet shit!

He wants to complain about false advertising!

How do you drink that? It still hurts.

Ye Fan hunched, sweating.

"How awful! Ye Fan bit his lower lip.

It's worse than an egg!

As a result, he found the immaculate white hand of Mu Xin porcelain stretched out.

She was actually gently rubbing his stomach.

"You... What do you do? " Yefan's ears are red.

It did not occur to him to make a move on China.

It felt like she was touching him, but it made his body feel like a volcano.

The earth is about to shake.

"I'll massage your stomach. It'll feel better when you have menstrual cramps." The eyes of Mu Xin porcelain are gentle, a smile, there is a shallow pear vortex, her small face is also full of red.

"Ding" - Two hundred points for detecting a stomach rub.

"All right, but why did you touch me?" Ye Fan asked.

When his eyes stared directly at her, Mu Xin porcelain froze for a moment.

Then her mind flipped and it dawned on her.

Yep, I agree.

Even if it works for menstrual cramps, it's for her!

"I... I made a mistake. Try again!" The heart of China's hand suddenly instantaneous.

"Ha, ha, ha." Ye Fan laughed.

She's so cute. She's so cute.

In the past, the porcelain in the eyes of everyone, is high and cold and difficult to get close.

Isn't this a bust?

'Don't laugh! Mu Xin porcelain a little ashamed, she gently patted Ye Fan on the shoulder.

Ye Fan fell to the side, and her slap fell on her body.

"Don't beat yourself up." Ye Fan put his hand on his cheek and covered his stomach, "Ha ha ha, my stomach laughed and hurt, you are too cute!"

After hearing his words, the old man's face flushed and added, "You already have a stomachache."

"So you quickly think about how to rub your stomach, I am very humble to ask for advice." Ye Fan looked longingly at Mu Xin porcelain.

He didn't think much of it. He just wanted to help her.

She feels good, he feels good.

Of course, it's not easy being a girl.

Learn a few tricks, you can do more. Maybe in the future he coax the heart of the porcelain useful

Two months after the exchange, he can effectively help Mu Xin porcelain against dysmenorrhea is also very good.

"Just put your hand on this side of your lower abdomen and knead and massage it in circles..." Mu Xin porcelain slow motion teach Ye Fan.

Ye Fan could feel the chemical reaction on her body when her hand touched her stomach.

Her hands are really soft.

Her stomach is flat.

There's no flab.

What a thin waist! A girl's belly is totally different from a man's. I feel my skin. It's soft, like jade.

More than the pain, it was her gentle touch.

Yevan's adrenaline was pumping.

Hormones, like lava, are about to pour out.

The fire began to spread out of control. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

No color!

Ye Fan, who was occupied by those evil thoughts, tried to remain calm.

He was a little clumsy and learned to love porcelain and massage his stomach.

Who knows, beside the heart of the porcelain broke a second.

"Ah! Stop!" Mu Xin China's little face was dark red, two cheeks were completely burned red, "so itchy!"

Ye Fan was frightened and did not dare to continue.

He glanced over and saw her breathing sweetly, her eyes freshly itched.

There was a slight buzz. It was so sweet.

Ye Fan, as an adolescent boy, couldn't hold it anymore.

'I'm sorry! He apologized at once.

After all, he's the one who made the heart itch uncomfortably.

"Nothing, you are not suffering instead of me," Mouxin porcelain red lips mumbled a voice, some shame, but she looked at Ye Fan, beautiful eyes and with a trace of soft, "but I am very grateful to you, suddenly feel that you are in, very good."

Ye Fan shuddered.

His heart was pounding.

"Every time I had my period, I was in really bad pain. I fainted several times and had to take painkillers." Mu Xin porcelain grunted, "I went to the hospital for a check-up, there's no problem, but I just have menstrual cramps every time, I heard that I'm going to get pregnant and have a baby, I won't have cramps."

"Then you'll be pregnant!" Ye Fan blurted it out without thinking.

As a result, he saw the round eyes of the porcelain staring twice as big.

Ye Fan immediately realized that he had lied absurdly.

What's he talking about?!

Can't even pick a crop! This is going to be a mistake.

"Ahem, ahem, I mean, when you get pregnant, it'll be all right."

Muxin porcelain looked at Ye Fan embarrassed to explain, her hand on her lips chuckled out.

Her smiling appearance, let Ye fan see happy mood.

"Will you bear my child?" 'she asked.