
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

You're first in your grade. I write my name backwards

After seeing Ye Fan and Mu heart porcelain on the second floor, some people follow to go up.

After all, the second floor is the best location, which thought of going up to be stopped by security.

"Sorry, students can't go up there." "Said the guard gravely.

The other party responded with dignity: "How did Ye Fan go up!"

"Don't you look at the person standing next to him! But Miss Mooda!"

The guard's words were sobering.

Who did the school flower show mercy to?

Only Ye Fan is an accident.

I'm afraid that if Ye Fan is willing, not only the vvip seats, but also the whole school will belong to Ye Fan!

For a moment, the voice of envy rose one after another.

"Ye Fan this is too good life, now has not become a couple, if really contact, have to be the school flower pet God!"

"I also want to have such a beautiful girl infatuated with me. You look at the school flower, only love him, except Ye Fan who can have this personality charm to do it!"

"That's right, Ye Fan is exceptional, in order to make the school flower." Otherwise, we will face the panting water that day, except Ye Fan who dares to be brave!"

And Ye Fan, who does not know happiness in his body, came back at the moment with a pile of books in his arms.

My roommates are rolling their eyes to the sky.

You mean to let the school girl carry such a heavy book? Daaaaaa!

You're a man!

And it was for you that I got the book! You didn't show me anything!

However, the housemates did not expect that Mu Xin porcelain is far more than that.

Mu Xin porcelain asked Ye Fan, "Are you thirsty? Would you like something to drink?"

Between words, it means she's thirsty.

"Make it a vanilla chai latte, topped with vegetable cream, sprinkled with crushed nuts, medium sweet, light on ice, with pearls and coconut, and a paper chai lid on the outside to keep your hands cold." Ye Fan thought for a moment, answer Mu xin porcelain. Are IQ nu g Ε TV. ℃ ǒ Μ

He through the system to give skills, memory is super good, suddenly think of love heart porcelain love to drink.

However, several brothers who were unaware of the situation now want to berate Ye Fan for being single.

Look, other girls are sympathetic to you, the weather is hot, want to buy you milk tea!

And you asked for so much more!!

They can all imagine the school flower can't take it anymore, like a rage.

Small five all began to pinch a sweat for Ye Fan.

Don't look at the school flower now licking Ye Fan, but she is cold, and rich, if you offend her, it is estimated that the campus will not eat enough to go around!

"I don't think so many demands, school flower, he will be orchid latte tea." Xiao five smiled a dry smile at Mu Xin porcelain.

Try to keep the Mooxin porcelain from getting mad.

However, which thought of the porcelain but shook his head, satisfied with the smile: "not much, I like it, so buy it!"

Five: "!!"

Fat Tiger and Rango are also inconceivable.

All right?

And Muxin porcelain is not angry, but more happy!

This is so wicked!

"Then go." Ye Fan in the face of the shock of his roommates, very satisfied.

I can't believe it. It's a voluntary thing.

That is her favorite, is her demand more, not their own demand more!

Mu Xin porcelain asked Xiao Five and others: "Want something to drink?" I'll buy them together."

The roommates were totally flattered.

The school girl is buying them milk tea? ! Oh, my God, this is an honor!

In addition to buying for Ye Fan, when did the school flower buy milk tea for people?!

I consider them now only because they are Ye Fan's brothers.

The school flower really loves Ye Fan, see, in order to catch Ye Fan early, they all know to work hard on them.

"Ha ha, all right, we don't pick, some drink on the line!"

A couple of people are excited, like winning the lottery.

Mu Xin porcelain nodded: "Well, I look to buy."

Such as Mu heart porcelain left, small five and others swarmed Ye Fan, messy.

"Big Brother! I give you a massage, and you teach me how to pick up girls? How can you make the school flower obey you?"

"Yes, you have a way with women! You directly become a love teacher, besides you, who can make the school flower do this?"

"I will obey no one but you. With you, we're all covered! The school flower really loves you so much that she would risk everything!"

"It's a long story. I can't tell you." Ye Fan said proudly.

'Then make a long story short! Three hungry wolves with green lights in their eyes.

Ye Fan also did not think of three brothers to play his idea.

Can not directly say that there is a system, so Ye Fan directly stonewalled the past: "I went to see what she bought."

As soon as Ye Fan left, the three roommates looked at each other.

"It is the iron tree in bloom! Did he have a sad day?"

"I actually carnival for the school flower, this is to clear the clouds and see the moon!"

"I bet you a dime that he is a tough talker and a soft heart. He must have gone to help the school flower bring milk tea."

Ye Fan at the moment has seen the heart of China at the door of the milk tea shop.

She is carrying a lot of milk tea, Ye Fan forward to help: "I will."

Results Mu Xin porcelain with pink face Sheng Chun face, very wary of him: "No ~ I come!" It's heavy!"

Ye Fan chuckled loudly.

It's heavy?

She can feel it.

It is he who bears this weight.

But fortunately, Ye Fan did not feel the weight.

But the customers in the milk tea shop, the students, think it is ridiculous.

Usually the school flowers do not accept other boys milk tea, and now come to buy milk tea for Ye Fan?

Also afraid of Ye fan tired!

The school girl is really licking the dog!

Is the daily envy Ye Fan day!!!

When Mu Xin porcelain came back with a big bag of milk tea, she completely shocked several roommates.

Just now they also said that Ye Fan must be giving Mu Xin porcelain milk tea.

The result is that both hands are full of porcelain, but Ye Fan's hands are empty? More leisure than anyone else!

What a straight iron hammer! Aren't you afraid you can't find a girlfriend?!

No, Ye Fan does not have this concern at all, he does not have a girlfriend, but licking dogs countless, especially such a beautiful female suitor, who wants to have a girlfriend!

After Mu Xin porcelain divided milk tea, Ye Fan's roommates got pearl milk tea.

But they are satisfied enough. This is milk tea from the school flower.

The result of a look at Ye Fan, infuriated people.

Ye Fan's orchid latte tea is topped with a thick vegetable cream and sprinkled with crushed nuts, literally with pearls and coconut, and has a paper milk tea lid on the outside!

Ye Fan said, Mu Xin porcelain all written down?

Also carefully according to Ye Fan's instructions and preferences to do.

It can be seen that Mu Xin porcelain is very concerned about Ye Fan.

Small five is now very sour, do not give his girlfriend to run errands, just buy a matcha milk tea, the other party is also picky about how to add ice, do not remember her menstrual period.

Results look at the heart of porcelain, has not become a girlfriend, on Ye fan obey.

Who wouldn't want a girlfriend like that?!

Ye Fanmei sizzling to drink milk tea, but saw opposite several pairs of dark eyes.

He was in a good mood, not taking it seriously, but reading comics.

"Don't you look at the exercises, how to do the exam, if you fail we can't save you!" Fat tiger found that Ye Fan took a lot of comic books, rather than what learning materials, and asked excitedly.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "Don't worry, the exam is no problem for me."

Small five smiled back: "He really can test the first grade, my name is written backwards, do his spring and autumn big dream."