
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

The school girl is a real bitch

"As you can see, take off your clothes." Ye Fan joked.

"You... You put it on!" The porcelain ears of the heart are burning.

Although she and Ye Fan exchange body feeling for some time, but still too unaccustomed to his touching the body.

After all, she is a girl and he is a boy!

"Splosh, didn't you just ask me to wipe medicine, I wear clothes to wipe medicine?" Ye Fan's hand propped up on the bed, smiling and looking at Mu Xin porcelain.

From between the fingers, you can see that the little face of the porcelain is really red to the extreme.

It's so cute.

Looks like a soft bullet.

Ye Fan really wanted to be shameless with her, haha, and ran away to scare her away.

'Then I'll go out! Mu heart porcelain is about to run away, the result was Ye fan shouted.

"Stop right there."

Ye Fan hook lips, also really see that graceful graceful graceful figure stopped.

"What for?

Haha, she's so obedient.

You know, you talk tough, but you're honest.

"You clean it for me." Ye Fan said leisurely.

"Why do you want me to wipe it for you?" Admiring the heart of the porcelain stamp feet, shame is very.

"My back also has, I can't wipe, hey, so I just find a maid's little sister to wipe me." Anyway, the girls are in good shape, and very pretty."

After hearing Ye Fan words, Mu heart porcelain panic.

Yevan is an lsp!

If you do get a maid, do the shy thing later.

It's not all her experience!

No, she doesn't want that weird touch!

"Can't I wipe it for you?" China's face turned red.

Ye Fan sat down in front of the porcelain, and his thin lips faintly flashed a smile: "Come on."

It is a shame to admire the heart porcelain.

In front of her is Ye Fan smooth and broad back, texture is obvious, those allergic small red rash, especially like strawberry prints, mottled and ambiguous. Are IQ nu g Ε TV. ℃ ǒ Μ

His porcelain ears were red, and he took a cotton swab and began to apply ointment to him little by little.

Ye Fan could feel her smooth, soft hands moving back and forth through the touch of the porcelain.

Wow, wow, that feels really soft and silky.

Ye Fan narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Especially with a girl looking at you like that.

"Whew, why are you moving your hand down, peeking at my ass." Ye Fan with a wicked ridicule, deliberately teasing her.

Mu Xin China's little face was boiling hot, just like fried red shrimp: "I don't... Don't do me wrong!"

"With such an aggressive attitude, I'd better go to the pretty maids; they must be gentle." Ye Fan wanton jokingly admire heart porcelain.

"No, I can't be gentle!" Mouxin China's red lips grumbled.

Ye Fan enjoyed it very much, really felt her gentle demeanor a lot.

Such perks are rare.

After waiting for the ointment, the porcelain eyelashes of the heart flutters, and the tone is soft: "Well, you quickly put on your clothes!"

Ye Fan smiled secretly, and saw the appearance of shame in the eyes of the porcelain.

He took off one piece of clothing, and she was so ashamed.

What shame would it be to do something shy? !

Ye Fan licked the corners of his lips, and some of his mouth was dry.

He deliberately in front of the heart of the porcelain, one by one new QQ is particularly slow, let her anxious.

Mu Xin porcelain face completely burned up, moved the line of sight, but still can have a peripheral sweep to a piece of white flowers: "You can't hurry up."

She could feel the touch of Ye Fan's buttons.

Her fingertips ran across his delicate skin, through his abs, and filled her with shame.

"You want to hurry, why don't you dress me?" Ye Fan temptation.

"Only... No way!"

"Then you hurry?" Ye Fan said carelessly, he deliberately in the face of the heart of China, stroked a abdominal muscle.

"Ah! you You're a bully! Don't touch it!" Mure heart porcelain blushing to delicate and charming desire to drop, biting the red lips, is completely shame fried.

"I don't touch my body, can't you touch it?" Besides, when I'm wearing clothes, you can't bear to touch it here, and when I touch something else, you can't even stand it." Ye Fan flirts with admiring heart porcelain.

Under her ashamed gaze, he unconsciously lowered himself to his pants.

The porcelain ears were so red that they could bleed: "I... I will not rush you, to go back!"

She ran like a little rabbit, and she was swinging her fist.

Seeing her little reaction, Ye Fan could not help laughing out loud.

It's so pure.

School flower must be the first time, hey hey, maybe the last kiss or her first kiss.

Hey, hey, he rounded it all up.

She's so tender. She's pink.

I wish I could eat her up, but not yet.

The highest hunters always appear as prey.

Let Mu Xin porcelain take the initiative to push him down, isn't it more cool!

Ye Fan entered the system lottery.

He drew the prize three times first.

[ Ding -- Congratulations to the host for drawing a super good student ability. ]

Ding -- Super high memory.

[ Ding -- TEM-8 English ability. ]

Wow, that's nice.

Three good things in one fell swoop!

You know Ye Fan is most afraid of English.

He is very patriotic, so he never gets more than 50 points out of 120 in English.

Even the English teacher shook his head when he looked at him.

Not only English, Ye Fan's other courses are basically full.

After all, he is a person who does not forget his roots, and what the teacher teaches, he returns exactly.

Ye Fan before all worried about their ability to graduate, after all, "all the door" all red.

Or the teacher gave him a grade for emotion, or he would have been held back.

Before Ye Fan can be admitted to the university, or because of the high school teacher, he is afraid that he did not learn, can only work hard, in addition to the teacher's whipping, with the last score into a Huaqing University.

But by the time he got to college, he was totally screwed up and just remembered to play.

Ha ha, now that he has these three skills, he is afraid that he is still a poor student.

Ye Fan subconsciously opened the book, just a glance.

As soon as I closed it, I realized I remembered it perfectly.

Great. This is definitely a cheating device.

If the system skill could be auctioned, he could completely sell the system into the bank, hahaha for the benefit of all students.


The next day.

This week, but the midterm exam, Ye fan to the dormitory floor, can see someone in the bedroom in the hard reading.

Even the few Ye Fan bedroom are usually three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, to this time also began to worry.

Five on the fire notice Ye fan: "go!"

"Where to?" Ye Fan was confused.

Small five white Ye Fan a glance: "Silly ah, we go to the library seat!"

Fat tiger has no hair comb, holding a piece of bread, obviously just got up: "brothers, I go first, my girlfriend said that the position is super hot, if you go late, there is no place!"

He didn't even put on his shoes, he just ran out in flip-flops.

"As for such exaggeration?" Ye Fan read speechless, "is not a midterm exam!"

"Brother, you should not be chased by the school flower after floating it!" Reg growled, "Girls are important, but so are midterms! Midterms count for half of your grade!"

Small five straight nod, melancholy is very: "Yes, if I begin to fail the English midterm exam, it will almost fail!" Don't talk to you, fat tiger grandson ran away, I also have to chase!"

Five went out like a rocket launch.

Rhago followed closely behind.

Compared with the three roommates, Ye Fan is very leisurely and walks very slowly.

He doesn't panic. He's scared of the system.

Now he is an excellent student, not a poor student.

Ye Fan is bored, but also a lively, and brothers go to the library.

After he arrived, he found that the small five and other people's eyes are very resentful, still staring at the position next to it.

"I'm really impressed, this morning all slow!" Xiao Five is very upset.

"You're right. It's annoying to know I'm waiting in line before I open the door." Fat tiger clenched small fists, "My girlfriend also got a seat."