
Exchange feeling: Every night the iceberg school flower kiss cry

[Super sweet dog food, system, single female master, Shen Hao, female chasing male] and ice Mountain school flower Mu Xin porcelain exchange taste, smell, touch, she took a bath, wear black silk, Ye Fan can feel. The school flower eats expensive salmon, sleeps in the presidential suite, and drives a super car, all of which are enjoyed by Ye Fan. So, a dark night, school flowers directly door wall dong Ye fan. "My big bed, you sleep." "Top food, you eat." "Huge pocket money, you spend!" The whole school was shocked to find that the school flower has always been high and cold

Cz_Cz · Urban
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96 Chs

It's too dangerous for a boy to be out there

The eyes are shiny and full of adoration.

Who doesn't like the adoration of a girl, especially a super college girl!

This was the first time Ye Fan was worshipped by the heart porcelain.

Ye Fan scratched his head: "It's OK, I didn't read much."

"So you're gifted?" Mu Xin porcelain gasped.

She did not suspect, after all, she and Ye Fan exchange body feelings.

She knows everything he does.

Ye Fan did not deny it.

Having a system is being gifted. www.b ǐ q nu get argument. ℃ ǒ m

"Then you're a genius... It's amazing that I swapped my senses with a genius." Mu Xin porcelain subconscious look at the hands, surprised very, "did not think you hide so deep."

Before Mu Xin porcelain feel and people exchange body feeling, is a very bad thing.

But now, she thinks Ye Fan is really good.

At the beginning is her own vision is bad, has not seen the bright spot of Ye Fan.

She's the one who appreciates talent!

Ye Fan is right, there is a mistake, it must be her fault.

Ye fan was praised very excited.

This can be regarded as the affirmation of the heart of China, it is really worth it.

When Ye Fan was in the air, his Adam's apple was gently touched.

Ye Fan shrank his body sensitively.

"You are still allergic here, go, I will give you to wipe the medicine!" Mu Xin porcelain obviously a lot of enthusiasm.

Let Ye Fan flattered.

To know before let Mu Xin porcelain to rub themselves, it is a difficult thing.

But now Ye Fan is directly Mu heart porcelain to push down in bed.

He swallowed a mouthful of water when he saw the pure and sexy porcelain in front of him.

Suddenly, he felt that the girl enthusiasm, the boy is really too dangerous!!

Clearly is the medicine, but glancing at her beautiful features, it is Ye Fan began to be embarrassed.

Hey, hey, this is a blessing in disguise.

"I was a little harsh and a little reckless before," said the timid voice, "but I was harmless."

"Huh?" Ye Fan raised his eyes.

Girls are so fickle.

This attitude is 180 degrees!

"Later... Can I work with you?" Mu Xin porcelain is a little shy, "I didn't do as well as you this time, but that doesn't mean I can't win you next time!"

She's obviously got a little lost in her mind.

Ye Fan woke up.

Good boy.

The original is not to admire the heart of porcelain interesting to themselves! I just want to get good grades.

Sure enough, the world of excellent students he does not understand!

"Yes, no problem."

This is the school girl asking him, and he can't say no.

Mainly the school flower is too cute, hey hey, who doesn't want to be the teacher of the school flower.

"Ding, detect the intimate behavior of the host and Mu Xin porcelain, reward you with 500 points."

The system is finally on the line, awarded points, naturally let Ye Fan very happy.

Ye Fan immediately entered the system panel and began the lottery.

Congratulations to the host, draw talent identification skills, can clearly identify artists and talents that can bring profits to the company.

Congratulations to the host, draw the ability to know people, good at understanding people's morality and talent, reasonable use, and clear division of labor, no need to do no work.

Both of these skills are very useful to Ye Fan.

He's now the number one shareholder of Joy Media.

Tomorrow is the company's welcome party.

It was also his first time in the company, meeting the staff.

To keep Hyatt Media on track, both skills are needed.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

The next day, the sun was shining.

A brand new Siebel supercar pulled up outside the office building.

It immediately attracted the attention of a large group of office workers.

You know, this office building, it's not rich.

Usually, the most luxurious cars are Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Now such a cool Sibel supercar appeared, suddenly ushered in a sensation.

The girls were a little excited: "This car looks expensive! Must be comfortable in the passenger seat!"

"Quickly take pictures and post them on wechat! I've never seen a car like this before, this is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes!"

The boys also sighed.

People drive their luxury cars easily, and as a result, these workers can only ride shared bicycles.

There are boys full of excited girls, poured cold water: "Can afford to drive such a luxury car, all are bad old man, big belly, you want to marry this old man?"

When the girl heard it, she recoiled.

They would love to ride in a car like this, but just think, if you could afford one, you'd have to be a greasy, bald man.

In reality, there are so many rich and handsome men, and they don't need to dream.

When the girls were in a low mood, the boys were complacent: "In fact, it is very good to sit in my Emma electric car, don't have to find a parking space, and go where you want to go."

Well, these guys are easier on the eyes than the bad guys.

The boys think they've won.

For a moment, I heard the girl praise, "good handsome!"

This makes the boys feel even more proud.

"Ha, ha, I think so too! I'm Daniel Wu!"

When the boys scratched their heads, they heard the girls complaining.

"Stop being narcissistic, are you talking about!"

Boy: "..."

Is there anyone more handsome than him?

See the girl makes a crazy, the boy has a little touch: "What can be handsome!"

Results along the girl's eyes to see, directly God ah sound: "Mom, really good handsome!" Fuck, I'm falling in love!"

I saw a tall and handsome boy up and down from a sports car just now.

He was tall, star-eyed and thin-lipped, and looked handsome in the sun, wearing a white shirt.

This is the kind of handsome that guys subconsciously envy and hate.

But the next moment, the boys' faces were pounding, too.

"Who said it was a bad old man's! This is Prince Charming!" The girls gave an exclamation of admiration.

Boys: "When I saw him, I bowed down. I really lost in terms of appearance level."

It pisses me off. I can't argue with how handsome he is.

What's more, the other side actually drove such a top luxury car!

This is to make people feel inferior to death!

In the girls envy, boys yearn for the gaze, Ye Fan into the office inside.

This is the first day of his upcoming meeting with Hyatt Media.

In the office building, Qi shareholders and female staff met on the first floor.

The female employees shouted respectfully: "All shareholders good!"

Qi shareholders with a loud nod, and then past the female staff to enter the special elevator.

Just then, Qi shareholders heard a surprise sound of female employees.

"Is this the new one? He's so handsome."

"Yes, he's coming this way, my heart is beating fast!"

In addition to the surprise, but also a little more young girl's heart surging happy and caper.

Qi shareholders frown a little.

Is there a new one?

Can't be the new shareholder named Ye.