
Chapter 8: First training

- So, how can I help you? - the father looked at his daughter carefully for a moment instead of me.

- Well... I got money and I want to do shopping here... Though I am considering storage. I don't have a fridge - I said worried.

- Oh... Fridge? You don't need this. Containers called "don't-go-wrong" are more convenient to use... - he explained to me.

- Don't-go-wrong? - I asked.

- Well... Exceeds like to solve problems with magic... and do them differently. If you put a fruit in this container, after 100 days it looks like only one day has passed for it. More expensive, with better spells and materials. They say food never goes bad.

- Sounds amazing... Where I can buy one? This cheaper of course... And how much it cost?

- We have few actually... It is 75 coins per container with 5l capacity - he showed me 5 containers.

I have a total of 700 coins in my account. If I buy them all, I still have plenty of money left over for food...

- I will take all of them... And give me good food to fill them all - I said determinedly.

I won't have to worry about shopping for a long time.

Lily immediately moved her dad away from the containers and began to arrange the food in them very carefully. But she managed to fill every bit of space.

- It is 500 for you - she said with a sweet smile.

My soul has left my body along with that money. I really hope it will last me a long time. I got meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices... One container is full of sweets.

- Thank you very much! - Lily was wagging her tail like a propeller.

- Thank you too. See you soon! - I smiled and headed to my apartment with my rather heavy groceries.

I had more distance to walk now, but that didn't bother me. The neighborhood is too pretty.

I put the containers on the shelf. I'm curious how it really works. After that, I sat down to continue reading about the place where I am.

Another interesting thing is that there are dungeon passages in this world... A real dungeon? I've always dreamed of entering such a... Is entry forbidden?

It seems that it is forbidden to enter the dungeons... They are dangerous, sometimes they collapse suddenly... And after the collapse, unlucky treasure hunters ended up in cruel worlds or interspaces. Also, once you've entered, you can't back out until you find a "side exit" or go through the entire dungeon.

My hopes died a tragic death. It seemed so cool to me. But as the saying goes, you can't have everything. The crystal tablet has dungeon survival features in case someone falls in, but intentionally entering it is strictly forbidden.

Frustrated by this, I decided to skip most of the information about dungeons and went on to describe the types of magic that occur. It turns out that there are many other types of magic besides the basic elements... Spatial magic, for example, is a separate gift. Similarly, necromancy is a derivative of dark magic, but you also need to have special predispositions for it. So not every dark user is a potential necromancer.

The primary abilities are the gift of translation, opening portals, and creating a mental connection. Either way, there are magical beings without these abilities.

In the meantime, I managed to prepare myself a simple dinner. On reading further information about this place, I got to the time set for training. The alarm snapped me out of my reading trance.

I quickly got up and went to practice. I met a few other people in the hallway. Looks like they're going to practice too.

There were 10 different age groups. I noticed that Aria was walking among them, waiting for everyone to arrive. Will she teach us all?

- Hello William, how are you doing? - she talked to me when I came closer.

- Very good, thank you... I'm ready for my first training here! - I said motivated.

- Good... Come here - she showed me a group with the oldest here.

- S-shouldn't I be with the beginners? - I asked.

- Nooo... Why? You had perfect results in physical education classes. We got this information easily... - she said, convinced of the rightness of her decision.

- Okay... Whatever - I came to them.

- Hello... Fresh meat - one of them giggled.

- Hello... Old meat? - I said thoughtlessly.

Everyone laughed when I said this.

- All right, end of laughs! - Aria ended this fast.

She began giving orders from the youngest groups one by one. We were at the end.

- Obstacle course number 10 - she said.

- Underground one... Be prepared for a lot of nasty traps - one Exceed with gray fur warned me about this.

- You won't be hurt by them, but the pain is like from real wounds - another added.

Shivers ran down my back. I have already imagined how every now and then I fall into traps as a novice and feel pain from each of them.

After a while we are in front of the entrance and we got the signal to run. I immediately ran inside. Right from the start, I almost fell into a hole filled with spikes. Nice welcome!

Everyone ran without stopping for a moment and so did I. For them, the inability to use the wings in such a place must be a big obstacle. There are many spikes on the ceiling. The next traps were arrows shooting from the walls, flamethrowers... Like in adventure movies about treasure hunters.

At some point, runes lit up under my foot and a massive explosion shook my body. I screamed in pain. It felt like my body was really on fire and torn apart... But when I looked around my body, I couldn't see any marks... I felt actual pain but no wounds. After a while, the pain was gone and I was behind.

- You should be able to feel so simple traps! - I heard Aria's voice.

She is still watching from somewhere? Good to know she has some control over it. I moved on as soon as possible. The rest of the obstacle course did not spoil me.

I fell into a few more traps, mostly the runic ones. But I was quickly beginning to understand how to avoid these nasty traps. Pain turned out to be a great motivator. What a surprise! Hahahaha...

After a difficult 20 minutes, I managed to reach the exit. I immediately sat down on the grass and caught my breath. Others also sat and rested for a while. There were glasses of drinks on the next table. As soon as I was able to move, I took advantage of it and drank one.

- I told you? You'd be bored with kids - Aria smiled. - And you have a nice score for a beginner - it was only nice for a while.

The training lasted a total of 3 hard hours. We learned to use magic. I was again given sticks covered with runes and I has to practice and hold them constantly in my hands. A very difficult exercise. It didn't burn as much as the first time, but it still burned.

We were all exhausted. As soon as I could, I went to my apartment and took a long shower. Good thing I had cosmetics from Earth. At least for now, I don't have to buy them. A long shower also helped with the burning pain in my hands. I still felt it, but it was weak.

I prepared a meal and ate a really big portion. I've exhausted my strength a few times because of runic sticks.

I was already in my boxers and shirt on the bed when I heard knocking. I quickly put on my pants and opened the door to see who was coming. Lily? How did she find me here?

- Heeellooo! - she exclaimed cheerfully.

- Hi... What are you doing here? - I asked her suspiciously.

- So I thought you might be looking for an extra income, and I have something that doesn't involve using magic - she is wagging her tail again like she is very satisfied.

- I thought about it... But what would I do?

- Come! I'll just show you! - she said cheerfully.

I guess I had no choice again. I put on my shoes, took my backpack, and set off with her. OK! I had a choice! But I was too interested in her offer! And so in the evening I followed Lily....