

Mike thinking he had escaped not only to know he was just a dog on trial.

Evvy1 · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Lies everywhere

He couldn't get over the morning nightmare he had. He looks stressed, dehydrated, and sweating profusely as if he has been punished hardly.

When Mike arrived home, he saw the front view lights turned on and the window opened, The cloud looked very cloudy and waiting for the rain to fall, he was scared thinking it was his wife, Evy. while waiting for the rain...

The thunderstroke got him into a sudden flashback, he stood there for a minute...then called his friend Lisa.

**Phone conversation**

Why are you calling suddenly we just met, hello Mike, is there an issue? said Lisa, who was trembling all over thinking I was in certain trouble.

Hey Lisa, I'm doing really well, I just wanted to call you—Do you believe me Lisa, or want to make a fool of it? I didn't want to believe or trust anyone else...I felt anyone could be lying to me.

**End of phone conversation**

I wanted to hear your voice, let's talk another time...Evy will be home soon concluded Mike.

He went straight to his matrimonial bed, he removed his top and could see all kinds of needle marks on his body...he stood up to take a shower there and then he had a serious headache. He could hear a lady whispering—so you were the perfect tool or should I say the trial machine, She laughed loudly but Mike could only hear it echoing...he decided to ask her why this was happening to him.

The lady was just laughing"Hey boy, did you think they left you to run out of their sight, no right, the moment you start feeling dizziness and Tinnitus,bammn! You will be dead, they will need to pick your body cells to study it..... Mike who looked confused didn't understand any, right after the lady finished blabbering he fell to the bed.

Waking up the next day, seeing Evy in her apron, her bronze hair tied at the back, wearing natural makeup, wearing a bright smile...Mike couldn't stop admiring her. "I'm in a fairy tale dream, you looking stunning Evy," said Mike. Evy was just smiling and enjoying the praises given by Mike. "I decided to look special and to serve you in bed, no other idea, she smirks".

**Lisa is still at the hospital cause she's on a nightshift but came in the morning just for Mike.. she's been in the office for three hours since the nightshift started—the night weather looked peaceful and innocent, with the breeze so fresh that could wash away one's sorrow. She opened a small cubicle in the office to scribble on a board, trying to sort out the cause of Mike's Tinnitus.

"Mike has never been into an accident enough to get him Tinnitus, he got missing while as an intern, I'm the only one who remembers him getting missing along with other interns, she exclaimed, Bingo! I just need to find out where he was before he got abducted and how she is involved in it "She puts a red pin on the picture of Mike's wife, Evy. She continued "To make such a discovery I need Mike and I got to pretend ".

A nurse knocked on the door and came through"Doc, someone is in the waiting room, she says she has an appointment with you". Let her come in replied Lisa, who was bewildered as to who the person was, she quickly covered the board and left that room to her main office... She was sitting at her desk when the chair kept swinging around, and to her surprise it was Evy.

Evy pulled the chair and sat on it, staring at Lisa with a steamy face. She let it out" So it's simple, what are you trying to find...just stop whatever you are up to and let Mike live in this existence, you know what Lisa...I'm done bye, she scoffed." What at all is going in, Could all our claims be true?


Mike still recovering per the doctor's note, he might get tinnitus at any time...Evy left a note on the dining table stating she will be on night today. He grabbed a cup of coffee, sipped, and yawned—the day surely felt great, I could get a new novel to read since I had nowhere to go. The doorbell rang..."Yes who's there, oh gosh I wasn't expecting anyone", he took the remote and turned on the television, he went ahead to ask who was at the door. "Hey, fool just let me in" she yelled back. Mike asked Lisa in and then she followed him to the garage... "Here looks messy and scary, can I ask you a question, Mike, she insisted". He nodded into agreeing to answer her questions. "Why do you pretend to not know what's going on, I know you don't find this ringing scary as if used to". He was mute for a minute, cleared a small portion that showed a door to a certain room and it looked like it hadn't been used for years, Mike turned a deaf ear to Lisa, while she was bugging him with questions.


Evy has arrived at her company, Oops, she's a businesswoman and an heir to a banking Company thus she's working as a manager to test her strength and whether she can rule over the company or not.

She got an unknown call, answered the call but didn't talk as she waited to hear from the person who called but then there was no noise from the person's background, everything surrounding was so quiet.


Aren't you going to answer my question, and what the hell goes on in this room... Hey bro! lashed out, Lisa.

Shh!, Look around, I'm being watched until I figure out how and when I need to look like a fool to adjust in this world.

Tell me what happened on the day you were kidnapped.


Let me tell you what I can remember, I'm working up to remembering every little detail, cause I'm damn sick and tired to see needle marks on my body and having tinnitus.

Mike flinched narrating what happened to Lisa...

"Everybody get outside, All medical officers should vacate the building There's been a fire outbreak at the doctor's floor, We warning you. I repeat all doctors on the floor should vacate the building".

I was in the bathroom easing myself, feeling peace...I heard of the announcement and tried to run off with Jim and Noah. The fire extinguisher was used and everything was blurry, hearing Jim whimpering Knocked me from my long sleep, only to find ourselves in a van,

Yes, it was a van, it wasn't one but loads of them... They noticed that I was awake after being intoxicated, then I was blindfolded, the journey was quite a while. Sighs! If my calculations were right it seemed the van was moving in circles, no, no—it's what I thought, I wouldn't know cause I was blindfolded. Jim was exhaling heavily and asking for water he kept saying, "Water, water, someone should get me water, I'm dying" but no son born of a bitch came to his rescue. I was stumping in the car to get their attention that my friend was dying as for Noah I couldn't hear him... The moving van stopped, and they were shouting "Separate them, we need to classify them according to age, not occupation"(sobbing).

Lisa placed her finger on his mouth and comforted him"This isn't the time to talk about your suffering let's get the truth and save Noah and Jim"

What makes you think they are still alive? What if something bad has happened to them? You see Lisa, I am not happy that I came out alone, thus am suspicious of anyone around me. She nods her head and sympathizes with him—all will end soon concluded Lisa. Evy will be home soon... Lisa went quiet for a while but didn't inform him about Evy coming to her.


Evy looked at her time and ended the meeting with her workers" it's lunchtime, let's end here" she smiled at them. I will be getting off soon I need to check on my husband, wait... Could you clear my schedule for tomorrow " asked her secretary, and the secretary nodded.

She walks to the office window stares outside and gets lost in thought" Will Mike find the truth, is he pretending to not know?".