

Mike thinking he had escaped not only to know he was just a dog on trial.

Evvy1 · Sci-fi
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15 Chs


Few weeks of doing the work as couples, Mike finally started working in the hospital... Of course the same hospital as Lisa. I'm not pissed, jealous or whatever, I believe him, I have known Mike for years. Now that we are trying to enjoy our married life it's okay.


It was a hot afternoon, so I decided to clean the house because I felt bored just lying down and doing nothing.

Mike's at work who's here this afternoon, it's not even time for him to clock out.

The door kept ringing....

"What the fuck!". I said and exhaled.

As I opened the door, a lady, badged in and said "Nice home,Evy... Should I say Number eight" .

"Point of correction, I never had a number, woman eleven or should I say Katrina" I said.

Katrina looked shocked, wondering how I knew her name... She's the same woman who appeared at the hospital where Mike was first taken to when seen. I can now deal with her since I have Mike's mind now.

I sat and crossed my legs with my hands stretched across the sofa "ouh oh! I shouldn't have mentioned your name, ooh no one knows that name".

Katrina sighs and stammers"How... How do you know my name? Evy."

"Let's say I just know. Why, this time I am in for you. And see, you just showed me the spot where the people can't see or hear us. Are you afraid of getting your identity revealed?" I replied.

She knelt down looking around, then she whispered...

"What?" I shouted.

"Please help me with it, maybe not now but I am also like you, just as what whispered to you," she added.

To avoid the people from suspecting her, we went to the spot where they could see us... Actually Katrina never showed me the spot but...

"I'm leaving now, Evy. Thank you" Katrina said.

I went back to my post, hihi i am talking of the kitchen. Since Katrina left such a remark... I'm lost in thought wondering what more I do not know. Should I go to my parents house again, what excuse should I bring up? No,no,Evy, you guys should focus on your marriage now, since Mike agrees on having a baby it's amazing.

You don't know much about me because everything happened so fast. Let me ruin the mood with my love life. I crushed on Mike first at college, well it wasn't just a medical college but I have other departments in. I studied business management, Psychology, I was once an assistant to a scientist. It wasn't in the same school but after completing school with management, I traveled and studied... I came back after I heard the news about kidnappers. I am the dull type but with Mike I am all. Sometimes remembering our college days brings a smile on my face, as the wise people said"One can't turn the hands of time but once there's a mistake find how to Change or solve or just go with the flow of time now".

If I knew this would have happened I wouldn't have fought with Mike that night, if I hadn't come that year and fought with Mike, he wouldn't have worked late and got kidnapped. I shouldn't have pushed him away, I should have just done what we brought up... But I will take this as my punishment. How do I tell him I have been watching him after he got out of there? I watched how nodle was taken, if I had not been there I wouldn't have found him. I had my reasons for hiding stuff from him, even though I have said some part to him there's still more to say but not now, maybe later, in the future, soon or never, I'm not fully sure yet but I will definitely tell him the truth one day.

"Oops! Must this plate break now. Oh no!It's 3:00 pm" I exclaimed.

I need to finish with the soup. It's been a while since Mike had his favorite, rice and chicken soup. He will get home by 3:40 pm, which means I have just 40 minutes left to finish cooking and serve.

"Honey, I am home. Oh should not say it that way.. Erm baby !" Mike said with a lovey-dovey voice.

I made sure Mike won't suspect anything, Katrina which he knows nothing about since day one it's best to keep it this way and even what she whispered, am not going to take it serious until future*SMILES*.

" Welcome home, aren't we behaving like a newly married couple?" I said.

"Yummy yummy, just the aroma makes it yummy already" Mike added.

" Guess what, it's your favorite," I said while smiling so brightly.

"I don't know, it's been a week since we started behaving like couples and Oh MY GOD, I love it already" he replied.

" It's your favorite-" I didn't finish the sentence and he said "Rice and soup!"

I was standing there lost in thought about which is the best choice to make. Should we start everything over but that will make it a bloodbath, or I should just enjoy this sex life of a married couple. Mike is now working and getting some supplement for his Tinnitus and it's been months since he hasn't experienced anything. What exactly makes the Tinnitus appear, should I go to "the people". I'm already going crazy now.. the whole situation is confusing.

Mike in his shorts with a singlets at the top seated around the dining table had been watching Evy for quite some time. He constantly slurps in the soup and looks at his wife at the same time.

He coughs and clears his throat "Thanks for the food, am done".

I went to take out his used dishes but couldn't just go and walk away without saying anything, I decided to bring in something to cheer the mood "Do you want the other food? By the way, how was work, stressful or okay?"

He wiped his mouth and replied with a smiling face"It was okay, I want the other food but after, I would like to know how You met Jim".

I didn't expect him to bring it out, Even though I told him I knew about him, I didn't expect him to ask me..

"Life is about the best choice you make, it's like a calculation and you're the calculator , funny isn't it" I thought.

I pulled one chair close to him and sat on it, "should we talk about it now before we go for the drive?".

His mood there shows he means business and wants to know it, Mike is difficult to be read, his expressions are of mix.

"I will tell you about how I found Jim. We"