
Excalibur: part 1

A sort of prequel of how the hero Erick Wilde and his two party members destroyed the Demon King,150 years before the wars on Excalibur...

Rico_Van_Wyk · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Library

As the university students buzzed through the campus of Zaden University of Science and Technology, a couple was walking hand and hand to the library looking each other deep in eyes as they were talking.

Ring ring , a bicycle bell rang behind them as a delivery boy came racing between them.

The two would have been ran over if they didn't split in time and the boy on the bike laughed as he looked at the angry couple

"Fuck you, dipshit!" The guy yelled out to the delivery boy

The boy just rode of and laughed even louder.

He came skidding into the parking lot of the library and locked his bike firmly to a light pole and shook the chain twice to confirm.

As he entered the noise from the outside suddenly drifted away into a quiet calm three-storey library filled to the brim with book and some old antiques.

Only the sound of small chatter, footsteps and pages turning could be heard.

"Hey beautiful!" the boy called out from halfway into the library, everyone stopped and looked at him as he happily skipped towards the counter.

The lady at the counter sighed as she knew it would only be one idiot who would be dumb enough to shout in the library.

"Hey Erick..." She smiled as Erick arrived at the counter, "Here for a delivery?"

"Yeah, the Big Boss, gave me the request last night"

"Last night, huh? Damn you really are good, seeing as how you acquired the item so fast" the lady gave Erick a surprised look

"I was just lucky"

"I don't believe so. But anyway his upstairs, probably already waiting for you"

"Thanks Amy" Erick waved as her started climbing the stairs two at a time while whistling

Amy just sighed again "That guy never adheres to the library rules" she continued to catalogue the books she was working on.

Knock knock

"Come in!" A deep masculine voice called out

The door opened and Erick stepped through.

Inside the Big Boss's office there were throphe cases filled with antiques just like outside, but what made these different were that they were 100% original and not copies like the once displayed outside in the library.

The antiques were in perfect condition and Erick always felt drawn to them somehow.

The Big Boss was standing at a table pouring a glass of whiskey. He was a big 1.9m man wearing a red crimson suit and black leather gloves. He never removed his gloves in al hos years that Erick knew him. Erick had noticed a long while back that the Big Boss also wore contacts to hide his true eye colour, but Erick never dared to pry. The big Boss looked about in his late 40's and had a very muscular body, so Erick just assumed he was probably in the military.

"Hey Boss I got that item you asked for" Erick removed the backpack from his back and placed it on the table

"Great job as always, young hero"

"I asked you to stop calling me that, sir"

"My bad" The Boss smiled, revealing his a few "extra" sharp teeth

"Yeah, I got the item. But the clients are really weird to be paying so much for such weird items" Erick removed a small metal case with a pin code system on its front.

He put in a pin and the case sprung open.

He pulled out a white cloth with a golden outlin, "Can't believe a client is willing to pay $12000 for this piece of cloth"

"We don't question we just collect..."

"Yeah, yeah we just collect and deliver"

"So about your payment"

Just then Erick noticed a piece of wood behind the boss on the desk next to the whiskey bottle

"What's that?"

"What? Oh this? It's a wooden box. I tried opening it but it won't open"

"Anything valuable inside?"

"Nope. You want it?"

"To do what with it?"

"Just take it. We received it through mail with no return address, so it's just sitting around here" the Boss threw the box towards Erick who caught it

"Yeah looks ordinary" he shoved the box in the metal case and closed it and placed it in his bag ,"Anyways just transfer my share and if the next job comes just let me know"

" Will do kiddo" the Boss sat down on his leather chair and pulled out a unique looking telescope that looked a bit old with weird symbols on it

Erick exited the room taking one last glace at the Boss as he inspected the cloth through the scope

As he came down the stairs to the counter he saw Amy looking at few classified documents from the CIA she stole a few years ago.

He leaned over the back of the counter without her noticing him as she was intensely reading

"Soooo, what's you readin' there?"

"OH God!" She screamed as she pulled out a Luger 9mm pistol Infront of Erick's face

Erick instinctively put his hands in the air, knowing she won't shoot but he didn't want to test that theory

" Please spare me, I still need to get laid" he teased while making a sad face

"Good God, next time I might just shoot. Don't do that" she quickly replaced the pistol back in it's holster under her desk and turned back to the files

" So what were you reading so intensely?"

" It's files for a next job"

" Oh really, do you need a delivery boy?" He smiled sheepishly

" That's for the boss to the decide. Hey did you say that you wanted to stop after you 250th delivery."

"Yeah why?"

" Today is your 300th delivery dumbass. Just say you don't want to quit. And don't bring up that bullshit about supporting your mother, we both know you can support her and still study 3 more degrees and still have change left on what you have in the bank."

" Yeah you got me. I was born for this job. Just imagine I get to test my skills and steal from elite mansions and get paid for it."

" You are really a dumbass. This job will be the death of you one day"

" Yeah you might be right" he walked out while waving towards her

" He probably won't see his 30th birthday" she turned back to her reading after she confirmed he was out the door...

Hope you enjoyed...

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