

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

As the world caves in

As Lee waited for the vent to start, he made sure that his outfit was clean. He had a dress shirt, a tie, a vest, and a black trench coat over it all. As he walked out of the dressing room. He was greeted by the president himself.

"G'day young man!" He said happily.

"Good morning, sir." Lee then shook his hand and walked away.

"Wow, that's the first time anyone has been calm when they met me!" The president said, "Hella, may you please run a background check on him?"

"Yes sir, I'll have his information by tomorrow."


When the ceremony started one by one they were called for their awards.

"For the Heroic Deeds medal, Jade Hummel!" A woman with purple hair and bright red eyes walked out. She looked like a chameleon.

"And finally, one of the youngest commanders in the century. Lee Ming, for having the highest intelligence and aptitude among all other commanders. This includes even the oldest and wisest commanders that we've ever had."

The crowd cheered on as Lee walked up on stage. His hair flowed through the wind, and his golden eyes glistened. The cheers continued for him, and mostly by young women.

After the ceremony, they held a banquet for everyone. As Lee sat with his legs crossed, he sighed.

"Why are you sighing? You got an award didn't you?" Keller asked.

"Well, I guess it's just that I can finally rest for a bit. Not doing any kind of paperwork and stuff, y'know?" Lee said.

"Yeah. But it seems like you're very popular now. Look around us." Lee sat up straight and observed his surroundings. A ton of women, young and mature stared at him. He was getting more popular.

All of the other commanders had their members come to the banquet, and so did Lee's members. They entered the door and walked over to Lee's table. They sat down and started chatting. Diana sat next to Lee, holding on to his arm. But then Jade Hummel walked over to them.

"Lee Ming. Please, may I have your number?" She asked as she bowed to him.

"Uhh. Sorry, I can't. I don't even know you. I saw you at the final exam, but I don't have those feelings y'know? So I'm sorry, I can't." He rejected her awkwardly.

She walked away in sorrow, and Lee hid his head out of embarrassment and guilt.

"Damn, bro's hard to get." Jimmy said.

"Shut the fuck up dude." Lee told him. Lee looked around, then he saw Mu, William, Jackson, Ryan, and Daniel. His anger grew, and he stood up. He signaled for the boys to go with him, and so they did. They walked up to them with confidence and malice.

"What are the five of you doing here?" Lee asked calmly even if he was one inch away from killing them.

"Oh well, we just wanted to see our good ol friend again!" Daniel said with fear in his eyes. But just then, an explosion came from under them. They rigged their exact location to get revenge on Lee!

Everyone panicked, and the gang members laughed their asses off. But when the smoke settled, Lee, Jimmy, and Mohammed stood there like nothing had ever happened.

Lee grabbed Mu by his jaw and slammed him down to the floor. Jimmy and Mohammed grabbed the other four and beat the shit out of them. Hit after hit, blood splattered from Mu's face. Lee got up, and Mu thought it was over. Lee then proceeded to start stomping his face into the ground. But soon, Zyion pulled Lee off of him and held his as he tried charging Mu. The gang members panicked to try and run. But special operators had already got to the scene and arrested them.

"Urgahg! Fuck! Always doing some fucking dumb shit!" Lee kicks the wall and it partially cracks.

"Those dudes barely survived, how did you guys survive the explosion?" Zyion asked.

Lee reached into his pocket and pulled out a chunk of oroborn.

"Fucking hell, is that really all you use?" Finna asked.

"Yes, instead of just telling you guys what to do, this stuff lets me join in on the action." Lee said. But just then, a massive group of cultists started invading the building. Some of them were killed and the people inside got to see outside. A catastrophe was in action.

Catastrophes or ruination, is a randomly occurring event that destroys everything in its path. Most ruins are when giant deposits of oroborn burst through the soil, while a category 5 hurricane blows through the surrounding area. But ruins are able to be detected by the change in air pressure, humidity, temperature, wind speeds, and the UV index. But some can be so devastating that they destroy entire ecosystems and kill millions of people. But this one, this one was the worst one they've ever seen in decades.

"Fuck! Everyone evacuate!" One of the other commanders yells out.

"We would really love to! But the path is blocked by massive oroborn crystals!" Jade yelled. Lee leaped from the wall and grabbed on to one of the crystals and released the pressure inside causing it to blow up into dozens of large shards. He did this all over the building and this led the people to evacuate without overcrowding.

"Everyone! Go!" Lee yelled.

Many people ran out screaming and crying. The president stayed inside and helped his people evacuate. A mark of a true leader. Lee smiled but then got hit by something.

"Damn! What the fu-" Lee gets knocked out from a cultist with a metal bat and he falls to the ground.

"No!" Diana cries as she sprints up to the cult member. He traveled more than 100 meters in under 5 seconds and chops the cultist's head off with her ax. Diana puts her ax on her back and picks up Lee with relative ease. As everyone evacuated, the building started to scramble and eventually collapsed in on itself. The city was in ruins, and all from one ruination.