

4 people living simple lives' parents are brutally murdered and the people get special abilities and become villains that destroy the world. An agent then takes in the 4 and makes them heroes to save the world and get justice for their parents deaths the right way. the team expands and later on they have to save the multiverse from the master of all universes who intends on wiping all earth's. GT PRODUCTIONS

GabrielTembo · Action
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Ex-Villains 2

GT Entertainment pictures presents..

A Fancy Comics novel

By Gabriel Tembo

EARTH-989...New York City....

It starts with the A Agencies building. John McBright managed to escape and the alarm in the building rang. Everyone in the building went ahead, trying to catch John. John jumped outside through a window, breaking the glass (instead of shooting it) just where an Innocent person was sweeping all the dirt caused during The first fight. He finished sweeping and said, "huh finall...." and John landed on the garbage bags right before the sweeper finished talking and their fight began. The fight of the ex-villains against John.

In the middle of the city, invisible teleporter was getting every innocent person out of the buildings for safety because claw man and rock man kept destroying buildings and they went ahead to fight John. John hit Claw man and Rock man to a mountain. Reality was defeating John. Reality was just about to kill John but he was stopped when lightning from above came down and hit Reality out of the way and a person appeared. That person started helping John. The two wrecked almost the entire city until the agent came in this iron electronic suit and started fighting John. The person who came to help John flew up in the sky to the first planet and the agent hit John out of earth. No one knew where the two went after being taken out of earth. Everyone in the city had to clean the city up beause the sweeper vanished all of a sudden while claw man and rock man were watching everyone do maintanance, 3 months later, maintanance was done and the sweeper was still missing and...

Gabriel Tembo: Claw man

Nkonge Nkonge: Reality

Emmanuel Kabwe: Rock man

Priscilla Ciyena: Invisible teleporter

Kenneth Mukumba: John McBright

Kangwa Kwibisa: sweeper, lightning helper

Mwiinga Mayuni: Agent Arnold Arthur

Tip: John McBright landed in Mercury and a spirit in Mercury said "I have blessed you with super strength use it for good I will be watching you at night then made him go all the way back to earth back in canada and...

Thanks for reading..

These stories were written and typed a long time ago so that's why there not like the other novels I've written

And they were not written by me

I made the stories but did not write it.
