

4 people living simple lives' parents are brutally murdered and the people get special abilities and become villains that destroy the world. An agent then takes in the 4 and makes them heroes to save the world and get justice for their parents deaths the right way. the team expands and later on they have to save the multiverse from the master of all universes who intends on wiping all earth's. GT PRODUCTIONS

GabrielTembo · Action
Not enough ratings
8 Chs





It starts with a young 10 year old boy named Jonathan Leviathan.

He wanted to be a super hero and a bad guy and also a scientist plus an electric engineer.

his mum said, "I will help you get a job to be a scientist"

5 years later he was assigned at an engineering tech he was a gangster. A person named John McBright said to him

"for you to join this tech you have to answer 3 simple questions if you pass you're in if you fail then we know what will do"

he asked him "what animals have claws?"

he answered John "a chicken" 

John said "that's incorrect"

he said "a bird" and later on

"an eagle"

John said "incorrect lock him up"

They did so and a black insect bit Johnathan and entered his elbow then a huge claw grew 30 centimeters long and he started reacting and the exact same claws grew from both knees and elbows 60 cm long from both hands and feet. He turned into a huge, black, strong creature he had plane white eyes and very sharp white teeth

John said to his men "don't unlock him he's trying to find he's way out"

Jonathan turned huge and ran out of the place and started killing everyone. John called Jonathan'sparents and said

"your child has gone wild"

when Jonathan's parents arrived, Jonathan's mother slapped John shouting at him. He removed his gun and before shooting her the husband jumped in front of her and got shot instead. Some time later, John shot Jonathan's mother. Jonathan became a wild beast and was jumping around New York, killing people  and when he went to his house, he turned back to human and gave himself the name Claw-Man and got upset when he saw he's parents were not there and turned huge killing people for 2 years. He went in a cave and met some random person and….

Gabriel Tembo: Johnathan/ Claw man

John McBright: Kenneth Mukumba

TIP: Later on in the cave the person who he met said I am REALITY I can turn into anyone and know what they will do, say and act like a mirror I believe you are Johnathan Leviathan

Claw-man will return in Ex-villains 1