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It's early morning 3 am. Melanin lying in couch looking at Henry who is sleeping peacefully by widening her eyes..She starts walking towards his bed and lays next to Henry and admires his handsomeness..

She waves her hands at his face to confirm that he is sleeping or not.. she gets no response as he is sound asleep..

Melanin Pov :

I slowly whispered ," Hubby , are you sleeping ?" in his ears..But I didn't get any response

I think he slept well ..How can he be some handsome in sleep too...And addition to this the brightness of this shining light on his face to glows more..Wait where the light Comes from..I looked around and I saw curtain moving in wind and the moon reflecting it's brightness on my Henry..

Trust me he's extremely handsome in this moonlight..His black hair and thick curved eyebrows , black beared , black mustache..added more handsomness to his white handsome face.."