
I Love You Herry ; I Will Wait For You

Melanin Pov

I came early from work today because I have to check on ice cream cake I made

" Did you finish making the cake ? ", Saafiya asked..

" Yeah . just doing final touch " , I said making final touch.

" It came out well" , she said

I told her " Ms.Executive chef my ice cake is done now. And it's waiting for your approval.."

" Even this Executive Chef will fail but not Melanin when she prepared for Henry..I am sure it will be 10000time perfect.." she said and I could feel my cheek turning red hot.

After few while I got Granny call ,"Cupcake..I feel Henry has some feeling for you..But he is not able to realise as Linda and others there..So I took Linda and Christiana out..Henry will be coming ..Sort out things between you ."

" But Granny..", I said but the call ended.. I was busy in preparing the cake that I forgot where everyone went