

Xie Yaohua and Fu Xi have been brothers for many years. He followed after the boss throughout high school and naturally knew about his first love.

She was an exquisite girl from head to toe. When she smiled, one couldn't help but want to offer up their heart. Later on, they broke up, and she followed a rich family to study abroad. The boss was stupid. To save this relationship, he actually slit his wrist but was still unable to retain the person.

The Fu Xi from back then was dark, depressed, and ill-tempered.

Their friends hated Ji Linlang's unfeeling ruthlessness, but no one dared to speak in front of Fu Xi. In the end, her name became something taboo.

Xie Yaohua had a headache. What was this woman thinking, actually coming to interview so shamelessly? Did she think the boss would recall their old feelings?

Could it be— she thinks too highly of herself?

Why did Linlang come for the interview?

Of course it was—for fun!

Not only was there the ruthlessly abandoned ex, but there was also the adorably naïve female lead who won love with her innocence, her righteous girlfriends who were full of gunpowder, as well as those groups of people who just couldn't stand her money-grubbing style!

There were so many enemies. She got excited just thinking about it!

Isn't there a truth in the saying, fighting others is abundantly enjoyable?

"Number 30, get ready!"

Linlang stood up with a smile and passed Yang Lu who had just walked out.

Yang Lu froze for a moment.

The little girl had obviously received a psychological blow.

Her head didn't reach Linlang's shoulders. She looked at those long and straight legs of the swaying beauty who walked on those heels as if she was about to attend a king's banquet.

Yang Lu subconsciously turned back. It so happened that the man fiddling on his phone raised his head at that moment. The depth of those eyes made it difficult for people to know what he was thinking.

Her heart dropped with a thud.

Yang Lu's friend whispered, "Look at the shirt that woman's wearing. It seems like a high-end brand. I saw a big star wearing that in a variety show. It can't be bought even if you have the money!"

She shook her head like an old-fashioned private school teacher lamenting over the darkness of society. "Nowadays, girls don't know what it means to have self-respect or self-worth..."

Yang Lu laughed. Her heart was more at ease. She didn't think it was good to talk about others this way and quickly interrupted her. "Don't speak nonsense. Maybe they have real skills!"

"Real skills?" Yu Lifang raised her eyebrow and suddenly winked at her ambiguously. "You mean changing men like changing clothes?"

"Ah! Fangfang, you're so bad!" The two ladies were quite noisy.

They thought they had been very quiet, but Linlang along with all the interviewers in the room heard them clearly.

Linlang was composed and maintained a lovely smile. She even made a witty remark. "Gentlemen, may we start? It would be my fault if I overtook your lunch period."

She mentioned no one else, and the superior one could be seen.

The interviewers' opinion of her rose in an instant.

Xie Yaohua pushed up his glasses. This woman was dangerous.

No, he had better bring her down a notch so she won't harm the boss again.

He made up his mind and asked Linlang several routine questions such as her expertise, past experience, and plans for the future. Unlike other interviewers, Xie Yaohua had some particularly sharp questions.

It was a pity Linlang's answers were water-tight and didn't allow him to latch onto her foot. Instead, he came across as being aggressive.

Linlang watched Xie Yaohua's face turn blue. He looked as if he was going to faint on the spot.

Forget it, seeing how he's her type, she kindly left a flaw.

"In the next five years, I hope to find a like-minded partner and start a family."

Xie Yaohua thought, the opportunity has arrived.

It was just that he hadn't started when a certain someone bombarded Linlang.

"So Miss Ji Linlang, what would you consider to be a like-minded partner?" The young man's tone was faint.

"He'd be handsome, mature, and emotionally sensible." Linlang smiled as she met the pair of eyes that gradually condensed into a storm. Afraid she hadn't poured enough oil into the fire, she quickly supplemented it with a knife. "For example, I hate the kind of good-for-nothing that threatens people with suicide."

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Someone's newly bought cellphone was scrapped.

Xie Yaohua jumped to the side in fright.

The group of interviewers was quiet as quails, not daring to speak a word.

Linlang didn't raise her eyes and continued, "Naturally the more important thing is that he must have money."


The stack of resumes was swept to the ground, causing them to fly everywhere. All that remained was the cold-faced Fu Xi's who spoke with a blood-chilling voice. "What you mean to say is, as long as there's money, Miss Ji can sell anything?"

This was a blatant insult.

Linlang raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know if 30 million can purchase a night with you?"

He scornfully threw out a card.


Linlang stood up and didn't think twice before slapping the male lead with the back of her hand. There was no mercy.

Half of Jun's face turned red and swelled up.

Tch, her hand hurt a little.

"You're disgusting, Fu Xi."

He heard the woman say this with a look of extreme loathing. "What I regret most is liking a spineless coward like you! Back then, you're the one who had no substance and couldn't provide the future I wanted. You don't have the ability, yet you won't even let me seize an opportunity?

"You can't give me face, so what qualifications do you have to keep me from living this life? Do you really think you're a god?"

Linlang's lips curled into a sneer. "I was gone for over half a year. Can you grow up? Right now it seems you're not much of anything. Fu Xi, so what if you have better prospects? In this lifetime, I, Ji Linlang, will never look at you."

Her ridicule was heard loud and clear.

Fu Xi was so infuriated that his chest physically ached.

When the phrase 'never look at you' came out, he staggered back and grabbed the desk so wouldn't go limp.


Xie Yaohua watched him with concern.

"I apologize for letting you see this gaffe." Linlang brushed the long hair from her chest.

"It seems that I don't have the fate to become colleagues with you all. Good-bye."

She pushed open the door and left the conference room. The women outside all looked at her in shock. Although the room was well insulated, some sounds couldn't be concealed, leading them to wonder what kind of scuffle took place inside.


"Get out!" The young man covered his face with his hands. His hoarse voice was terrifying. It was as though a fierce beast that had been backed into a corner, and was now threatening to pounce any moment to rip someone's throat.

It was more frightening than half a year ago.

Xie Yaohua had to clean up the mess. He led the people out, appeased the frightened workmates, then warned them not to casually talk about these private matters unless they wanted their lives to descend into chaos.

But in the end, some groundless rumors still circulated.

It wasn't known where they came from.

The next day, Fu Xi went to work as usual and made an incredible decision.

Linlang's expression when she received the notice was one of serious contemplation.

Aiyah, what to do if the male lead likes to be abused? Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com