

Fu Xi was followed by several people with familiar faces.

Someone couldn't bear to see Linlang's irreverent attitude towards their boss and immediately made trouble.

"Wasn't Miss Ji going to study abroad for two years? Why did you come back so soon? And why didn't Gu Quan come with you?" She was the only female in the group and she was dressed to impress.

She hated Linlang's tone as if the other party was like a leech; dirty and disgusting.

Of course, her credibility might have been higher if the girl didn't deliberately imitate Linlang's dress.

Linlang almost studied the outfit that mimicked her.

A long dress with shoulder drapes revealed small and moist shoulders. The vibrant colors gave it a boho vibe.

This was Ji Linlang's favorite style.

Wasn't it annoying to have a blatant imitation of your first love girlfriend next to you?

Linlang felt like she might have overestimated her opponent.

"Gu Quan likes someone else."

Fu Xi froze. Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Several people in the group revealed a gloating smile.

The woman concealed her raised lips and spoke in astonishment. "How could this be? Miss Ji is the school flower of our university. So many people chased you and with your charm..."

She didn't continue further, but everyone else automatically filled the gaps in.

Was Ji Linlang's private life chaotic because she was so fond of attracting bees and butterflies, thereby earning Gu Quan's ire which then led him to fall in love with others?

Everyone thought so.

Han Shu couldn't help but look at her with some disappointment.

Did he make an err in judgement?Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Was she just a nymphomaniac with no self-restraint under that appearance of a perfect goddess?

"You say this..."

Linlang raised the glass and her bright lips sipped from it lightly.

"I wanted love, Gu Quan wanted passion. People on different paths can't walk together. Isn't it natural to separate?"

Ji Linlang was sophisticated and understood the value of innocence to a girl; longing for love, hoping to balance between the two, not wanting to hand over yourself casually.

During her time with Fu Xi, they were still high school students and at most kissed one another's cheeks. When they got to university, they were busy with their respective studies and had no time to have close contact.

She originally planned on testing Gu Quan but didn't expect the person to only be proper on the surface. He pursued her while they were abroad, but grew impatient after half a month. Ji Linlang naturally refused to give herself. He prided himself on being a gentleman and would not force a woman. Instead, he turned around and had an intimate relationship with a foreign girl.

Gu Quan then cut off Ji Linlang's monthly living expenses.

The man wanted to teach her a lesson, but he never expected the girl to be so strong-willed. She performed odd jobs in the unfamiliar country of M for half a year and returned home when she couldn't do it anymore.

Fortunately, Linlang came very early, just half a year ago.

She saw Gu Quan hooking up with a girl on the street and did not hold back. She splashed a hot cup of cappuccino on him.

The breakup was announced on the spot.

There was no room for maneuvering.

Gu Quan wanted to maintain face in front of his new lover. He generously gave Linlang a hefty breakup fee.

Then on one particular night, he rushed to her dormitory and asked to be given another chance.

Linlang answered gracefully.

"Good-bye, I won't send you off."

She used this large sum to set up a business. With the advantage of her proficiency in multiple languages, she worked as an external translator for a large company and earned a considerable amount of income.

If it hadn't been to conform to the main plotline, Linlang guesses she would still be lying on the Hawaiian beach, drinking coconut juice, and admiring tanned and sexy buffs. She might have even enjoyed a romantic encounter.

In the plot, Ji Linlang returned to China in a state of embarrassment.

A lot of contacts were required to get the invitation to the S party.

Linlang was invited to attend this evening as an outstanding student representative with excellent grades.

The characteristic was entirely different.

So she had enough confidence to stand in front of the male lead and casually talk about their past without any embarrassment or pity.

Fu Xi was young and talented. He became a director of a game company at a young age, but she wasn't lacking either. She can drift with the wind and live beautifully without a man.

So what if she gave up a potential golden stock? Back then, he was a setback. Didn't this sister only look down on him?

Anyway, who said Fu Xi didn't care about her at all?

Linlang took the glass away while the other party watched her despondently.

She broke up with Gu Quan because she wanted love?

Doesn't that mean she has some nostalgia for him?

Fu Xi tried to see the answer from her eyes. The other party seemed to dislike his heated gaze and stepped to the side. Only then did she respond to the previous woman. "Oh, right, I remember that before I went abroad, Li Xuemei also sent a wedding invitation. It's a shame I didn't attend. I wish you both a hundred years of harmony."

Linlang followed the rule: to come out unscathed after numerous battles, you must know yourself and know your enemy.

The first thing she did after returning to China was to open the campus forum.

The internet was full of news about Fu Xi's speeches and the notable subordinates who had articles waxing praises about them. Among the group was the woman named Li Xuemei.

This person had a scandal with an instructor when she was a freshman. It might have been fine if that was all, but Linlang heard they even had a shotgun wedding.

Judging from how she was fawning over Fu Xi, she could tell the marriage must have failed.

When a person ascends to become an immortal, even their chickens and dogs rise along with them. This Li Xuemei benefitted from staying by the male god. She basked in the rays of his success and was regarded as a goddess as well. The former dark history became 'the most passionate' or a 'young and reckless' time.

Who doesn't have a few paragraphs of history?

However, since the other party wanted to throw shade at her, wouldn't it be improper not to respond?

The girl's face suddenly turned pale.

She didn't dare utter another word.

How can she have face? Mocking the other party's private life as being unchecked, yet she was the first to create scandal with an instructor and even got a swollen belly in the process. It so happened that the man suspected that he was given a green hat1 from her previously chaotic private life and fled on the day of their marriage.

This was the so-called striking the seven-inch point of a snake2. Linlang put her down.

Han Shu was looking at Linlang differently. At times she was a bit fierce, and at times she knew when to yield to please the other.

That was a special signal from a man to a woman.

Compared to those demure ladies, he preferred prickly roses like Linlang who were full of surprises and mysteries, just like a hidden treasure waiting to be explored.

He longed to obtain the precious key.

Bystanders couldn't intervene once Linlang intentionally talked to someone. Consequently, a certain person gradually turned green.

The people nearby didn't dare to breathe, yet Linlang still chattered on happily.

Under the eyes of everyone, the rose-like woman laughed in amusement. Her eyes brimmed with emotion as she leaned on the man's shoulder.

"Senior Han knows me so well."

The tip of her tongue stuck out slightly, and when coupled with her sweet voice, it was like a flower revealing its pistil.

Suddenly, things got out of hand.

A rush of blood flooded into Fu Xi's brain where it boiled over and enveloped him in a loud buzz.