

Xie Yaohua stayed up nearly all night guarding Linlang's bedside.

As the sky gradually brightened, his tired eyes couldn't stay open any longer and succumbed to sleep.

Within the haze, a slender palm gently stroked his hair.

He absent-mindedly thought it should be her hand. It was tender, with rounded fingernails, and there was a kind of fragrance reminiscent of a jasmine flower.

No, something wasn't right!You're not reading this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Xie Yaohua suddenly woke up and grabbed that hand.

The woman was startled, and the clear almond-shaped eyes looked at him helplessly, like a sheet of paper that could easily crease.

"Was it a nightmare?"

She pulled out a tissue from the counter and wiped the cold sweat on Xie Yaohua's forehead.

He stared at her closely.

"Do you know who I am?" He spoke in a quiet voice.

The other person looked at him in confusion as if she was considering it.

"Who...you are?"

Gradually, she became overwhelmed by such a pain that she bit down hard on her pale lips until blood was drawn out.

Xie Yaohua quickly hugged her. "It's fine if you can't remember, " he whispered, "I'm here and I remember everything about you. I'll tell you bit by bit in the future."

The woman separated herself from his broad shoulders and asked in a small voice, "Then... who are you? Do we know each other?"

"Of course."

Xie Yaohua's complexion didn't change at all when he said, "I'm your boyfriend."

This little wolf cub is quite the schemer.

Want to take advantage of her memory loss?

"But I think you look more like my younger brother," Linlang spoke up hesitantly. She wasn't going to let him swindle her so easily.

"In terms of appearance, I might be a little delicate, kind of like a high school student. You've said that before." Xie Yaohua poured her a glass of warm water and maintained his smile.

"Because you like them young."1


Linlang sprayed water on his face.

Is this person broken?

What happened to the innocent big boy?

"S-sorry!" The girl quickly wiped the water on his face.

Xie Yaohua spoke in deadpan earnestness, "It's fine, this is normal. If you go one day without bullying me, I won't sleep well."

Linlang: "..."Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

"I keep feeling like you're lying to me," she said gravely.

Sure enough, she wasn't easy to deceive even with amnesia.

Xie Yaohua had expected this and didn't panic.

He reached out his hand and touched the precious stone earrings. The burgundy red reflected in his eyes was extremely enticing.

"I bought you this pair of earrings the day before yesterday. There's a pinyin abbreviation of our names carved on it and I still have the receipt. Tell me, who other than your boyfriend would buy such a valuable thing for you?"

Linlang looked convinced on the surface but was chuckling inside.

Thank you, child. You can really invert black and white2!

Still, she never thought these small earrings carried such meaning.

It would seem this man had been eyeing her for a long time.

If Fu Xi knew that he placed a bad wolf next to her, his intestines would probably turn green from regret.

She's looking more forward to this collapsed plot.

A middle-aged attending doctor walked inside. When he heard the situation form Xie Yaohua, he examined the 'patient' several times in amazement.

Under her superb acting skills, the symptoms of "selective amnesia" were soon verified by the doctor.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing how her 'boyfriend' was about to leave, Linlang put on an uneasy look.

She tugged at the hem of his clothes with a mix of anxiety and fear.

"Be good. You haven't eaten all day. I'm going downstairs to buy some cooked porridge to line your stomach." Xie Yaohua quickly entered the role of her boyfriend. The kiss he delivered on her forehead was full of tender feelings. "If you're scared, you can sleep for a while. I'll be back by the time you wake up."

"Then hurry up. I'm giving you 10 minutes." She answered with reluctance.

"Okay." Xie Yaohua cupped her cheek and smiled softly as if the person before him was a willful wife he cherished.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yaohua showed his mature and calm side at this moment.

He had grown tired of playing the role of a caring little brother anyway.

Deceiving someone who knew nothing was despicable, but he didn't care. Achieving his goal was more important.

After they cook rice the raw rice3 and have a family, she won't be able to give up their fruitful relationship even if she recovers her memories.

When that moment comes, he'll pretend to be pitiful, use the trick of harming oneself to earn the enemy's confidence, then get their kids to plead on his behalf. Will she be able to stand against all this? Once a woman hesitates, she becomes soft-hearted. After that...

Xie Yaohua smiled.

She will be Mrs. Xie forever.

He closed the door behind him. Mother Fu rushed up carrying a lot of items. Several students who came to visit Linlang followed behind her.

"How's my daughter-in-law?"

"Is Sister-in-law okay?"

Xie Yaohua took the bag from Mother Fu. He hesitated for a moment, then spoke with a pained expression on his face, "Maybe it's because she was overstimulated, she's gotten amnesia and thinks of me as her boyfriend for the time being. Don't bring up the boss' matters in front of her in case she becomes emotionally unstable."

Mother Fu was dumbfounded. "Amnesia? How can this be?"

She thought to say that 'pretending' to be her boyfriend was inappropriate, but the boy didn't seem to have any intention of bringing Fu Xi up.

"Since last night, the boss' phone has been turned off. It may be that he's too busy."

He's so busy that he doesn't even know that something happened to his girlfriend?

Mother Fu understood the deep meaning behind Xie Yaohua's words and immediately kept her mouth shut.

When Mother Fu visited Linlang, it was in the capacity of 'mother of the boss'. Compared to her 'boyfriend', Xie Yaohua, this relationship was obviously not as good. Although Linlang's attitude towards her was cordial, it was also detached.

But her amnesia was brought on by painful memories. She definitely won't have a good impression of her son. Mother Fu couldn't help but blame Fu Xi. Was the meeting that important? He should make sure his wife doesn't run away in tears!

Fu Xi had no clue that his brother was prying in his corner4. After the meet-and-greet, the group of people heckled him into taking a seven-day cruise and he couldn't decline as their guild leader.

Yang Lu had broken his phone. He asked her to inform the company about taking a vacation for a few days so Linlang wouldn't worry.

Who knew that Yang Lu would promise but never pass on the news.

A beautiful misunderstanding was born.