

Jiang Qiyun felt he had lost his mind, otherwise how could he meet the person from his dreams in broad daylight?

The woman was wearing a long snow-white dress and was smiling as she chatted with the clerk. Her beautiful silhouette was dyed with fine lights, and when reflected on the spotless glass window, it carried a hazy kind of beauty.

He didn't dare to blink for fear this dream would be disturbed.

At that moment, the traffic light turned green and the Lincoln limousine drove right past the cake shop.

"Stop the car, stop the car! Fuck! I told you to stop the fucking car!" The man kicked the passenger seat with such violence that he scared all of his subordinates.

"Boss? The meeting..."Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

The last words were obscured by the wind. The man had leaped over the guard rail with one hand and was now running as if his life depended on it. He sprinted with so much force that the veins in his arms bulged.

The people driving by were attracted by his movements and they all turned their heads to look.

He arrived there too late.

"Oh? Did you mean that lady? She already left."

The sales clerk gave the handsome man a once over. He had curly black hair, dark eyes, and his eastern features gave him a mysterious air. Whether it was his attire or figure, he was flawless and looked like a wealthy gentleman.

The surrounding women subconsciously showed off their best angles.

The young woman's lovely big eyes blinked and him and spoke with a clear voice. "Pardon me, sir. What relationship do you have with that lady?"

If he was single, there was no harm in asking for his number.

It would be better if it was a reunion with an old flame, that way she could 'take advantage of the absence' and win the man over in one fell swoop.

"No comment."

The man dropped the words indifferently and turned around to leave.

"Wha–, fine if you don't want to say it. What are you being so fierce for?" The shop assistant muttered in dissatisfaction.

The noontime sun was extremely hot, seeming to bake the asphalt road, and the sunlight caused people to feel dizzy.

Jiang Qiyun ran through all the nearby streets, but no one resembled her.

He was panting as he held onto his knees, then straightened up to look for a cool chair to sit down. From there, he did nothing but tenaciously watch the people walking past him.

After a while, he was too tired and dozed off.

"Big Brother, Big Brother! Wake up!"

Someone was pushing him.

Jiang Qiyun opened his eyes with impatience to see a timid little girl dressed in a spotted pink dress. Seeing his menacing frown, she immediately hid behind someone and whispered, "Um, there's an uncle there that keeps looking at you."

Jiang Qiyun couldn't really hear what she said. His face was frozen over in shock.

Under the dappled shadows of the tree where fragments of sunlight were streaking through stood the beauty of his dreams. Her dress was rippling from the light breeze.

The beautiful woman gathered her hair behind her ear and smiled softly at him.

Her visage gradually matched up with the figure from his memory.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

His lips trembled uncontrollably. He was so close. He could clearly reach out and touch the person with his hands. He should be rushing forward like a maniac to hug and kiss her with a fervor. He should be telling her, 'I missed you' and 'please don't leave me'.

The reunion he dreamed about thousands of times had become a reality, yet he couldn't utter a single word.

As if in a trance, he thought back to that scene of his return to the Jiang family.

If I should meet thee

After long years,

How should I greet thee?--

With silence and tears.

The other person looked puzzled and waved a white palm in front of him. "Hello, Mister! Mister? Are you okay?"

There was a diamond ring on that long white finger.

Jiang Qiyun glanced at the young girl hiding behind her. Chubby little hands grabbed her mother's skirt, and her big round eyes were blinking at him.

She seems to be doing very well.

Without him, everything was fine.

"Thank you, I'm all right." He tugged his lips in a courteous and detached smile, but his eyes were quietly taking in all her expressions.

"That's good..." She smiled and asked hesitantly, "Have we met somewhere before? You give me a familiar feeling."

Jiang Qiyun's heart suddenly pounded.

She... remembers him?

This was good enough.

"Actually, this is the first time we've met. Nice to meet you, beautiful lady." He endured the anguish and feigned calmness as he stretched out his hand. "Without your daughter's reminder, I'm afraid I would have gone back to the office without a penny on me. Thank you very much."

"It was no trouble. I'm glad to help."

She raised her hand to greet him.

The other person reacted more aggressively and stepped forward to hold it with a firm grip.

After ten years, he was able to touch the unattainable person again.

The woman startled from the suddenness and a trace of fear flashed in her dark eyes.

Fortunately, the man quickly recovered his composure and slowly withdrew his hand.

He trembled slightly as he slid over the hollow of her palm and past her fingertips until there was no more warmth to feel.

"Um, we still have something to do, so we'll take off first."

"Say goodbye to Big Brother." Linlang petted the little girl's hair.

"Bye, Big Brother!"

The little girl had a shallow dimple when she smiled. It was a lot like her; innocent and kindhearted.

Jiang Qiyun stood under the tree and watched the mother and daughter depart.

They should have no chance to meet again.

He obviously loved her the most, yet he couldn't even approach her!

With this thought, the sadness in his heart could no longer be restrained. He covered his eyes and let the large tear drops fall.

The heartbreaking sound of suppressed cries was heard from behind.

The little girl looked back and tugged Linlang's wrist in concern.

"Sister, that Big Brother seems to be crying. Why is he crying?"

Linlang glanced back and smiled, "I don't know him or why he's crying. Okay now, your mother's here to pick you up. Off you go."

The little girl bounced into the arms of a middle-aged woman and acted spoiled as she said, "Mommy, I'm the one who found you!"

The woman embraced and kissed her all over. She looked like she had gotten a new lease on life. "It's Mommy's fault. Mommy shouldn't have left you alone! Baby, my darling, thank goodness nothing happened to you!" She quickly thanked Linlang and pulled out her wallet to pay her, but Linlang stopped her actions. Smiling, she waved to them and left.

She passed by a wishing well where lovers stuck close and exchanged romantic pledges to one another.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Linlang took off the ring and tossed it. It arched in the air like a shooting meteor and splashed into the pool of water behind her.

Hearing a soft tinkle, her lips curved in a light smile.

That little devil was easier to swindle than she thought.

You thought you fell for an angel all on your own, so the disaster you courted was well deserved.