
-Chapter Seven- Mahoutokoro

Despite the incredible success that Oliver had over the past week, tracking down the sword and returning it to Finikis, he was in no way dissuaded from his commitment to find the Domantas Bracelet and therefore the Tear of Ra. He spent the last two days solidly in the library. Finikis and Jynx barely left him alone, and he had to wait until the late hours of that first night before he could search for the book that he knew he needed. As Jynx retired to bed, he utilised the summoning charm and called for the, 'The Imperial Line of Dark Creatures.'

The book came to him. And it was what he had suspected. The book on the outside appeared like a standard edition of the encyclopedia on dark creatures, but the writings inside, where in no way the intended print. Inside, it contained journal entries from Finikis' great-grandfather. Oliver had to use a translation charm on the book, but he was well versed on them. Reading the book, the first thing Oliver took on board was the author's name, Radoslav. It struck him as odd for up until that point, in his mind, he always referred to him simply as Finikis' great-grandfather. Having his words in front of him, it made the man more real. It made Radoslav a person.

Oliver decided not to share his discovery with his host. He needed to scrutinise the pages and devout his focus to it. He couldn't afford to share it with Finikis, who would no doubt want to read it and connect to his ancestor. The only person Oliver shared the knowledge with was Dumbledore. Using the enchanted whiskey bottle, the ex-Auror sent the headmaster an update on locating the book and finally obtaining unfettered access to the Bergmane library. There was no reply to his update. Oliver believed that it was due to Dumbledore being busy. And he was not mistaken.

Oliver had tried to read it as much as he could without being disturbed or observed. It meant sneaking it in and out of his bag and going to bed early on the second night. Finikis didn't suspect too much, he was still overjoyed with the return of the sword. Jynx too didn't pick up much on Oliver being more closed off. She knew he wanted to devout his time to researching the Tear of Ra and she was more than happy to spend time with Finikis, who seemed like a different man. A more relaxed and happier one.

A Blizzard moved in early the next morning as Oliver woke again chilled to the bone. He created another fireball to instantly heat his room. As he looked out of the window, he smiled at seeing the snowfall. It laid thickly on the castle and the grounds. It brought forward a childhood memory of when he lived in Scotland with his mum and his dad before his dad's untimely passing. He pushed the memory to one side, had a very tepid shower, got changed and then headed downstairs to the dining area to get some breakfast. Jynx and Finikis were not yet up, and Voran kindly and eagerly rustled up a delicious bread and sliced meat platter for Oliver. He quickly scoffed it down and headed towards the library, hoping to get a couple hours of reading before the others woke.

It was three weeks to Christmas, and Finikis had his elves decorate the house. Oliver didn't mind, he enjoyed Christmas and the mansion seemed stunning with the wonderful green and red garland everywhere. Several decorated trees and floating enchanted candles were in every room. After discussing his desire to focus on finding the Tear of Ra, and patently the Domantas bracelet, Oliver decided to spend the whole of the Christmas season at Tree Top Castle. Finikis, of course didn't mind. He was more than happy to have his school friend and sword finder stay with him. Finikis pretty much offered Oliver anything, as gratitude for bringing the sword back.

Oliver found the library empty; it too was decorated with beautiful Christmas garland. Sitting at the table he took out Radoslav's journal. From what Oliver could decipher it was an incomplete second journal. Throughout, it made references to details in the first book. This naturally frustrated Oliver, however, he was able to gleam some interesting stuff about Finikis ancestor. Although nothing about the Tear of Ra, yet.

There were entries about house maintenance, local magic politics and a moving entry about his son, Finikis' grandfather. It described how he was committed to bringing fame back to the family and set up a legacy as great as the original Bergmane, the first son of Domantas.

Coming close to taking a break and going to make himself a cup of tea, Oliver turned a page and found an admission that he had long hoped to come across. The page was titled, The Bracelet and the Letters. Oliver refused his thirst for tea and read on.

I returned to the secret holding last night and took out the bracelet and the letters. I hadn't read through them or touched the bracelet in over a month. The length in time wasn't due to me no longer wanting to unravel the mystery or obtain the power. I had simply spent time getting Juris in and taking him to Durmstrangs. He has now finally gone. I feel lost without him here. But I am glad I have the time to finally get to the bottom of the family mystery. The bracelet feels wondrous in my hands. I can't help fight back the desire to enchant the charm within. To be as my ancestor once was, unbeatable.

The letters of Domantas are insightful in parts. But others, are trivial and some are in my opinion meaningless. The letters to Lady Aja of Hesse, are filled with tales of romance and affection that offer no insight into the greatness of the man. The letter that details the spell on how to enchant the gem, is the one I hold in my hand at this moment. I wrote it word for word in my first journal; but for some reason, reading it in the writings of Domantas give it particular reverence. It is an interesting spell, and although I am confident, I have deciphered it fully; I am left with an element of doubt. One that I will spend the coming holiday contemplating.

The power of the Tear of Ra is unlike any other magical artefact I have come across. The ability to establish a connection between one wizard and another, in such a way that channels all hexes or curses from the person who enchants the gem, towards the vessel, the person wearing the gem, is extraordinary. What incredible protection that would provide to the enchanter. My ancestor detailed how it protected him from all manner of curses. The letter that detailed how it would even, for a one off, protect him from the killing curse, is of particular interest. Imagine, being able to be hit by the killing curse and survive. Have that curse channelled from you to another. It does recount how that would be a one off, as the connection that is established by the Tear of Ra only exists when the vessel is alive. So once the killing curse has killed the vessel, the spell is broken. Then if the enchanter is hit again it would result in their death. Domantas contemplated a way around this shortcoming but from his letters, I can only conclude that he never achieved it. Though my efforts in this regard have taken on a new meaning, on reading the book – ancient spells, long forgotten. An interesting book of spells, which are no longer in use. Some got me thinking. Anyway. I have put the letters and the bracelet back into the hold. I will take them back out again when I am ready to enchant the bracelet and become unbeatable.

Sitting back in the chair, mouth wide open, Oliver was awe struck by what he had just read. He had found out more about the Tear of Ra in a couple of minutes than he had ever learnt. He believed he knew more about it, than probably anyone alive at that moment. Understanding the power of the gem, which allowed for a connection between two people, where one would be protected from all manner of spells that struck them, as the other person would be the recipient of all those spells. It was not a connection of equals. And the vessel would experience a horrible existence, having to endure all manner of spells that was cast upon the enchanter. Oliver returned to the book, but before he continued, he heard a noise coming from outside the library. He knew someone was just about to enter. He closed the book and threw it into his bag.

Jynx walked into the library and smiled as she saw Oliver.

'How's the researching going? Have you had breakfast yet? Me and Finikis are just having some prepared, if you want in?'

'Thanks. I've eaten. I'd love a cup of tea, if you remember the steps.' Said Oliver with a big smirk.

'I remember.' She replied.

'And. Not got anywhere yet. Still have a few more books I want to read, to see if they lead anywhere. I am forever hopeful.' Lied Oliver.

'Well, after your success with the sword, this should be child's play for you.'

'That was child's play, compared to this. That was a hunt for something, with living witnesses and active magic. The search for the Domantas bracelet, is going to be tricky. No one alive has seen it. There is, as far as I can imagine, no active spells to interrupt. And pretty much the only thing to really go on, is the portraits up there. And they're each filled with incredibly derisive individuals.' Said Oliver. He was being consciously deceitful, but he wasn't underestimating the task before him. Even with the journal, it would be a momentous undertaking.

'Well, Finikis is hopeful. He has already stopped obsessing about the sword. He is now talking about the bracelet and reuniting all his family heirlooms. You got a reputation to uphold now.' Said Jynx, as she made her way to back to the door. 'I'll get you that tea now. Stirred anti-clockwise right?'

'Milk stirred in clockwise. Remember, I'll know.' Replied Oliver, smiling. 'Thanks.'

Jynx left. Oliver turned to look at his bag. He was tempted to get the book out and read on. It had now got to the interesting parts and he was eager to discern some clues. What did Radoslav mean by the Holding, where did he find the letters and more importantly the bracelet? Could it still be there?


The weeks continued by and Oliver read the journal at every available free moment. He marked out the pages that referenced the bracelet and the Tear of Ra. Each indexed so he could turn to them quickly. He jotted down his thoughts into his own journal. He read the entry on what the Tear of Ra did when enchanted. He had found some other parts that described what it did in more detail. Radoslav loved writing on how powerful the artefact was and how he couldn't wait to possess that power.

He wanted to spend the night reading, alone, again. However tonight, he was not free to read. Finikis was throwing a Christmas Eve party. It wasn't Christmas Eve around that region, but Finikis had planned the party in honour of Oliver, so he decided to through it on the 24th of December.

That morning he woke suddenly, had a quick shower, and rushed to meet Jynx and Finikis. The archduke and his head of security were up early, the two had started preparing the castle early. Both house elves, were disaparating left and right. Rushing around sorting out decorations and sorting out furnishings and seating arrangements.

'You really don't have to do this for me.' Said Oliver, as he entered the dining hall.

'Nonsense friend. You brought the sword home. You deserve this and more.' Replied Finikis.

'You're too kind. I'm just going to make a tea. Is there anything I can help with?'

'Ne. it's in hand.' Replied Finikis.

Oliver left the dining hall and entered the kitchen. He made a cup of tea, in his particular way and drank it as he peered out of the window.

Snow had continued to fall and hadn't relented at all over the weeks. If the party was being hosted by muggles, Oliver would be concerned on how the guests would get to the mansion. But the wizarding community rarely had to contend with such challenges. Finikis had set an apparition spot at the edge of his land and opened up his chimney to the floo network. He also cleared a section of his back garden from snow, so that those travelling by broom had a safe placed to land.

Red carpets adorned the floors throughout the ground floor and the dining room was set up to host a large meal to cover one hundred guests. It was set to be the most extravagant magical party held in all of Europe that year.

Oliver went out into the grounds at the back of the castle. The snow was mostly untouched except for the part that had been cleared by Voran and Alberich for the broom landings. The air was frosty and the wind was sharp. It was refreshing to feel it on his face. He hadn't shaved for the past two weeks and his stubble had started to form a beard. It was a mixture of blond and brown, with a few small patches of ginger. It emphasised his sharp draw line and made him appear his age. He always looked slightly younger when he was clean shaven.

'What are you doing out here?' Asked Jynx, as she stepped outside.

'Just getting some fresh air. Helps me wake fully. Gets rid of the morning haze. And seeing the snow always makes me reminisce of my childhood.'

'Finikis is excited about tonight. I hope you enjoy yourself. He really does want to show you how much he appreciates what you've done for him.' Said Jynx.

'I know that. He doesn't have to go to these lengths. However, I'm sure I will enjoy. It will be nice to not think about the research for one night.' Replied Oliver, with genuine intention.

'It means a lot to Finikis. He is back to being happy again. I think it's more than just the sword as well. I genuinely think he appreciates having you hear. It's a shame that you two didn't keep in contact after school. I really do think he cherishes your friendship.' Said Jynx.

Oliver listened to her words, and he too agreed with them. Finikis had been so different after the sword was returned. And he too enjoyed spending time with his old school friend. Finikis was his best friend throughout his school years, and the only reason they hadn't kept in touch, was due to Oliver's work as an Auror. His years of service at the start were filled with secret missions tracking down Death Eaters, all over the world. There was an entire year, Oliver was completely undercover in South America.

'I regret not keeping in touch. My job kept me busy when I came back to England. It is good to be back with him. He did help me get through school. The first day I met him, I will never forget.'

'How did you two first meet exactly, Finikis hasn't mentioned it.' Asked Jynx.


The youthful, and usually confident boy could smell the salty, sulphury and stale sea, and could hear the lashing waves coming from below. He was a naturally self-assured boy, but for the first time in his life, he was profoundly afraid. He was standing upon a large ridge of grey rock, high above the sea level. He glanced around and could see two other large peaks of tall grey rock stretching from the Pacific Ocean. The small crags that made up the island were each covered in a spiral strip of trees, which seemed to twist around the peaks. There was a rocky plateau below, where with calmer seas you could walk between the mountains. However, that was not the case that day. The waters below were unforgiving and savage. The waves crashed into side of the rock. This harsh weather was not uncommon and over the years had caused huge pieces of the rock face to be stripped away, leaving towering cliff edges with sheer drops.

Access from one mountain to the next, when the lower level was inaccessible due to rough seas, was maintained by several large rope bridges. The rope crossings were double roped with wooden slat steps. They were covered in green and yellow vines, and frighteningly, all the new students had to cross them, as they swayed heavily in the wind.

'Master Manannán. You must cross.' Directed the tall, imposing, Tono ornithologist for the island.

The young Oliver looked over his shoulder and up at the Japanese wizard who stood behind him. The last two weeks had been tumultuous for the young student. He had been kicked out of Hogwarts less than a month ago and now he stood in a foreign land, on a scary mountain top, overlooking a bleak landscape.

'I'm sorry Sensi Manku. I shall.' Replied Oliver.

The hesitation in his voice was rare. He was usually a bold boy, with an insatiable need to quench a thirst for excitement and thrill. He had become slightly introverted since a scolding from his mother and the fear that he might never graduate as a wizard. Fortunately for him, his mother once worked for the Ministry of Magic's foreign emissary service and once was assigned to the delegation in China, where she became close friends to many Chinese and Japanese magical dignitaries. It was from those contacts that she was able to secure a place for her rebellious son at Mahoutokoro.

Oliver took a cautious step forward as his hands gripped the rope rails on both sides of the bridge. As a youth he was still handsome, though his appearance was more cheeky charm, than rugged. His smooth skin was flawless and unblemished by the Auror career that lay in his future. He didn't have his beater toned frame, for which he was known for in his adult life. At this moment in his life, he was tall for his age, but was thin, unintimidating. What was most notable about him, was his bright blond hair. It was not cut short, and as he began to walk across the air bridge, free from the cover of the high cliffs, it flapped heavily in the wind. So much that he had to keep brushing it away from his eyes. With each brush he shook and paused his advance. The bridge itself was swaying as much as his hair.

The young Oliver finally crossed the bridge with some incredibly hair-raising moments of losing his footing. He was greeted by a large opening, set into the mountain. The cave before him was lit with fire lanterns that were fixed to the sides of the cave. He entered the cavern, more readily than he approached the bridge. He was keen to seek refuge from the wet winds.

Navigating down the rocky path he could hear strange, rich, ear piecing screeches that echoed from below and up to the mouth of the cave. The young British school boy was not fearful of the sound or what created it, he was intrigued. For the first time since he had left his homeland, the feeling of shame and worry relented. He was now filled with a sense of curiosity.

The cave walkway twisted hard right and as Oliver passed through, he was hit with a most wondrous sight. The cavern of the cave opened onto a large arena like space, with huge wooden nest like structures fixed to the walls. Several Japanese and Chinese witches and wizards raced around with large sticks with huge thick rope looped ends. Another large screech rang out that made Oliver jump. As he turned and looked up at one of the large wooden structures on the wall, his heart stopped. A huge bird creeped out. It perched on the edge and peered down at Oliver, who stared up in amazement. It's head was round shaped; its body was bold with soft pecan colouring. It outstretched its wings and the feathers contained white colouring closer to the body that turned black towards the tips. The young boy could not utter a sound.

The bird hoped down on to the ground and started to make its way for a large opening in the cave. At the far end, the cave opened to the outside, it was like a huge hangar bay on aircraft carrier. The large bird that Oliver was watching, crawled forward, the witches and wizards seemed to ignore it. It reached the outcrop, leaped into the air, and took flight.

'Giant Storm Petrels.' Said Tono Manku, as he appeared in the cavern behind Oliver.

'They're incredible. I've never seen anything like it.' Replied Oliver. 'Are they normal birds engorged or are they a magical creatures? I've never read about them, not even in Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them.' Asked Oliver as he glanced around at the other giant nests, seeing beaks and eyes peer above.

'Complicated.' Replied Manku's. 'They were probably once just engorged birds, but now they are bread in giant forms. They must be fed that portion over there. And they roam large distances preying on small mammals like lambs.' As he spoke, he pointed to a large cauldron were two wizards stirred it with huge wooden ladles.

Oliver marvelled at the sight. He glimpsed at some witches restraining some Giant Storm Petrels, with giant sticks, looping rope around their necks. Each were flanked with a witch or wizard with their wands extended.

'What are they doing?' Asked Oliver.

'They are restraining a new mother. She has laid too many eggs this season. Each impregnated. We must ensure their numbers are maintained. Each bird is only permitted two seasons a life, with only two viable eggs each season. We must keep their numbers low. Unlike dragons, Giant Storm Petrels, are not shy solitary creatures. They can live very audacious lives. They can be troublesome on the nations around here. Particularly adhering to the statute on magical secrecy.' Replied Manku, he spoke with a perfect English accent. Unlike most of his colleagues, he didn't study at Mahoutokoro, he graduated from Hogwarts. A reversal of what Oliver was about to do.

Oliver watched as the witches and wizards struggled with a particular bird that was thrashing around. A wizard nearby sent bolts of blue light hitting the Petrel, which resulted in it slumping low to the ground. Oliver was taken aback slightly by the cruelty.

'How do you ensure their numbers are kept low then?' Asked Oliver, wearily suspecting the answer.

Before Manku could answer, Oliver witnessed the horror for himself. He watched as a couple of wizards climbed down from a nest with three large eggs. They placed them on the ground, took out their wands and sent bright green blasts upon them. He instantly knew it was the killing curse. It was the first time he had seen someone use the killing curse. He had read about it from books he had at it his home. But to see it used so casually, shocked him. Everything he read on that curse left him with a sense that it was only ever used by dark witches or wizards. He watched as the wizards picked up the now dead eggs and take them away.

'It is necessary. Too many of them would be too much to control. It is tradition young Master Manannán. The eggs are also important in the potion to maintain them.'

'I understand. I know the law. But the killing curse.' Paused Oliver. 'Sorry, I had just never seen it before. It's against the law back home. Its dark magic.'

Tano Manku was not surprised by his comments. The school had recently taken another European student, who stated similar practices. Although that child seemed less offended by the use of the curse here. Stepping in front of the young student, Manku lowered himself down to his level.

'You will learn many wonders at Mahoutokoro. But the first lesson you must realize, is that magic is not so easily divided into light or dark. Yes, there is dark dangerous magic. But dark magic here is not determined by the spell in itself, but by the heart of the wizard who casts it. A dark wizard is evil not because of the spells they use, but by their intentions when they wield them. You will have the opportunity to be taught great magic here. It is important that throughout your journey, your Jingshin remains pure. And we can help you with that.'

Oliver's faced beamed with wonder at what Manku had just told him. To him, that philosophy rang true. He had been expelled from Hogwarts for sneaking off into the forbidden forest to practice conjuring Fiendfyre. He didn't view himself as evil by doing it, and he didn't feel unchanged when he managed to achieve the first flames of magical fire. He simply wanted to master a magic well beyond his years, one that was described as being too difficult to master by almost all adult wizards. He was drawn to it because of its famed difficulty, not because he wanted to use it against anyone or anything. Although he knew his intentions not to be dark, he could appreciate the reaction when he was caught by Professor Dumbledore. The wizarding world was in turmoil and the horror of the first wizarding war was still very fresh in everyone's mind. He knew at the moment he got caught, he was destined for expulsion.

'I understand.' Replied Oliver, his shoulders tilted forward slightly, almost bowing before Manku.

'Good. Come, I want to introduce you to another student who has recently come here. It would be good for you to meet.' Replied Manku, as he guided Oliver forward.

The pair walked a short way, before Oliver got a glimpse of the only other Caucasian person in the cave. The young Finikis had his prominent features, it wasn't something he grew in to or out of. He was youthful looking but he didn't appear to be a happy child. The young Latvian duke was cleaning out the nests. He had a large shovel in his hands and was clearing out the significant and dreadful mess the large birds made. It was an extremely unpleasant task, the bowel movements of giant birds that feasted on small mammals, did not smell or look pleasant at all.

'Master Finikis. Let me introduce you to Oliver Manannán. He has come here from England. To study. I would like you to show him how we do things around here. And remind him and yourself the punishment for disobeying the rules.' Said Manku.

Finikis placed the large shovel down, wiped his hand against his clothes. And smiled at his new fellow pupil.

'Finikis.' Said the young Archduke as he stretched out his hand.

'Oliver.' He replied, as he took the hand and shook it.

'Good. I shall leave you to it. Help him with his tasks Oliver. You have thirty minutes before you fly.' Said Manku as he walked off.

'Oliver. From Hogwarts?' Asked Finikis.

'Yes. I was. Durmstrangs?' He replied.

'Ya. Until I thrown out. Duelling. Ended up making a mess.'

'I got kicked out too. Practicing spells, I shouldn't. Now I'm here. How long have you been here?'

'Two months. It is good round here. They're not keen on breaking rules. They do crazy stuff. But they don't like rudeness or lateness. I got this task for not bowing to teacher.'

'I can be punctual and polite. If needed.' Replied Oliver smirking. 'So, where are we shovelling this too? Is there a spare?'

Oliver found another shovel and helped clean out the nest. Before they knew it, the nest was all clean and Manku returned. Soon after, Oliver was on the back of one of the Giant Storm Petrels. It took flight and Oliver had one of the most thrilling experiences of his life. The journey to Mahoutokoro took over an hour and the flight went high and at speeds, the young man had never experienced. He was thankful for the straps that secured him, as without them, he would have been thrown off. From that day on, from his first flight, he became obsessed with Giant Storm Petrels. He actively volunteered to help in the Storm caves looking after them. Throughout the next six years of his studies at the Japanese magic school, he spent a lot of his free time tending to the birds, cleaning the nests out. He earned the nickname Tori for his devotion, a nickname that stuck with him for life.