
Moving Forward

Skyscrapers, castles, pyramids, and many other strange and historical buildings surrounded him with bright lights. "No matter how many times I come here it looks way too mixed and matched," he thought while looking at all the colors. Thousands of people were mingling on the streets, as he was taller than most people he had a better view. Many different races and species were walking around, of course, these were only just user hub avatar's there were no actual aliens but many people felt more comfortable as something else besides humans.

Of course, there are some Artificial Intelligence' mingling as well but nowadays there is almost no way to tell between humans and free-thinking A.I androids, however, even inside the Hub, they still carry many of their own limitations so many tend to stay offline. Most of the entertainment services provided aren't popular with androids either. As for users avatars they are pretty customizable with some limitations inside the Hub, the only thing that can't be changed is your gender. There have always been controversies about gender. But, Olara being an old and powerful Artificial Intelligence that controls and manages just about everything nowadays, never allowed someone to change their virtual gender completely.

Apparently, it can cause massive side effects to the user's brain outside of the virtual reality. As for customization options as long as it doesn't change too much from you physical realities physique it can be done, but someone that is five foot can't make himself seven foot as adjustments like that can cause the user to suffer from vertigo and have input problems. Advanced options such as tails, animal ears and etc can come with risks, however, they are constantly being updated and side effects are no longer as common as more and more people use them.

Not spending much more time in the hub he decided to log out there in the public area. "System Logoff, Yes Confirm," he said. Suddenly the scenery shifted to pitch black then a voice entered his head he quickly closed his eyes since he was used to the transition.

"Please make sure your eyes are closed and wait one moment while your body begins adjusting to waking up." he heard from a clear female voice. The voice belonged to the automated system set up by Olara.

Feeling the slight change in his body, he reached up towards his head and removed the headset after opening his eyes. Sighing he looked around before beginning to stretch, the inside of the capsule was pretty large as it was made to fit basically a giant, it could fit a maximum height of eight feet and easily four feet wide.

He began to move from his current position reaching for a small touchscreen on the inside of the capsule wall. Reaching for the small picture of a lock he pressed it unlocking the capsule then swiping the screen. Suddenly the inside of the capsule began re-adjusting itself into a chair while the capsule door was slowly opening upwards. Outside of the capsule door, he can see the small room he was in. Inside had some screens built into the walls alongside, some mirrors which were placed so guests could light exercise or stretch before getting in or out of the capsule, it helps to be able to see your own form.

There was also a kiosk near the room's exit with a medium sized bench next to the kiosk. A small waste disposal shoot is on the wall on the other side of the bench. He knew the kiosk allows members to be able to use the screens on the walls and change the channels, it also has the ability to contact the front desk. Gym members sometimes like to ask for food or drinks from the front, and don't exactly want to leave the room. The Gym has select health foods and drinks at the front counter that members can buy. Daniel always avoided them because they were overpriced, but there were many people that could afford them.

Daniel slowly got out of the capsule and began walking towards the open area with the mirrors, he had left his shoes and socks over there. He quickly stretched and got ready. Once he left the room it didn't take him long to track down his grandfather in the gym. Noticing his Grandfather was near the manager's office talking with owner Charles, they have been friends for years. he began walking towards them. His grandfather was named William Johnson, he had turned fifty-nine this year. He shared some similarities with his grandfather specifically hair color and similar jawline from his mother's side of the family. His grandfather wasn't as tall as him but stood at six foot four, who by the way was a lot taller than Charles who stood at five foot ten.

Charles who was the owner of this branch of the gym was good friends with William. They have known each other since their high school days and have been friends since. Charles has always helped out Daniel's grandfather with his financial troubles and was tormented to hear about what happened to his daughter. As he got closer both of them turned and noticed him, he quickly trotted over towards them.

"Hey Daniel, William and I were just talking about some of the sports games that happened tonight," Charles said while looking over at Daniel's grandfather.

"Yeah, to think such a sight would be shown on the live broadcast, even if it is a combat sport," William said.

"What are you two talking about grandpa?" he said while looking at them both.

"Oh, you know that blood league you use to talk about so much, I remember when you said you were gonna join it and began taking all those amateur tests," William said, looking closely Daniel noticed the worry on his grandfather's face.

"Yeah, So we were just discussing that fellow named Mimic" Charles said as they walked closer towards Daniel.

"What about him," Daniel said while trying to remain calm in front of the two.

"That damn foul-mouthed bastard Bjorn, Daniel we aren't stupid. We recognized your voice immediately, why didn't you ever tell us you had actually been accepted?" William said.

"After we realized it was you, we were furious. Personally, I'm glad that you beat the living daylight out of him," Charles said while smiling "It was a little excessive but, that foul-mouthed bastard deserved it."

Daniel not expecting it to go like this, "Thanks, I'm sorry I didn't tell either of you. I wasn't sure if it'd cause a problem, not to mention I really hated the name and mask," he said.

"What problems could that cause for me? Daniel, you are worrying too much and over thinking about the wrong things," William said.

Charles reaching up and patting Daniels shoulder, "what problems, hell Daniel if you could fight like that all along, you could easily get sponsored by the gym, I'm sure they'd sponsor you for just about any combat-related sport, just think about it," he said.

Feeling a little awkward, he began unconsciously grinning "Thanks Uncle Charles, I will," he said.

His grandfather got closer and hugged him "I'm sorry Daniel, that I couldn't do more for you," breaking away from Daniel for a moment to look at him, "I'm guessing you were worried about your father finding out so you wore that mask when you first started," he said.

"No it's not like that, Grandpa, there is no need to be sorry both you and Charles have done so much for me," he said while looking down at both of them.

"But still, I wouldn't put it past your brother or father to try and jump on your coat tails if you begin to show signs of a successful life," William said.

"Tssk, anyway... I wish my little Jennifer was remotely like you Daniel, hell I wish she could do anything herself, she is always going on about various things on social media," Charles said shaking his head.

Daniel could only smile when Jennifer was mentioned, he used to be friends with his grand-daughter however they have not gotten along for a while now. Though they act friendly towards one another when they are in front of Charles, typically Daniel chooses to just avoid Jennifer even though they are practically neighbors.

"She is only seventeen, Charles," William said while shaking his head.

"But Daniel only recently just turned seventeen, there is not that much of a difference in age but such a huge contrast, dealing with Jenn and all her friends my son has it tough," Charles said looking back towards at Daniel shaking his head.

"Haha Charles, their girls, of course, they are gonna act and grow up differently, you spoil her too much, it isn't easy raising a girl," William said.

"I spoil her, what! it is Elizabeth's doing, Jennifer and her friends are gonna be staying at our place for the summer, they are going to be playing that Evotania game or whatever you were talking about before Daniel," Charles said.

"Evotania, you were right, and yeah I know, just about everyone in the school is going to be playing it," Daniel replied.

"Well, it has been great for business here and that's all that matters, it's getting late I don't want to hold you any longer William, enjoy the night you two, I got a long one ahead of me here dealing with maintenance," Charles said.

"Thanks, Charles, we are gonna be taking off to go eat," William said while waving goodbye.

"Later Uncle Charles," Daniel said while following behind his grandfather, he waved back noticing Charles smile while waving them out. Stepping out into the night outside the gym, he followed his grandfather along the sidewalk, they commute by bus. He knew his grandfather could afford a car but has been saving up money to send him to college. Daniel knew college wasn't for him, his grades were awful, and they just didn't have the money however, he hasn't really talked to his grandfather about it. He knew his grandfather wanted what was best for him, he also knew his grandfather regretted not going to college.

"I am gonna talk with you father Daniel, I am gonna have him sign the slips and waivers so you can participate in sports in your last year of high school," William said while walking ahead of Daniel.

"But..." Daniel tried to respond.

"Daniel, maybe sports aren't what you want to pursue, but you are good enough to get a scholarship and go to college, I won't have me or your father take that option away from you," William interrupted.

"Okay," Daniel said, he was unable to really respond, he didn't really want to deal with his father or his brother. He knew he had to face it eventually, but he couldn't help but to shy away and avoid it. The trip back was home was pretty uneventful, his grandfather had decided to give him space, they stopped and grabbed some quick fast food on the way home. Daniel decided to wait to get home before eating, though his grandfather had already dug into the food as they were walking back to the house. He noticed the main street was pretty busy tonight, looking up he could see the clear skies, he could only sigh thinking about all that happened tonight, he had tomorrow to look forward to. The walk from the bus stop to their house was only roughly fifteen minutes at a slow pace, it didn't take them long to get home. He noticed the lights were off, as usual, it was just him and his grandfather that lived there.

The house wasn't very large but neither was it too small, they lived on a decent enough block, His grandfather has owned the house for quite some time. Settling down inside the house, it was awfully quiet outside of the sound of the television screen being watched by his grandfather.

"Daniel, I know there are probably a lot of things bothering you, don't feel like you can't ever come to me, I am here for you always, you can tell me anything," William said from the couch.

"I know Grandpa, I have been deciding and thinking about a lot of things recently, honestly I need to face him sooner rather than later," Daniel said while sitting at the dining table. What exactly he wanted to do with himself has been something that has bothered him for a while. He has countless options and opportunities before him but, he sought more. He just wasn't sure what exactly he was searching for, but he is hoping Evotania, may help him find what it is he is looking for.