
Evolving Dragon: DxD

So I was hit by a truck and died. To make things more complicated I was reincarnated with a Sacred Gear in the DxD world. So you know what I'm gonna do? I think I'm gonna do what I like to call a pro gamer move.

ThrowingTheShade · Anime & Comics
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Twelve years ago...


"Since you're not a Teigu are you a Biju?"


"Weird alternate personality?"

"That's stupid."


"A what?"

"Lame, what about a Zanpakuto?"

"What the hell is lame about not being this 'Stand'?"

"The fact that you don't know the awesome power of Stands makes you lame." A four-year-old boy stated blankly at the giant dragon sitting in front of him.

Standing several stories tall glaring down at the child was a devilish looking dragon with a grayish-purple scales, sharp horns, two sets of red eyes with cross pupils, and large wings where it's arms would be. Around them was a wasteland that seemed to have several elements clashing around them.

The dragon growled at the brunette, "For someone who know's who I am you sure do have a lot of guts. I like that." He grinned showing his large sharp teeth, "And to not only be able to hear my voice, but to find you inside the mindscape at such a young age." He lowered his head so he could be at nose-to-eye level with the boy, "Tell me boy so that I, Tyrant the Evolving Dragon Emperor, knows the name of my partner."

The boy grinned, "The names Ryoto Gurin." He held out his hand as if seeing a dragon was completely normal.

"Nice to meet you."


Ryoto POV


He has been talking about titties for the past hour.

[Honestly, it's kinda impressive.]

Of course, you'd think that.

I've been chilling with Issei since coincidentally we had the same classes. At first, we started out having a decent conversation where we talked about actual things and we actually started to go somewhere. Well it was good and then he started talking about boobs and it was kinda funny.

For the first two minutes.

And then he went on and on about 'Boobs are great!' and 'You gotta squeeze them just right!' and all that. I swear if I wasn't trying to be his friend I would just throw him out of a window. That would make things faster for Rias.

Speaking of Rias, I'm pretty sure she's taken a keen interest in me so it's only a matter of time before she sends someone to get me. I think I'll play around when I see her. I'm gonna enjoy fucking around with everyone.

[He's going into the history of boob porn now.]

Okay, it's time to stop this right now.


"Yeah man?"

"I'm an ass man."

"Oh." He faltered a bit before he kept on walking as we crossed the road from our school. Thank God we got that out of the way.

I guess I should try and start swaying him away from this perverted lifestyle, "Hey Issei?"

"Yeah bro?"

"What's the point of knowing all this stuff?" That should get his obvious answer.

He grinned cockily, "I'm glad you asked my tall friend." He posed dramatically as if he was in Jojo, "I, Issei Hyoudou, have a dream. A dream that every man wishes for. TO BECOME HAREM KING!"




"Mommy look at the weird boy!"

"Don't stare honey or you'll become a scum too."

Oof. Can't say I don't blame them. He doesn't seem to even be fazed by that.

"Well, what do you think huh?" He grinned at me, "Oi why are making that face?" Oh what do you know, I'm making a disgusted expression without knowing.

I sighed as we kept on walking, "Look Issei, I'm not saying you should listen to me since you just met me- oh who the hell am I kidding that's exactly what I'm saying." I slapped my forehead before continuing, "I only known you for a couple of hours but I can tell you are a hopeless pervert."

He looked hurt, "Jeez tell me something I don't know."

"BUT-" He looked a bit hopeful, "You seem like an alright guy so I'm gonna give you some advice. From one guy to the next." We stopped before we went up to the crosswalk, "Don't let your perversion control you. While the woman's body is a great thing it's a dangerous weapon. One day there might be a girl that will use her looks to hurt you so don't go after the first girl that comes after you alright?" At least that seemed to put him in some thought.

[Speaking from experience?]

Oh fuck you.

Issei put his hand to his chin before looking at me with contempt, "I'll be sure to think on it man. I gotta get home now before my mom kills me." He turned around and walked up the crosswalk, "I'll see you tomorrow man." He waved at me as he walked off.

I waved at him before continuing on my way. Wait, I probably should've asked for his number too. Meh, It'll be fine.

[I sense the Fallen Angel.]

Okay good. Hopefully, my words will get to Issei and he will reject Raynare and I'll just wing it from there. Either way, I can just do whatever so-

"Um, excuse me?"


I turned around and saw-



I looked at Issei and saw he was already walking across the road before I looked at the person in front of me.

Yuuma aka Raynare was standing in front of him and not Issei.

[You met several beings before the time of what you call 'Canon'. This doesn't seem new.]

Maybe but I was hoping to see her getting rejected by Issei of all people! Oh well.

It's better to do it myself.

"E-excuse me?" Oh right she's still here.

"Can I help you?" Oh this is gonna be good.

She started to blush a dark red, "My name is Yuuma, and I saw you around the neighborhood a couple of times." She is good, I wonder how long it took for her to get that blush down. Or maybe it might be the damn pheromones.

[I'm sick of you complaining so I'll tell you how to seal them up.]


[I thought you would take advantage of this, but you pussed out like a bi-]

Finish that sentence and I'm getting you-know-who on your ass.

[Don't bring her into this! She's creepy]

...Yeah nevermind I don't even know why I even said that.

"I was wondering..." Oh right she's still here, "...a-are you s-s-single?"

[Not surprisingly, yes]

I gritted my teeth, "Yes. I. Am."

She looked nervous, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything..."

I waved it off, "It's fine." It's sad but fine.

"W-well.." Oh here it comes, "Would you like to go out with me!?"

I gave her a warm smile and she actually looked hopeful.

"No thanks."

Ooh that felt good.

[That's the first time you rejected a girl.]

And it felt great! Not gonna be the last time either.

[You're gonna enjoy this way too much.]

Of course, who's gonna stop me? God?



"Wha-wha.." Damn, I made her cry.

"It just doesn't feel right going out with someone I don't know anything about, but we can be friends." That made her relieved.

"Well can we hang out so we can get to know one another, say Sunday?" She pulled out her phone and handed it to me.

I just shrugged, "Sure." I took the phone and put my number in it. When I gave it back she looked super happy. Okay, she's just trying too much now.

"Thank you!" She bowed before running off. Welp I'm going to have a field day. Now tell me how to seal these pheromones.

[Well it's pretty simple actually all you gotta do is-]


"I'm home." I walked into the house and locked the door before I took off my shoes, "Huh, no answer?" I guess they weren't home.

The house was two stories with the first floor having a living room with the kitchen being on the right and the laundry room being in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to get myself a snack until I saw a note.

Picking it up it read:

'Dear Ryo

Me and your mother are going on vacation for about two months-


-and we left you a large amount of money that should be more than enough. You know the rules so be safe.'

I swear my parents are irresponsible, but at least they love me. And this makes what I'm about to do a whole lot easier.


No smart comment?




If you're a gecko don't say anythi-


Good. Thought you died.

[I cut myself off so I don't hear you do-er...That.]

We've been together for all my new life this isn't anything new.

[You haven't done that at all!]

Hey first time for everything. If I remember correctly you said 'I'll be here when you man up and find a mate gehehehehehe

[I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT! Whatever I'm going.*stompstompstompstompst...]

...Did he just walk away? I don't even know anymore

I walked up the stairs and down the hallway to the first room to the right. I looked around my room taking it all in. It was spacey with a king-size bed by the window, a desk with a gaming computer, and several drawers between the bed and the closet. I sighed as I put my stuff down and got on my computer. Looking under my desk I pulled out the weapons I need.

Tissues and Lotion.

I turned on my computer and got the appropriate video, "Let's get busy." I unbuckled my pants and looked down.

...I love being a dragon.


Third POV: Occult Research Club

"So Koneko, what do you have to report about the two boys?" Rias asked while sitting across from a petite white-haired girl with a girl with raven hair standing beside her. The three of them were inside the darkroom of the Occult Research Club.

Koneko, the white-haired girl, relayed the information to her, "The pervert doesn't seem to have anything going on but I felt something off about him, probably has a Sacred Gear. The tall one though.." She trailed off.

Akeno, the other girl in the room, gave the younger girl a look of worry, "Is there something the matter Koneko?"

The loli shook her head, "No. I felt something off about him too but there was more."

Rias gave a knowing smile, "I knew he was special, but tell me what else you saw."

Koneko nodded as she continued, "Well when I was around him he seemed to have a presence around him. It was strong."

The information excited the redhead quite a bit. There were not one but two Sacred Gear users for the picking. This day couldn't get any better for her.

"A Fallen Angel approached the new kid though."

That tidbit if information made everyone tense. Rias' eyes narrowed as did Akeno's, "What happened?"

"Well she asked him on a date, obviously a plot to kill him, but he declined." Koneko's face turned into a slight smirk, "It was kinda funny when he made that smug face." She mumbled that part but it didn't go unheard.

Akeno gained a mischievous grin as she put a hand to her mouth, "My, my. What an interesting boy."

Rias herself was chuckling at the image in her head, "Anything else?"

Koneko nodded, "Yes, they do seem to be meeting Sunday as friends."

This put Rias in thought, "That could be concerning. Can I count on you to watch them?" Her answer was a nod, "Good, you are free to leave, stay safe." With that, the younger girl left.

The raven-haired girl smirked at her president, "Are you sure it's okay to go after them both? Sona will be upset."

Rias smiled at her friend, "All is fair in the game of love and war Akeno." She then pulled a box from under the table and opened it revealing chess pieces.

"Now which one should I use?"


Ryoto POV: Next Day...


Man. I can't believe jerking off really seals up the pheromones for a month.

[Well it's more or less the need to release but sure.]

And I only have to do this once a month?

[That's the gist of it.]

I'm actually surprised I made it this far in life and it's the first time I actually did it since getting here.

[You were loud as hell too. Lucky your parents weren't there.]

Yeah, it's really convenient.

Anyway, I was sitting at my desk as I leaned against my hand bored. It was the first class and now I was just waiting for something to happen. With Raynare having me as her target I wonder what's going to happen to Issei. Is Rias going to approach him or let someone make her job easier? I guess only time will tell.

"Yo Ryoto!" Oh, it's those two.

Some time yesterday me, Mastuda and Motohama agreed and became acquaintances. I refuse to go anywhere with them though for the sake of my reputation.

"Yo." I waved at them as they walked up to my desk.

Matsuda looked worried, "Have you seen Issei, cause he hasn't been answering any of my calls."

I quirked an eyebrow at this. I didn't see Issei ever since yesterday. Wait.

Incursio, you don't think...

[It's a possibility.]


I was brought out of the thought of Issei possibly dying to see someone kick down the door. And that person was Issei! With a box?

Motohama looked annoyed at the boy, "Hey man, what's up with you? We tried calling you all night!"

Matsuda backed him up, "Yeah so you better have a good excuse as to why you weren't answering. Like if you had a helluva wet dream!" Do they not have any restraint?

Issei looked exhausted. Like he didn't get any type of sleep at all.

He set the box on his desk, "Matsuda, Motohama. I'm giving you guys these." The two looked confused before opening the box. With that their eyes widened.

"Dude! This is your entire porn collection!"


"Why are you giving this to us?"

Issei sighed, "Well I decided that I'm going to give up the perverted lifestyle." Wait really? I guess I didn't need to do anything then.

[How were you originally planning to get him to stop?]

Well if my words didn't get to him I would beat it out of him.

[Hm seems legit.]

Hold on did the whole classroom get quiet? I looked around and saw that everyone was looking over at Issei in shock. Huh neat.

None looked more shocked than Motohama and Matsuda, "W-what are you talking about Issei?"

"Y-yeah man what about b-becoming Harem King?"

Issei sighed once again, "Well after some words from Ryoto-" Ay they did get to him, "And some events happening last night I decided to give up on that dream."





Okay, I'm gonna get some answers, "So what happened yesterday?"

"Well...I doubt you would believe me but something crazy happened and it made me think about my lifestyle." He scratched his face, "Luckily I got out unscathed but it really brought me into the light. I'll just settle down for a nice girl before even thinking about harems." He seemed at peace with his decision.




"ISSEEEEEEI!" The two boy's hugged him tightly shocking the brunette.


Matsuda looked at him crying, "Stay strong Issei! We'll get fix everything!"

Motohama had the same expression, "Yeah man we promise to bring your love for boobs back!"

"A-actually I still like boo-"


What the hell am I looking at?

[I don't know, but I hate it.]


Third POV: Council Room...


"So Rias." The student council president, Sona Sitri, sat across from Rias and Akeno with here vice president, Tsubaki, standing beside her as the two played a game of chess, "May I ask why you asked for this meeting?"

Rias smirked as she made her move, "I think you know why."

Sona smirked at her rival, "Is it about Ryoto Gurin?" The smirk on the red head's face was her answer, "I do have to admit he's kinda cute, Tsubaki couldn't keep her eyes off him."


Akeno pouted, "Phooey and I haven't even seen him yet."

Sona then narrowed her eyes, "So Rias, I assume that you have you have your eyes on him?"

Rias nodded, "I do."

Sona crossed her arms, "I swear Rias, we're giving you leeway to Hyoudou but to go for Gurin too is unfair."

Rias smirked as she stared into her eyes, "Well we can decide like we always do."

This made Sona smirk confidently, "Well let's play." She made her move.


Ryoto POV: Sunday...


So I was leaning against a fence as I waited for Raynar-er Yuuma to show up. I was wearing a black shirt with blue jeans and white tennis shoes. I took out my phone and looked at the time.


She's late.

[We should just ditch her.]

Even I'm not that cruel.

"Here take a paper!" I looked to my left and saw some girl with bat wings coming out of her. Wasn't this Rias' familiar? I took the paper and looked at it for a while. I waited till she was out of sight before ripping it and throwing away.

"S-sorry I came late." I looked over to see Yuuma in a yellow sundress. Damn, she did look good.

I shrugged, "It's alright, I didn't wait too long." That was a lie. I waited for almost an hour.

"Well, what do you want to do today?" If she wasn't a murderous Fallen Angel I would actually consider going out with her.

...Actually, I don't think I would mind either way.

"Well, there's this Laser Tag place I know. It's cheap but really fun." I motioned in the direction of said place.

She gave me a big smile, "Lead the way!"


Laser Tag Arena...



[You are having way too much fun.]

So when we got to the Laser Tag Arena it was coincidentally Couples Night where it's a two-person team game. Me and Yuuma had paired up and so far the results were... more than satisfactory.

"Who are these guys?!"

"They never missed a shot!"


Yuuma was having an absolute blast, "Ryoto! I never knew such an amazing place could ever exist!"

I jumped off one of the platforms and landed next to the ravenette, "I know right!? You're not too bad at shooting that thing." I shot four more people.

She smiled shyly, "W-well I had practice." Ah yes. With light spears.

I then grinned wildly when people started to pour in and take us out, "Well looks like they actually see us as a threat now."

Yuuma got nervous and jumped closer to me, "W-what are we going to do?"

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me making her face go scarlet and to look at my full-blown smile, "You wanna know what we're gonna do?"

Huh, she actually looked like she was in a trance, "Y-yeah."

I pulled her closer and tighter so I could lift her off the ground as I jumped into the crowd.



[You're an idiot.]

I know right?


"That was so much fun!" Yuuma looked like a kid in a candy store as we walked down the street. I couldn't lie and say that wasn't fun. We even got first place and a huge stuffed alien that I was currently carrying.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun," I said in a nonchalant tone.

She looked at me with wonder, "And how you took down all those people was really cool! How did you do that?"

I could feel the smirk on m face as I answered the question, "I'm just that awesome." She giggled at that answer.

[Because that's obviously a lie.]

I don't wanna hear that from the Evolving Gecko.

[Piss off.]

"Um, Ryoto?" I looked over to the girl who was shifting nervously, "If it's fine with you, can I choose the next place?"

I looked at her and shrugged, "Sure why not?"

It shouldn't be too bad.


This is my Hell.

[I never knew something so simple could be so evil.]

You wanna know what she fucking chose to do? Fucking clothes shopping.


"Ryoto?" I looked up and saw Yuuma hiding behind the curtains of the dressing room.


She leaned back a bit more, "C-can you come here?"

I quirked an eyebrow, "But why doh?"


I sighed and got up, "Fine, but can we hurry up so we can get something to eat?" I walked over to the curtain, "I'm here, what do yo-Woah!" She pulled me into the dressing room, "Oi what the hell is y-"Oh. OH.

She was standing there in a black bra and panties looking way shyly, "S-so what do you think?"

OKAY, SHE'S TRYING WAY TOO HARD NOW, "Y-you look great." I quickly went to leave, "Let's hurry up before the restaurant closes." I quickly walked out of there.

[What a virgin.]

Rude but true.

[She obviously wants you.]

Now that you mention it I haven't felt any sense of negativity from her this whole time.

[If this wasn't how she acted with the original date then maybe something changed.]

I guess I shouldn't rely on everything to be completely on plan. Good to know that my Pro Game Move is going into full effect.

[What is this 'Pro Gamer Move' you speak of?]

Basically, me sticking it to Fate.


Yuuma walked out of the "I'm ready to go." She had the decency to look somewhat embarrassed.

I nodded, "Yeah let me pay for this stuff first."


After we left the clothes store we had went to a burger place with nothing eventful happening. After that, we went to our final destination.

The park.

Here it is. The place where it all started.

[What do you plan on doing?]

Once she pops the question Imma give her a little scare and maybe see if we can work out some negotiations.

[Really? Usually, you would be like YOLO and kick her ass and destroy a good amount of the park.]

Hey, I'm smarter than that. And it would be the whole park.

"I hope you had fun." I looked down at Yuuma who was smiling away, "But I think we should call it a day, it's getting dark."

She looked surprised before looking downtrodden, "I didn't even notice." She sounded sad.

We walked silently until we finally made it to the fountain. She sped up a little bit before stopping right in front of me. Here we go.

"Um Ryoto, can I ask you for something?"

I nodded, "Sure go ahead." I tensed up getting ready to release some of my big dick ene-

[We agreed to not call it that!]

Party pooper.

"W-will you..." She trailed off getting ready to pop the question, "...hang out with me again?"

"I ref-Wait what?"

She played with the dirt at her feet and nervously shifted, "I really had fun and even though we're not going out, so maybe we could start hanging out more till you could see me as y-your girlfriend?" She jumped in surprise at her own confession, "If you want too that is."

I stared in shock at what was just said. Did I just get a fucking Fallen Angel that was supposed to kill me ask me to hang out? WITHOUT PHEROMONES!?

She started pouting, "Don't leave a lady waiting like that."

I got out of my stupor, "Y-yeah I would like to hang out again." I really agreed with that. This just got a lot more complicated.

[Didn't you want to stick it to Fate?]

Yeah but I really wanted to hit her with a DAGA KOTOWARU! I guess I'll try again later.

She smiled brightly, "Thank you Ryoto." She ran up to me and gave me a peck on the cheek, "I'll text you when I get home." She ran in another direction until her presence was gone from the park.

I sat down on the fountain and rubbed the cheek that Yuuma just kissed.

Yo Incursio?


I guess I shouldn't think that everything is going to be the same as the show.

[Sure seems like that's the case. But you're not gonna let that stop you are you?]

FUCK NO! I didn't become this strong for nothing so I'm gonna- Hey is that a barrier?

I looked around and saw a barrier being formed. The sky turned distorted as it made a strange sound. I sensed to see who put the barrier in place only to find a Fallen Angel and... a human?


Issei POV




I was just taking a walk through the park trying to get my thoughts together. The whole renouncing being an open pervert was cause I ran into this giant dog chick and almost got eaten. So I wanted to clear my head from everything and get some fresh air. Then some jack ass in a trench coat and a fedora (Yes a fedora) decided to start following me. When I decided to tell him off he grew fucking wings and started chasing me! Like what the hell man!



"GAH!" I felt a horrible pain in my left leg as I fell to the ground. I looked down and saw a brightly colored spear through my leg.

"Sorry about this kid." I looked up at the douche as he summoned another spear, "If you want to blame anyone, blame the big guy upstairs since he's the one who gave it to ya." He raised his hand preparing to throw the spear.

This is it. This is how I die.

I finally started to turn my life around.

Finally made a new friend.

And now I'm gonna die from some asshole in a fedora.

Mom, Dad, Matsuda, Motohama, Ryoto.

I'm sorry.

"Vibe check."

I'm even hearing voices. Kinda sounds like Ryoto though. Why would I- hold up.

I looked up just in time to Ryoto fucking drop-kicking the birdman in the head making him fly off into the woods.

"I always wanted to do that." He looked as if this was all of this was normal. Suddenly he was right beside me, "Jeez Issei you look like shit."

Wow, what a way with words, "Well I kinda have a hole in my leg," Despite my current situation I managed to crack a joke, "Wait, why are you acting like what just happened is normal!? The fedora-wearing shit head had wings!"

He nodded, "Yeah I know." How can he just say that so casually!? "I'll tell you about it tomorrow, but first..." He picked me up like I was luggage and started running, "...let's get you out of here!" He started running out of the park. I saw him running towards this distorted wall and not even slowing down.

"W-wait what is that thi-


...Did he punch through it?

I guess this is my life now.


Raynare POV: Abandoned Chruch...


Okay so change of plans.

I'm gonna observe Ryoto for a bit longer and see how that goes. Yeah, I don't have to take action just yet so I just have to keep on watching him.

Okay, now I'm making excuses.

"Dammit." I slouched against the wall of the church. Why did everything have to get so complicated? Why did I have to end up being assigned to that guy and not the Hyoudou kid?

Damn him.

Damn that filthy, stupid, cute human.

I walked into the church carrying several bags and the giant alien from the hangout, "I'm back." No answer. Not surprising.

I walked to my room which was decently sized with a twin-sized bed. It was temporary since I wasn't making a permanent stay in Kuoh. I set my stuff down and jumped onto the bed. I hope things will get less complicated, but I highly doubt that would happen.

"I'm back." Huh, that's Dohnaseek.

I got up and leaned out of the door, "How was the missi-HOLY SHIT!"

He had a huge bruise on his face and was covered in leaves and dirt.

"What the hell happened to you?"

He grumbled as he walked down the aisle, "Something hit me..and when I find out what it's dead." He walked down the secret passageway still grumbling.

Guess he had some issues with his mission too. At least I wasn't attacked.


Ryoto POV: Monday, Kuoh Academy...


Well, I can definitely say that yesterday was a good day.

[Not everyone would agree on you with that.]

Yeah, that is true. I looked over at Issei who had was sitting beside me seemingly contemplating his life. Wouldn't really blame him though. Not only was he attacked by a Fallen Angel, but how I was able to heal his leg freaked him out so much that he passed out.

Funny how he passed out from that and not the Fallen trying to kill him.

"Kyaaa~ it's Kiba!"

"Eh?" I looked over at the door and saw a crowd of girls hanging around someone. From the sound of it, Kiba was by the door.

I was able to see the blonde boy trying to calm the group of thirsty women, "Now now ladies, I'm only here to pick some people up." He looked over in our direction.

Ah. So it has begun.

"Issei Hyoudou, Ryoto Gurin?" We both looked at him, "Would you please come with me, my president would like to speak with the both of you."

Issei looked unsure before answering, "Uh sure."

I just shrugged, "Why not." We both got up and picked up our bags.

He looked pleased, "Fantastic, follow me please." We started following him through the hallways.

And oh how I was blessed with supernatural hearing.

"OMG! It's Kiba!"

"Look who's with him though!"

"It's Ryoto!"

"Seeing the two top bachelors together is so-Kyaaa~"

"Wait is that Issei?"

"What is he doing with them?"

"He better not corrupt them with pervert!"

"Actually I heard he gave up being a pervert the other day."

"Really now?"

"...You know he doesn't look too bad."

Honestly, this is just sad.

[I will never understand humans, especially human females.]

Preach to the choir.


Occult Research Club...


Wow, this place looks ominous.

Looking up at the old school building it was kinda rundown on the outside. It was pretty big though.

Walking into the building it looked way nicer than the outside with the walls being covered in some vintage wallpaper and the carpet was obviously high quality.

"Here we are." Kiba smiled as he opened the door for us.

Looking over I saw Koneko sitting on the couch eating some cookies. She looked at us with a stoic expression.

Kiba walked over to the short girl, "Ryoto, Issei, This is Koneko Toujo."

Issei waved while I nodded at her. She continued to stare at us before answering, "Sup." She looked away and kept eating her cookie.

Okay, be vague if you want to.

"My, my, I forgot we were having guest over." Ah, I know that voice.

I looked over and saw Akeno Himejima with that closed eye smile she usually had in the show and that amazing 'plot'.

She walked up to us, "You must be Issei." The poor boy was a sputtering mess, "Ufufufufu~ How cute." She looked at me, "And you must be Ryoto." Her smile kinda made me nervous, "You look cuter than from what I heard." Eh!? Do people think I'm cute? Hell no! I'm manly as fuck.

[More like Man-Child.]

mOrE lIKe maN-cHIlD- Shut up you gecko.

[Fuck you.]

I looked away, "Thanks I guess."

She continued to do that laugh, "I'm blessed to have such cute underclassmen."

"Sorry, I'm late." And here comes the woman of the hour, "I was talking to Sona about certain issues." Rias Gremory strutted right past us. She looked back and glanced at me and smiled at me.

She sat down on the couch Koneko was sitting on and motioned for us to sit across from her, "Please have a seat." That we did.

Issei was the one to ask the million-dollar question, "Um why are we here?"

Rias smirked at the question, "Well I guess we should go ahead and shed some light on the situation." her expression then became serious, "It seems that the two of you had an encounter."

Oh, so she knew. Then she knew that I dropped kick the dick head too. Shit, she better know.

"W-wait are you talking about the dog chick and the guy with wings?" Issei nervously asked.

Dog chick? He had a run-in with something else too?

Everyone else looked equally surprised, "I don't know what you mean by this 'dog chick', but the 'guy with wings' is what you call a Fallen Angel."

Issei looked confused, "Fallen Angel?"

Rias nodded, "Yes, Angels that fell from Heaven. And before you ask all the supernatural things from various religions are also real."

I decided to keep quiet while Issei asked another question, "W-wait, how do you know that?"

This got the redhead to smirk smugly, "Well it's because we are apart of a certain group from one of the most popular religions. We are-"


Everyone looked at me surprised, "Oops, did I steal your thunder?" Oh yeah, this is happening.

Issei looked at me with disbelief, "You're kidding right?"

Kiba was the one to answer him, "I'm afraid not Issei." Suddenly everyone in the room, minus me and Issei, sprouted black bat wings scaring the brunette.

"No need to be scared Issei, They have no ill intent," I reassured him.

"He's right Issei." Rias backed me up before narrowing her eyes at me, "But I want to know how you know."

I rolled my eyes, "Please, it's like you guys wanted everyone to know you're Devils. Seriously learn to hide your energy better." They at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"My my, what a smart mouth." I seriously do not like that glint in Akeno's eyes.

I grinned as I put my hands behind my head, "Plus I could tell you how I know about the supernatural, but I think I'll tell you a bit later."

Rias seemed somewhat fine with that answer before continuing, "There's also a second reason I asked for you two to be brought here." She pulled out a box and opened it showing chess pieces. One Knight, one Rook, one Bishop and eight Pawns, "These are Evil Pieces. They are used to turn people into Devils." She pulled out a Rook piece and a Pawn piece, "They are also used to make Peerages, basically groups made up by Higher-class Devils."

I looked at her with the most serious face I could make, "Let me guess, you want us to join your Peerage?"

She nodded with a smile on her face, "Yes, since you both have something that would gain the attention of other factions doing this could offer you both protection. Plus there are quirks to becoming a De-"

"I refuse!"


Yea here's chapter twoooooooooooo!

ThrowingTheShadecreators' thoughts