
Evolving As A Space Monster After Reincarnating

Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game. [This Is A Translated Work] __________________________ Cover By: _not_so_bad_ (discord username) _________________________ 20 Advanced Chapters are currently available on patreon of each novel we upload— PATREON: patreon.com/Immortal_author DISCORD: https://discord.gg/KscfBegBPT __________________________ Second WN Account: Immortal_Darkness_ (7 Books Ongoing) __________________________ Original: 진화하는 우주괴물이 되었다 작가명 Author: 공포의거북이

Immortal_Darkness2 · Others
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146 Chs


Ep. 126

After devouring the first-class equipment, I walked around the camp and searched for more useful items.

Meanwhile, the Mother of Heaven remained motionless. It was to commemorate the dead compatriots.

A day passed and Mother Heaven came to visit me while I was resting in the nest.

She said she would also help hunt down the player. Otherwise, this tragedy will only repeat itself.

'If you follow me on your own, I'll be grateful.'

In fact, even if she wanted to stay here, I was planning on taking her by force.

She may be needed after she becomes an adult, and more than anything, her fighting skills are excellent, so it would be a shame to leave her alone. She would be helpful in assisting No. 26 and Aadhai.

Since Heavenly Mother volunteered to accompany me, I asked her everything I was curious about.

How many players are there, are there groups like clans in the game, when did everyone come to this world, why has no one seen the ending yet, etc.

So I spent a day getting the information I needed from Heavenly Mother.

Of course, it was not a meaningless time. She knew much more than Muriel.

To summarize what Heavenly Mother said, it is as follows:

'There was a gathering of players.'

It was 15 years ago when she fell into this world, but it is said that the players' gathering existed long before that.

However, by the time she found out about the existence of the group, it had already been divided into several player groups and were at odds.

Their conflict started from a single difference in position.

'Those who want to see the ending and those who oppose it.'

The Mother of Heaven said that many of the players who attended the meeting were those who had seen the ending. Thanks to this, those who participated in the meeting knew what happened after the ending.

'Before you move on to Galaxy Conqueror, a message appears asking if you want to continue the game.'

They claimed that they could escape this world based on the message that appears at the end of Space Survival.

'But the method is the problem.'

In order to see the ending, you must kill the heads of races competing with your own or those in similar positions.

Among the players, there were those with high status, such as Megacorp CEO and cult priest. Since all they can do is tell them to give up their lives, they have no choice but to protest.

Moreover, there were many people who questioned what would happen to this world after the ending.

Among the players at the gathering, some have survived for decades or even over a hundred years. Such people will have lived in this world much longer than in this life. To them, life in this world was much more precious than reality.

But surprisingly, it is said that there was someone who challenged the ending in a previous meeting.

The person who attempted the ending in the early days of the meeting was the cyborg ranker who ranked first.

He persuaded others who opposed him to watch the ending together and then actually put it into practice.

'No. 1. also.'

The first place player is a player who boasts an unbelievable game sense. I have challenged him several times, but I have never beaten him.

Like this, his skills were the best, but the player privileges he had were also ridiculous.

It was a perk related to making equipment and modules, and options that could never be added in the game could be added without restrictions.

In any case, thanks to his active use of his abilities, the players who participated in the meeting were able to bypass the condition of killing the leaders of hostile races.

After that, all that remains is to defeat Vortex One, the raid boss.

The players in the meeting were not very worried about this.

Rankers who have seen the ending have already won the game at least once. Even first place is the only person in the game who killed two Vortex Ones at the same time.

But they failed.

It is not known what happened to them after the challenge.

No one except those who survived knows whether they were wiped out by Vortex One or were defeated by an unexpected enemy.

What is clear is that most of the players who tried to see the ending died, and the number one player also died.

Players who barely survived simply said that it was impossible to see the ending.

No matter what, since number one is dead, it is impossible to reach the ending peacefully.

In other words, antagonism between those who wanted to see the ending and those who opposed it was inevitable.

And there was new information that made this conflict even more acute.

It's the looting of special privileges.

Everyone knew that every player had their own special privileges.

However, I didn't know that this perk could be taken away by killing the other player.

At some point after the death of No. 1, this information began to spread in the group.

You don't have to listen to know what happened to the meeting after that.

Players' War.

Those who want to see the ending try to become stronger by eating those who chose to stay.

Conversely, the same applies to those who chose to remain.

They tried to kill other players for their own benefit or to survive.

'…In a way, it might be an excuse to not watch the ending.'

In a different sense from the Heavenly Mother, they may also have separated themselves from reality and become true residents of this world.

The war has been in a lull for several years, but it is said that it was really fierce until then. Most of the players are dead, so there are barely more than ten people left.

'Of course, there may be people like me who come to this world later.'

Anyway, after hearing the explanation of the players, we briefly introduced ourselves to each other.

Only then did I know exactly who she was.

'I never thought he was the leader of the Savage Clan. 'I didn't know it looked completely different.'

Not surprisingly, her nickname in the game was a completely different name from Heavenly Mother. The appearance was also based on the tiger Wolf, and the animal that transformed after being deified was not a griffon but a 'silkworm.'

The name and appearance were completely different, so I assumed it was someone I had seen before, but I had no idea it was a member of the 4th clan that fought on the jungle planet.

The Savage Clan was devastated after fighting with me. This is because all the clan members quit the game and only the clan leader remained.

When you see that you come and walk with someone like that in a completely different world than reality, you really don't know what's going on in the world.

「So where are we going now?」

[Zuzu (Coast)]

Currently, she was leaving the camp with me in griffon mode and moving toward the sea.

I tied a backpack filled with loot to the end of its tail and ran through the forest at full speed with the griffon.

Unlike me, who crawled through everything, including trees, dirt, and rocks, she ran gracefully, going back and forth over the ground and trees.

Her body, which had been covered in blood scabs, had been thoroughly washed as she left the camp, so her golden fur was shiny and smooth.

Even when it was dirty, the dense and strong muscles characteristic of a lioness were impressive, but now that it was covered in beautiful fur, it definitely looked as dignified as a griffon.

Just as I was carrying the bag, a pendant with a sapphire was hanging around the griffon's neck.

It was a necklace that could communicate with others through thought waves, a tool that did not exist in the game.

'Among Muriel's colleagues, there is someone in charge of equipment.'

The equipment she used to fight me, including the improved Psionium Nano Spartan Module Blood Reaver, was all made by that colleague.

According to what Muriel and Heavenly Mother said, that colleague was a human belonging to Megacorp. In that case, the identity of the other person is determined.


Among the Noble Capital families, they were in charge of developing reinforced clothing, and their players were mainly responsible for supplying them in the game.

'Now that I think about it…'

The reinforced suits they wore when fighting the armed police in the space city before were not regular reinforced suits.

'It was a mid-level reinforced suit with a shield.'

A basic reinforced suit with a shield attached was the equipment that most Megacorp players dream of.

Production was impossible in the game due to balance, but here is the reality. If I were a megacorp player, I would try to make it somehow.

Even if there are no players in Carmelda, I will be at a disadvantage in the long run if I leave such bright people alone.

'Let's deal with that first after the dragon's nest.'

If your goal is to ascend to heaven, you must finish conquering Earth and Mars no matter what.

However, if there is a player in charge of equipment development, the defense power of the entire planet will increase dramatically, so it is necessary to organize this in advance.

'Or should I clear this area first before the dragon's nest?'

While I was lost in thought, Heavenly Mother sent me a thought wave.

"You mean the coast? I thought I would target the Horned Gigant first, but this is surprising."

[Zuzuzu Zuzu (Something needs to be done)]

"Necessary things? Are you targeting the essence of aquatic life first in order to move to another continent?"

As far as I know, the Mother of Sky is the 15th ranked Wolf Ranker. Maybe that's why I knew very well what Aimorph needed on this planet.

'Unfortunately, I was wrong.'

[Zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzuzu (No. We will go to other continents later.)]


[Zuzuzu zuzuzu zu (Search for friends first)]

Because we have to find No. 26 and Adhai first.

However, the griffon's eyes became strange when it heard my wavelength.

「You have a friend?」

[zu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzuzu (yes, we broke up when we came to this planet)]

Heavenly Mother heard those words and tilted her head.

「…You have a friend?」

[Zuzuz zuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu (don't make me say it again and again)]

「Hmm. It's hard to believe."

[Zuz, Zuzu, Zuzu, Zuzu, Zuzu (This is not a game, so there are no restrictions)]

"No. It's not because he's Aimorph. "It's hard to believe that there are creatures that are friendly with you."

Heaven's mother speaks decisively.

I was dumbfounded when I heard that.

'Who do you think is a monster?'

The look in her eyes made me think she wasn't joking and that she really thought that way.

Of course, it is true that I have no friends, either in real life or in games.

In reality, there were many reasons, and in the game, since he was an Amorph, it was more efficient to eat him than to make friends or colleagues.

[Zuzu zuzuzu zu zuzuzu zuzuzu (It's better to have friends here)]

「…I wonder who the 'friend' you hang out with will be. 」

[Zuzu zuzuzuzu (They're good guys)]

「. …'

The Mother of Heaven opened her mouth and immediately closed it. She looked like she wanted to say a lot, but she said nothing more.

So we just ran for half a day.

Meals were resolved by each person catching and eating wild creatures they found along the way.

Neither she nor I could survive without sleep for more than a few weeks, so it wasn't a big problem.

She seemed skeptical about whether I was really going to see a colleague, but she didn't bring it up again.

Anyway, as we moved non-stop, the thick and huge redwoods around us began to shrink.

The red and green paint scattered, and what appeared instead was drawing paper painted with blue paint.

After unpacking the backpack hanging from my tail, I stood on the white sandy beach with blue waves crashing in.

From now on, I plan to shoot psychic breath using the monster's tentacles.

'Is this the first time I've written anything since I became a semi-adult?'

If you are Aadhai who is sensitive to psychic power, you will be able to detect it even from a distance.

「What are you doing?」

[Zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu (Step back. I'll call that guy)] He

still didn't seem to believe me, but that doesn't mean he's stupid enough to say something different to me. When I felt the griffon retreating, I prepared my skills.

The bundle of tentacles hanging under the head carapace started working for the first time in a long time.

The bright purple tentacles wiggle like the legs of an octopus and head forward at the same time.

Then, I felt the energy moving quickly from the tip of my tail towards my head. Unlike before, each time the energy moved, the patterns on my outer shell gradually emitted purple light.


The Heavenly Mother behind me took a long step back, probably because she felt the enormous psychic power emanating from my body.

From the tail to the lower body, to the waist, chest, and tentacles near the head above the neck.

The monster's tentacles pulled out all the psychic powers that were residing throughout my body.


'It's a bit big, isn't it?'

A purple sun with a diameter of 6 meters appeared before my eyes. My length is 20m, so it is not that big compared to my body, but compared to the psychic breath I used before, it was ridiculously large.

'It took a bit longer to charge though.'

I raised my head like that. The essence of psychic power summoned by the monster's tentacles also rose upward in sync with my movements.

'…It's gotten too big to handle.'

Although it looked static on the outside, the dragon's breath was pulsing inside the sphere.

I thought this was enough and released the sealed energy.

Above my head, the dragon of the universe spreads its wings and soars. Every time the dragon flaps its wings, the white sand around it flutters and the waves move backwards.

The heat ray of psychic power that consumed the auxiliary organ under the chin tore through the air and rose infinitely upward.

More and more.

It flew until it tore through the white clouds floating on the blue sea of sky and finally stopped.

After the dragon flies away, all that remains is a cloudless blue sky and purple particles falling like snow.

Deciding that this was enough, I lowered my high head.

[Zuzuzu (now waiting)]


The Mother of Heaven, who witnessed me shooting the psychic breath, was staring blankly at the sky.

"…It's strange. It must be a subadult, but how is this possible? Could this be a special effect? no. "Unless the species changes, this is…"

While I was lying on the white sand beach waiting, the Mother of Heaven was muttering something incomprehensible as she looked at the spot where the psychic breath had passed.

Half a day passed like that.

The Mother of Heaven, who muttered for a while, seemed to have somehow come to terms and lay down on the white sand beach. However, seeing the fear in her eyes, it seemed like she wasn't in the mood to lie down comfortably like me.

I stopped paying attention to her and picked up the crab that was creeping in front of me and put it in my mouth.

'It's about time… hmm?'

At that time, the Mother of Heaven seemed to have seen something in the distance and stood up. She, who had better vision than me, glared at the sky that was turning orange.

「Morph Park.」

[Z(What is it?)]

「…Could it be that the comrade you are talking about is not the Green Gallagon?」

There is only one Green Gallagon on this planet.

'Aadhai is here.'

I also got up and waited for them to come. After waiting for about 5 minutes, I also started to see Aadhai.


But something was strange. Aadhai's movements were much slower than usual and seemed somehow unnatural.

'what? 'What happened?'

Above all, I could not feel any movement of No. 26, which was supposed to follow me in the water.

'no way?'

I quickly built a new nest on the beach.

The size is enough for Aadhai and size 26 to lie down.

However, while the nest was being built, the situation changed suddenly. Aadhai seemed to be no longer able to fly and fell onto the sand.

[Zuuuu (Aadhai!)]

The Mother of Heaven quickly flew up, caught Aadhai with her mouth, and landed stably.

It was difficult to say that Aadhai's condition was good, even with empty words. The beak of the griffon biting the animal and the sand of the white beach instantly turned bright red.

I received Aadhai from Heavenly Mother, implanted it with symbiotic spores, and placed it on the nest.

As the symbiote wriggled and injected healing fluid into his body, Aadhai's breathing became easier. The wound was so severe that internal organs and bones were visible, but it was visible that it was healing slowly.

'How did this happen?'

Aadhai flew in with serious injuries, and No. 26 was not seen.

An anxiety as pitch black as the darkening night sky descended on my heart.


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