

There was another benefit to becoming a Rank-A member of the Super Gods. That was, they could order Rank-A Enhanced Recipes through the guild channel.

Rank-A Enhanced Recipes were nutritional recipes made from powerful mutant beasts and plants in the wilderness. Ordinary people might not be able to buy them even if they had the money.

Bai Xiaowen ordered one for Xiaojun. Now, Xiaojun had become the topic of conversation in her class. No one dared to bully her anymore. Hua Hudie and the other delinquents who had bullied her before were still receiving education in the juvenile detention center.

The Crimson Fire High School's management was almost burning incense to worship Bai Xiaowen. They approved Bai Xiaowen's long-term leave request with a wave of the pen.

In fact, with Bai Xiaowen's identity as an Awakened hero class, he could have skipped the college entrance exam. Any university in the country would have been willing to admit him without taking the exam. However, Bai Xiaowen was planning to make a wave of fame during the college entrance exam. He wanted to become the top scorer of the college entrance exam and make a name for himself across the country. Wouldn't that be great?

Of course, the competition for the top scorer of the college entrance exam was still very fierce. The full score of 150 points in each course was only the basic score. There were 150 additional points designed specifically for genius candidates like Bai Xiaowen.

There were geniuses everywhere in the psionic era. Across the country, there were geniuses who had successfully changed professions in high school in every base city. Many genius Awakened ones were doing their best to compete for the top scorer of the college entrance exam. This was an opportunity to make a name for themselves across the country.

For example, if Li Shuyi succeeded in changing professions, she would also give up the qualification for the recommendation. Of course, if she failed the second time, she could only choose the recommendation. She would train in the university for half a year and make the final push before the third deadline.

Bai Xiaowen's long-term leave request was not only to help Li Shuyi with her professions, but also to take advantage of the few months before the college entrance exam to train his combat specialty. The two courses of combat and machinery were not beneficial for him, an Awakened who specialized in mental strength.

Bai Xiaowen's contract with the Shark Streaming Platform was also negotiated.

After knowing that Bai Xiaowen had a hero class, the Shark Streaming Platform showed great importance. Not only did they give him a full set of streaming equipment, such as a top-level psionic camera, a virtual helmet for Awakened, and so on, but the senior manager, Sister Yan, personally acted as Bai Xiaowen's streaming agent and was fully responsible for Bai Xiaowen's streaming business.

The contract was also written according to Bai Xiaowen's wishes, with a higher degree of freedom and a shorter term. Of course, after the contract, Shark Streaming Platform had the right to sign under the same conditions.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the defamation incident, the clarification post, the assassination incident, and the flagpole incident, Sister Yan mobilized the resources of the Shark Live Streaming Platform and carried out a comprehensive packaging and promotion of Bai Xiaowen. Together with Bai Xiaowen's personal assistant, Xu Lu, she helped Bai Xiaowen prepare the entire outfit.

Good looks, good figure, inspirational, hero class … When a series of elements were gathered on a 17-year-old boy, a national idol naturally became popular all over the country.

Bai Xiaowen's international popularity continued to rise. Soon, it exceeded 100 points and reached Level D, "Beginning to Shine". This made Zhang Bo feel that the heavens were unfair. He had been in the industry for so long, but he was only Level E, "Unknown".

Bai Xiaowen smiled and comforted him. This kind of hype could easily fall if there was no follow-up. It was not as stable as Zhang Bo's fans, who had been accumulating for a long time.

After everything was ready, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi entered the wilderness together. An advanced Awakened from the Super Gods, named Meng Gui, accompanied them.

Meng Gui was a senior member, and his codename was "Old Devil." He was usually silent. This time, he was entrusted by Li Beihai to protect Bai Xiaowen and Zhang Bo. He would not take action unless it was necessary.

Although Bai Xiaowen had the battle record of killing a Level-3 Awakened and his combat power was very strong, considering that it was his first time in the wilderness and his lack of experience, Li Beihai still insisted on sending the old demon along.

Bai Xiaowen thought to himself. Li Beihai was probably worried that the two of them would accidentally do something in the wilderness.

Tsk, am I that kind of person? Can't people trust each other more and be less scheming? Besides, there was a personal assistant and a driver. What was there to be afraid of?

Bai Xiaowen, who was sitting in the back of the off-road vehicle on the right side, curled his lips as he looked at Old Monster who was dozing off with his eyes closed. He quietly reached out his hand and hooked Li Shuyi's little hand.

Li Shuyi did not move at all, which made Bai Xiaowen a little bolder. He began to follow the vine to find the melon, following the vine along the melon, moving upstream along the small hand.

As he walked, Bai Xiaowen felt that something was wrong. This arm was slightly plump, but it didn't seem to belong to the campus belle.

"Mister White, why are you holding my hand?"

He Zhiqing, a young woman wearing a knitted sweater, said with a faint smile as she pulled her arm back.

"Ah? Oh, I was careless, careless. "Bai Xiaowen blushed. Who knew that you would put your hand on Campus Belle Li's leg?

Li Shuyi, who was sitting in the middle, raised her eyebrows and pinched Bai Xiaowen. "Uncle Old Monster is here. Behave yourself!"

Bai Xiaowen looked at Old Monster in front of him with a guilty conscience. He only knew that Old Monster was a Level 7 Awakened and was ranked Bronze Two on the Awakened Battle Platform. He didn't know anything else. He didn't think of using insight. After all, it would cost him psionic power points. Moreover, Old Monster wasn't an enemy.

However, a Level 7 Awakened and a Bronze Two … seemed a bit low.

Bai Xiaowen didn't think much of it and asked a question to ease the awkwardness. "Brother Feng, how much longer?"

The driver, Feng Kui, looked at the car's GPS. "Mister White, we've crossed the blockade line and are now in the wilderness. Our destination is Supply Station 68. It's 13 kilometers away in a straight line. "

"Are there any mutant beast gathering points nearby? It's still early. Let's sweep the area and then go to the supply station, "Bai Xiaowen said.


No one questioned Bai Xiaowen's decision. Before they set off, Old Monster had said that Bai Xiaowen was in charge of this adventure. Unless Bai Xiaowen had made a major mistake in his decision and was purely courting death, he would not interrupt.

As for the driver, Feng Kui, and the personal assistant, He Zhiqing, they wouldn't have any objections. This was the professionalism of an assistant.

The experienced driver, Feng Kui, followed the car's GPS and drove the SUV to a hidden hill.

"Mister White, there's an abandoned village in front of us. It's a mutant beast gathering point. According to the car's GPS, no Awakened has been here for a long time, "Feng Kui said.

"Okay. Shuyi, let's get off. Sister He and Brother Feng stay in the car. Don't get off. "Bai Xiaowen ordered.

This SUV was modified and strengthened. Even the windows were covered with a layer of alloy steel plates that could be raised and lowered. It was a special vehicle used by the Awakened to travel in the wilderness. In the wilderness within 30 kilometers of the blockade line, the mutant beasts generally didn't exceed Level 5. Only a few could break through the SUV's defense.