
Evolved humans

A story of how humans evolved to the level of god like beings

Sparx_Gaming · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Getting ready for grand adventure

I boarded my air craft which was 60 meters big and in spaceship design , it was loaded with hidden guns. I entered the spaceship after putting the password of transportation beam, transportation beam is one of the features of my spaceship, it teleports someone inside the spaceship after putting the password, the spaceship inside was a vast room with various decoration and other things placed , I kept my I-capsule on a table, I-capsule is a modern device which stores items, whatever you put inside it they will get stored in separate dimenson. There are many types of I-capsule with various storage limits. Mine was a little bit expensive which can store 99999 items.

Right now i am going to one of the biggest organization also known as nasa, it was the organisation which helped humans to reach type 1.

Nasa organization has announced to give free gears to 50 people who come first, so i am heading there to collect my gears. I started my spaceship and headed for the destination, my spaceship can travel 5 km per minute, so i think i will be there soon enough.

I arrived at one of the nasa center , it was very big similar to a stadium, there were very less people around looks like i came at time.

I entered the entrance and there was only 4 chest remaining, i rushed and picked up one of the chest, besides the chests there was something like leaderboard or something.

There was 'Best Energy Consumers' written on it, is it some kind of leaderboard in which who has absorbed most amount of energy are shown? And there was even 4 people's name on it and Peter with highest energy score of 500!? Wait they already started to absorb energy from nearby planets? Doesn't that make them type 2 civilization already? Ahhh! I have hurry! I picked up the chest and ran towards my ship and decided to open it inside.

I opened the chest when i reached inside the ship, i found

A tab ,a pistol , a modern glasses and a suit like an astronauts but without helmet.

I wore the glasses and i was looking cool then a suddenly a voice came up....more like some kind of ai voice

"Registration completed, the user can now check the stats"

Uhhh? I thought of stats in my mind and a yellow colored screen popped up infront of me, although it was just 3D hologram.

The stats were

"User's stats"

Name : Not registered

Class : not applied

Civilization : level 1 civilization

Energy absorbed : 200

Uhmmm i thought there will be more and waited one min...and there was nothing incoming? Where the heck is hp, defence,stamina etc etc? Oh well let's skip that fantasy part and register my name. Let's read the manual first.

"Beginner's guide activated : Please register your name below : "

Hmmmm well i tapped the blank area and registered my name, hmmmm where is S? Oh found it S P A R and X here it is the name Sparx! Now let's check the stats again!

"User's stats"

Name : Sparx

Class : not applied

Civilization : level 1 civilization

Energy absorbed : 200

Let's continue the guide

"Energy absorption quide

To absorb energy from the target the user has to use the absorption pistol on it, after absorbing the energy the user can use it in however state the user wants for eg liquid,solid or gaseous"

Hmmmm how to know how much energy i have absorbed from something?

"There is digital energy scale in the tab, after connecting the pistol with the tab the user can check how much energy the user has absorbed"

Hmm i see i see so...how to connect the tab and the pistol?

"The user can visit The linker app downloaded in the tab and register with the id number written at bottom of the gun in it"

Oh i see i see, i looked at the bottom of the gun and there was code like something written there, i opened my tap and visited The linker app and registered hmmm 4829 ok done.

"Click" a sound came from the pistol and the tab, seems like it worked. It was my biggest dream to make things like light savers and many other technologies that i always read about them on books whenever there was library period in my school but now i can finally make those dream true! Let's go!!

- Nasa centre

A group of 3 young people were entering the centre and the gaurd seems to notice them and yelled

"Hey kids if you don't want the free gears to go away run fast! There's only 4 chest left if you don't hurry someone else might take them"

One of the youngsters started to panick and grabbed his freinds hand and started to run

"Cmon!!!! We can't miss this only chance!!! Run faster or we have to go back to that scary school again!!"

Hearing that his freinds also started to panick and ran to pick thier free gears.