
Evolutionis Player[Eng]

From the book: I produced a portal and came across his mansion made of white marbled stones. The mansion was shining under the moon of this dwarf planet, a moon of magnificent silvery blue color. I had to defeat this demigod. He had immeasurable powers and increased intelligence after all these years of existence. However my arsenal was no less advanced and my magic art was colossal. I amplified my voice: "You, Lumadis, show that I am putting an end to your life, a rat that you are hiding at the edge of the Universe!" "I am not hiding, on the contrary," replied a gentle and playful voice. "I'm just enjoying the view" I did not think any more and produced the black gaseous eternalis which was pouring over the house, violet lightning exploded in all directions and cracked the stone. Our story traces the path of a man who can evolve like a video game. He will progress by trying to unravel the secrets of the system that will help him progress in his destiny. His road will be littered with adversaries, encounters and challenges to overcome. Will our hero manage to survive in the face of these innumerable dangers? Will he be able to evolve or will he perish before?

Evorum · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 32 – Sunshade

"Friends, I have good news!"

"I too," replied Ratvert.

I begin: my weapon is a success! And I have a whole new skill that allows me to control in part the metals, whether they're in my body or out»

"It will help you, I'm sure," says Oclageor.

"As for me, I got all the ingredients for the sunscreen potion, and enough to make more when I learn."

I felt a twinge in my heart, Ratvert had become my friend and I didn't want him to go away. Ratvert looked at me and seemed to have understood my thought.

"Don't worry, I intend to continue to accompany you, outdoor life and travel form youth as my father says!"

The weight that weighs on me is gone


And the three of us raised our choppes to sing a song of the Zatasians, we had time to learn them with the hours we spent feasting at the bar.

I was going to design the sunscreen potion, we had to celebrate!

I also planned to open my first business, creating this potion, I could earn a few coins by selling them 50 pieces per unit. It was the perfect opportunity to have a lot of walking caravans in the village. I was talking to Oclageor about it.

But of course we take care of everything, how do you want to get your share of the sales?

"Can I have the potion produced here?"

"We have an underground factory, I didn't tell you because it's supposed to stay hidden but at least you know what it's all about."

"I understand and she leaves I receive?"

«65% is the best we can and considering all the money you spent at the bar, it makes the whole village happy»

"Last quick question: how will I collect my income?"

"Either a courier pays you in person or with a magic bank crystal."

"What is it?"

"It's simple: a bank of your choice recovers physical income and gem transfers"

"In a gem?"

It reminded me of the magical store of the system.

"Yes, in gemstone, of different colors depending on the quantity. This currency varies less than gold because of their rarity"

«Notification! Understanding the world +1»

"I choose the bank!"

"Here takes this transfer crystal, you can look at your balance at any time"

"Thank you"

It must be said that everything happened very quickly, from a simple idea I had created my company. I left the bar to go to my room.

I hoped my potions would sell, I had raised the price to 100 pieces of gold for its rarity, although there were many ingredients in the breach, it was difficult for people outside to get it without going there directly.

All I had to do was describe and write down the composition of the sunscreen potion and I'll have some income.

"I'll do that tomorrow"

I read my Grimoire on the mirique before going to bed, my level of mana control was still low for a mage, finally now a hunter with the blunderbuss. My mastery was level 32, especially since as an individual has magic skills, the more it is necessary to have a higher mastery. I fell asleep as I read, under the effect of my hard work.

The next day, I went to the potion factory with Oclageor. A hidden door was in the magic shop. Then a staircase led us to its center. Instruments that were unknown to me were there to simmer, distill and concentrate the colored liquids contained.

"Create your potion and then write your recipe at the retail level, we need to be specific for quantity selling"

"I'm working on it"

Now that I was level 8 in alchemy, explanatory videos could be viewed with my system. The sunscreen potion used an unusual ingredient, 'Noucastine', which was created itself with two different ingredients. I had no problems during the concoction and presented the notes to the factory managers.

"Have you tried the potion?"

"I know who to try"

I went out of the factory to meet Ratvert, who had to sleep at this early hour, and the sun pierced the blizzard to shine on the snow.

"Ratvert! Wake up!"

He jumped out of bed.

"We're being attacked! Where is the enemy I'm going to shoot them all down"

I laughed at it

«There are no enemies, drink this»

Is that the famous potion?

"We'll find out if it works"

Ratvert drank it and went out, still in the shade by habit.

"Walk in the sun, we must be fixed"

He did it with velvet, ready to jump in case of a problem.

And the sun touched her skin. Nothing happened the potion is a success!

"How do you feel, Ratvert?"

"Strangely calm though I am in the sun, how long does the effect last?"

"Well it's the lowest level so I'd say 6 hours and a few minutes"

"It will change my life, thank you Evo!"

«Notification! Creation of a system potion, +2 alchemy»