
Ch 12 Psychic

Few days Later ,

I Recieved A Parcel I Ordered .

Finally I got it....

after using lots of connections & plotting I got it ...

It's 2 broken hoops or to be more presise it looked like a bangles.....

Hehehehe I laid down on my bed in the top floor of my facility...

The next moment I did the most risky thing of both my Lives.....

I took 4 to 5 SSS class psychic class illegal enhancers and ejected all inside my body....

Each being made of compressed brain liquid & psychic mind Crystal's of 4 to 5 Elite Psychic pokemons.....

Then put those broken Bangles on my each of my hands....

Ya it isnt ordinary Hoops.....They were the hoops of an ancient Hoopa .

Idiots who sold me theose thought it was only some old antique....



Then at next moment magic happened...My body started to float.....

It started to fly upward....soon my head reached the ceiling but suprisingly I didn't feel pain of hitting the ceiling rather next moment i realise i passed through the ceiling until I am floating 2000 m above Lumiose City.....

It was a rainy day.....Power started to course through my body....my body would have already exploded into pieces if weren't for the hoops...as the both hoops started to absorb the excess energy as the hoops were merging with my body .

*Crackle**Rumble* Raining...it was Raining Cats and Dogs with Thunderstorms.....I was going through Metamorphosis as I started forgot all anxiety or madness for new power as I started to feel tranquility and the nature as if agreeing with me increased its intensity of rains and thunders....

I Smiled.....For I know I have done the impossible.....

At that moment I know I transended.....

Despite my eyes Closed , as i smiled.....I saw more than I ever saw with my eyes open...

I saw a machine in the unknown forest with a Soul....A machine with more grace & kindness than any living being I knew till today...

I saw a Multicolored Deer walking through the unknown wilderness...An Enchanting Senerio.....I saw the boon & creation of nature covered the even most of barren lands with just its hoofs...A Natural utopia which cant be explained in words was slowly forming around it as it was covered in its otherworldly radiance.

I say a massive bird of prey screeching so Loud that warth of mother nature looked like a whining of a child...lushicious wilderness and mountain became barren lands....Even then amidst the destruction , an unspoken art of beauty could be found....

I saw a White large divine bird diving into the infinite ocean as tsunamis rose and died with waves of its wings magically circulating around it.....clear salty ocean waters under the rain and thunderstorms created an eternal piece of art...Despite the grandness it looked like the bird was just playing from its jovial smile...

Then I suddenly saw the whole world in ruin as I saw it......a dragon-like otherworldly beast, with an appearance similar to that of a large sauropod. It has 6 legs, gold protrusions that look like external ribs, and golden horns on its head. Its neck has five red stripes and 4 black stripes. On its back, it has a black stripe pattern that extends to its legs. It has black wings with three red thorn-like appendages called Girasols (a rare type of opal) coming out of then...... It was roaming the ruin world as it is giving its prove of its dominace over the dimension.....Then suddenly the Dragon like divine beast changed....to an another Forme which is more serpentine (like an amphitheater) than its Previous Forme. Its wings are now shaped like tentacles with the red thorn-like appendages sticking out at the end. Its mouth is now behind the two appendages in front of its face. Then it's mouth opened as the beast roars distorting and ruining the already ruined world more....In few moments my vision changed to another places as I felt its numerous eyes glinting towards me in horizon.....making me experience its horror or it would be more appropriate to use the word terror instead of horror...but then again it was an a site unspeakable....

The more I saw the more I smiled...i Realized my insignificance but i also realized the magnitude of what i what have i gained.....

I have became an Psychic Spirit...huh.....

That too with Space type specialization.....

I only waved my left hand I saw a portal... opening....I just walked in the air to it...

I Reached my bedroom...as I willed the portal to take me here....I Achieved what I wanted.....my status became ,


NAME :: Tan Steel

AGE :: 17

EXPECTED LIFESPAN :: Soul Immortality

BLOODLINE::Psychic Spirit Bloodline{ Devon Bloodline[ Steel Energy Gain] Swallowed }

ENERGY:: 1)Dragon Type = 3 Star

2)Psychic Type = 4.5 Star

3)Steel Type = 1 star


1)Trainer=Dragon Type

2)Esper = Psychic

3)Technomencer = Bio Machine


1)Physics = Foundation

2)Biology = Foundation

3)Chemistry = Foundation

4)Close Combat = Master

5)Tracking = Master

6)Navigation = Master

7)Battle Tactics = Novice

8)Anatomy = Master

9)Botany = Master

10)Zoology = Master



1)Energy Type Aura Infusion = 2 Star [Dragon|Psychic|Steel]

2)Esper Powers(Psychic)= 4.5 star[Leviathan|Camaflouge|Teleport|Hypnotism|Mind shield|Telepathy|Space Creation|Space Portal|Transperent Body|Psychic Vision]

3)Energy Construct = 1 Star [BodyEnhancer Construct]


1)Cyborg Knowledge = 2 star [ShadowPokemon Creation|Machine Merge]

2)Body Refining = 2.5 Star[EnergyInfused Cells|EnergyLeakagePoints Closed|Organ Refinment]

3)PokemonBreeding knowledge = 2.5 star

[Anatomical Breeding|Gene Simulaions]

4)Ghost Creation = 1 star[Soul Manipulation]

5)Potion Creation = 2 star[Genetical Supplement|Berry Potionary]

6)SpaceManipulation knowledge= 3.5 star

[Technological|Psychic|Space portal]


1)Energy Infused Body=3 star

2)Decelerated Aging=4 star



NOTE:: Need more data


It may seen as nothing changed but changes did occured . I got powers of a super powerful being aleardy....mmm.....

Psychic Spirits.....the peak of Psychics....

Till today I only know about them or found about them in documents....

I only met one of them.....That is Olympia.....the resident Kalos Psychic gym leader.....her specialization is Prophecy I think....Ummm....

Whatever In short despite not being a Behemoth class I airnt just any whimp or any random ant anymore.....

Atleast I wouldn't have to Escape in fear of my life like I did in Orre I guess....

Few days later ,

Well life is great...that is I finally noticed or realized that i am fucking being left behind in my pokemon training.....

Another thing I noticed No matter how good my breeding talent is....my battle tactics talent is almost trash...

For that I right now I am studying tactics in my Facilities Library with Malva my sweat wife who is right now teaching me battle tactics while apperarently sitting on my lap....

Lucy Being the Battle Pike Succesor finally got notice from Battle Frontier...well her loitering and messing around with me ended apparently for time being as she was called by her Master that scary Old Snake lady for training....

Lily and Amanda are apparently busy with my Horsea , Dratini, Treeko , Aron and all our Bagons who finally were allowed by me to remove their Everstones as to finally evolve into their next stages of Seadra , Dragonair , Grovyle , Lairon and Shelgons.....

Well all after maxing out their initial stages became more powerful and with more potential than their average equivalent species that to without counting their above average talents...well they were happy I guess for finally evolving...

But it made Lily and Amanda too busy to stop and control the rampaging happy pokemons of mine and their.....

As for my Wife or Mistress Venus...well she is in her lab...trying to make the Shadow Suicune...Her Trump card.....Right Now she is A Ghost Type Elite Trainer.....and damm it's scary....if I wasn't her Husband or the man who on regular basis fucks her I would have stayed atleast few kilometers away from her.....

Her current Energy aura and vibes are completely spooky with,

1) 1 Banette

2) 1 Mismagius

3) 1 Dusknoir

4) 2 Gengers

Well for raising these 5 ghosts She did create a massive dent in my wealth for resources Like Top class Dusk stones , Skulls,Soulsof pokemon & humans from massacre , Toxic poisons of various types etc.....

And her ghost pokemons for some reason they roams around my full facilities with Malva's Chandelure clan pokemons....Like my Large ass Building facilities weren't spooky enough that Elite Level ghost pokemons started to Haunt the tower...

without me a Psychic spirit who even the Ghost are afraid of....Lily , Amanda , Venus , Lucy and Malva didn't have any problems as the Resident ghosts are very friendly to them....but That didn't stop scaring my grassroot employees shitless.....

Well Another new rumor started in Kalos....that the Steel Laboratories Inc. is Haunted by Powerful Gost pokemons....

with this the legend of the 90 storied building facility named Steel Laboratories Inc. continued to be more redefined...........