
Evolution; The Boundless Demon (DROPPED)

Julius Jovin had an average life. Although he had many aspirations, he wasn't anybody special. In school, he was a normal kid with a couple friends he hung out with, and at home, he had an average relationship with his family. Due to this however, his life was filled with an overwhelming cage of boredom, which he hated more than anything. However, on one fateful day, everything about his life changed. A sudden death led him to be transmigrated into an entirely different world that held laws and traits that were unrecognizable on earth. Fantastical creatures, glorious kingdoms, vast regions, and Magic! Almost everything in this world was irrelevant to that of the earth! It was a world of fantasy, but far more brilliant than that which Julius had read about in countless stories. In this new world, Julius adopted the name; Julius Menthaven. He vowed to never return to the person he was in his past life. He promised himself that he would forever change, and only do what he saw fit. With his determination and a little something else called a SYSTEM, Julius would overcome countless obstacles, defeat perilous foes, and earn the title of Boundless Demon in his journey to achieve his infinite dream!; Conquering EVERYTHING!

Adash_Dhakal_4279 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Sades Nobility

"Sir Iulian, shall we move him to the medical room?" Karla said as Julius' father put him back down onto the bed.

"Yes. Although his head seems to work fine, his body could be in a dire state. Not to mention his mana blockage disease." Iulian said.

Julius was soon lifted onto a transport stretcher and pushed towards the medical room. As he made his way through the halls of the estate, Julius saw just how poorly decorated the rest of the house was. It seemed that most expenses were spent on his room alone.

'Even though this may be a noble's estate, it seems that we are not the most high-status nobles that there are. Although, the person to blame for that is probably me. Seeing as how only my room looks lavish, it most likely means that my father has spent most of the money that the nobility gets on me. I feel... somewhat bad about that.' Julius thought to himself as he arrived at the medical room along with Karla and his father.

The room was quite shabby like the rest of the estate. Julius was laid to rest on top of a small steel bed as he waited.

'So... a doctor is going to examine me huh? I wonder if the concept of healing magic exists in this world, or if it will be just like a normal doctor's appointment.' He thought to himself as he waited. Magic was very intriguing to him, he wanted to see it on any scale.

Finally, through the door came an old man whose short body resembled that of a dwarf. He wore a long white robe and had a short brown beard.

"So, he has finally awoken, has he? The runt that I have been working my ass off to keep alive, where is he!?" He shouted immediately upon entering the room.

He walked his short body over to Julius' bedside. "You bastard. You don't know just how hard I have had to work all these years." He said as he made eye contact with Julius.

The look slightly scared Julius. He was quite the frightening old man.

"Fine! Now, let me take a look and see how the hell you have actually awoken from your coma. Although ur an annoying little runt, the fact that you have awoken from mana blockage is still quite an unbelievable feat." He said before placing one of his hands over Julius' body.

Julius had no idea what to expect, but before he knew it, a warm and comforting feeling immediately engulfed his entire body. Out of the old man's palm resonated a beautiful green light that slowly surrounded and covered Julius' core.

"What!?" The old man's sudden yell shocked Julius back from his happy place to reality. "Your mana blockage disease! There's no sign of it!" He yelled as he placed both hands above Julius' core and concentrated even more.

'Even though it looks like it's gone, it could still be hidden deep within the core. I have no choice but to examine it thoroughly.' The old man thought to himself.

The warm and comfortable feeling quickly started to get hotter and hotter and gradually started to feel like a burning sensation.

"Ow!" Julius said before being quickly interrupted.

"Oh shut up brat! I know it hurts, just bear with it a little will ya? This could be a breakthrough of a century, no, a millennia!" The old man yelled as beads of sweat quickly started to form on his forehead.


After over ten minutes of nonstop pain, the old man finally lifted his hands and stumbled a couple of steps backward, panting heavily.

"He... truly does not have the mana blockage any longer. This is unprecedented..." He said to himself in disbelief.

On hearing this, a big smile appeared on Iulian's face.

"Why are you acting so down Jiomord! This is great news!" Iulian said happily.

"You don't understand the true meaning behind this... not even the greatest mages of the Supreme Tetrad have ever been cured of the mana blockage disease! If word were to get out that he has awoken, it will spread like wildfire and engross the entirety of the Mortal Plains!" The old man spoke, still shocked and slightly distressed.

Karla and Julius' father stopped celebrating and paused to think about the true magnitude of their situation.

"I suppose... you're not wrong about that Jiomord. This isn't exactly all solved just yet." Iulian said.


"So what?" Julian suddenly spoke after a short pause of silence.

Old man Jiomord immediately looked at Julius. "So what? What do you mean so what? Do you know what you're even talking about brat!?" He yelled angrily.

"Yes. So what? This will only spread my name out there even more. What did you say, the entire Mortal Plains will be engrossed? Isn't that amazing!? They will all know my name! This is a great thing!" He said with glowing eyes.

"Although you may think that is all good news, young brat, there are always those who have ill intentions. Those who wish to harm others for their own gain. If you want this information to be let out to the public, know that along with the good, there will come many who will target you for testing and all sorts of other horrible experiments. Are you sure you want to make this decision?" The old man said as Iulian nodded in agreement to the proposal.


"I know that there will be many who will come after me for this reason. But if I were to hide in the shadows my whole life, what would be the point in living?" Julius said after a pause.

'This kid. Although he has just woken up from a decade-long coma, the words he says... it reminds me... of him.' The old man thought to himself.

"I just need you, to trust me with this decision," Julius said, looking in the eyes of both the old man and his father.

Jiomord faced Iulian, as he was to be the person to make the final decision.

"Alright... you may do what you deem to be right son, I should not be the one to hold you back." Iulian said.

"Thank you, father! I know that this decision must have been hard, but I truly thank you for trusting me. I will not let you down, you have my word." Julius said endearingly.

'Is this truly my son? How has he grown to be such a smart young man while in a coma? I can only say that I am proud! I suppose, there is no reason to not trust him. Although he is my son, he lives his own life, and I must respect that.' Iulian thought to himself.

Suddenly, the door opened to two more unfamiliar faces.

One was a lady who wore a long green dress and had bright brown hair flowing down her shoulders. Beside her was a young boy who looked to be no older than nine years old. He hid half of his body behind the lady as he peeked at Julius with one uncovered eye.

The woman suddenly embraced Julius and held on to him tightly as she started to cry. "Your okay..." She said through her tears.

'This must be my mother. I can imagine this sort of reaction after so many years of your child being pretty much dead.' Julius thought to himself.

After Julius reunited with his mother, Rosa, she was very relieved to hear that Julius had been cured of the mana blockage disease. He was transported back into his room and left alone to recover from the illness.

"They seem to be a loving family who actually cares for me. I shouldn't take that for granted." He said to himself as he stood up once again.

By now, and with the help of Jiomord, walking around didn't give him any pain. He could move around just fine.

'Now... I could just recover my body like how my family and Karla recommend, resting in bed. However, my body is not like any other. I have a system, and also, I don't want to just sit around lollygagging all day for multiple weeks. I want to explore, train, learn... magic!' Just the thought of magic exhilarated him.

'However... my father has condemned me from even standing up for at least a week. To think that they would allow me to train my body is outrageous, but... I can't just sit around like this and do fuck all.'


'That's it. I've made up my mind. Tonight, I will enact... Mission Nightfall.'