
Evolution System in High School of The Dead

Because of an error in the Matrix, Takashi Komuro ceased existing. The Gods that keep balance in the multiverse needed someone to act as the protagonist for that that world, so they selected a promising young man who had no attachments to his life. Ryo Hashimoto woke up in the presence of six figures. They presented themselves as the deities that ruled the multiverse and offered him a chance to make something of his life. "Why not... I don't have anything left here anyway" -------------------- We have a D*i*s*c*o*r*d! https://discord.gg/6a3PqqGUtC This story IS a Harem, but it will be slowly built. If you like girl collecting stories this isn't for you. The Romance tag is there for a reason.

LastInkBender · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Stories and Introductions

As soon as Shido was thrown out, Ryo slumped against a seat, as if all strength had left his body. Using his hands to cover his eyes as he threw his head back, he released a helpless sigh. He was mentally spent. He felt someone sit besides him, but decided to ignore it. To his surprise, his head was pulled to the side and fell on something soft.

When he looked up, he realized that he was resting on Yuuki Miku's thick and supple thighs. He wanted to question her, but every ounce of instinct he had told him that the girl had no bad intentions and, if anything, really wanted him to rest. As he closed his eyes, he heard Hiratsuka say something.

"I don't... say he didn't deserve it but..." she looked in his direction and doubted for a few seconds, but still went through with her question. "Are you okay, Hashimoto-kun?"

Ryo opened his eyes and, without getting up from Miku's lap pillow, simply said "Yeah... just tired"

Unuckily, Kyoko also wanted to know something about the whole thing that had just happened. She and Hiratsuka had seen the entire thing and, as violent as it was, they somehow didn't feel disgusted. They were just worried about Ryo's mental state.

"Can you... tell us why you did all that?" the wine-haired teacher asked. Ryo still didn't feel like leaving Miku's thighs, so he sighed from his position, making the girl that was staring right at his face chuckle. Seeing that, Rei felt extremely annoyed. "What are you doing with him anyway you bitch?! Let go of Ryo!"

"Let her be Rei... she isn't how you all think" he said with certainty in his voice. Everyone, Miku included was extremely surprised when they heard his words. If anyone was asked who Yuuki Miku was, they would say school's number 1 bitch, but Ryo here said she wasn't. "I'll allow Miku here to explain her story to you guys, I'll talk later"

When she realized that there was one person who didn't believe the rumours and was able to see her for herself, rather than her body, she couldn't help but cry. She had been treated like a bitch ever since she entered high-school and, when she got tired of it, simply took the persona.

Apparently, when she first entered high-school, someone had taken pictures of her in the changing room. That day she had stayed later than the other girls because she had to talk with the P.E teacher, so she was alone. The next day, she was asked Shido to stay after class. He had threatened her to release those pictures to the entire school if she didn't do as he said. From that day onwards, she had become a bitch.

Shido didn't spread the pictures, but he spread many rumours about how she was promiscuous and liked to play with boys. He even started a rumour of her having slept with Tsunoda, which is the reason why the boy stayed so close to her all the time. He wanted to make that rumour true.

The only reason she was still a virgin was because each time Shido pressured her for sex, she threatened back with commiting suicide. Since Shido didn't want to lose his plaything, he didn't touch her. But he still forced her to wear revealing lingerie and suimsuits under her school uniform. She was even wearing one right now.

When they heard her story, everyone realized how wrong they were about Yuuki Miku. Seeing her crying tears of joy and relief made everyone, especially Rei, who had also had problems with Shido. Though when she compared her problems with Miku's, she realized she had been lucky. When Miku regained her bearings, she looked at Ryo with a smile. He simply lifted on of his hands up and cleaned the tears that fell from her eyes.

"How... did you notice?" she asked, clearly shocked by how easily he had seen through her. Ryo sighed and finally lifted from her lap, much to her displeasure. "I've been through something similar, though much milder when compared to your circumstances"

"You see, when I was fifteen, my first ever girlfriend..." Ryo began explaining his life story to everyone. It began when he was first cheated on by his girlfriend and his best friend spreading rumours about him, and ended with the years of hatred he had accumulated towards people like Shido before transfering to Fujimi high.

Of course the last part was a white lie so that his story would perfectly connect with him appearing in Fujimi High that same day. Everyone in the bus, bar Tsunoda and the more loyal of Shido's followers, were crying after Haru's story. Shizuka even went as far as stopping the bus and hugging him, which only made him tap out because he was being suffocated between her unnatural mountains. Of course he enjoyed it, but it would be better if he was standing so he could breath.

"Well... I've calmed down a bit and thanks to the..." he paused and looked at Miku's thighs and Shizuka's melons. He continued while trying to act as if nothing weird had happened. "... service, I feel better"

Then he redirected his gaze at Tsunoda and his group. Ryo was smiling, but his smile was cold. Tsunoda was afraid he would be next after Shido, so he began retreating towards a corner of the bus. Luckily for them, Ryo had no interest in beating them up.

"Easy there blondie-punk, I won't bother hitting you" he said calmly. But he still had the cold smile on his face. He ordered Shizuka to stop the bus. They were currently going down a mountain-road towards the city, and there was absolutely nothing around them. He asked her to open the backdoor and, as soon as it did, he went back to Shido's entourage. "Ok guys! This is how it is. Tsunoda will leave this bus, and those of you who don't like me will leave with him. As simple as that!"

Tsunoda wanted to retort, but he didn't have the chance to. Ryo grabbed his head and arm and dragged him towards the door, only to throw him out of the bus. Soon after, two other boys left the bus. From Shido's original entourage, only four people remained. Yuuki Miku, who was still sitting by his side, and three other people.

"Ok, introduce yourselves please" Ryo asked the three that remained. After all, everyone already knew who Miku was.

The girl with twin pigtail, magenta color hair styled in twin pigtails and glasses introduced herself as Taniuchi Ayako. Then followed the girl sitting beside her, Kawamoto Chie. She had dark-red hair styled in a bob haircut and golden brown eyes. The last one was a weak looking boy with short black hair and brown eyes. His name was Yamada Shingo. He was the only one happy that we were going to the city since he wanted to see how his family was, just like the rest of the people in the bus.

All of them seemed to be disgusted by Shido's true nature, since they didn't know the man was so villainous. Yamada in particular seemed to be extremely happy that Shido was no longer in the bus. Apparently the kid hated conflict.

"Ok, now that everything is back in order and the possible rats in our group have been properly exterminated, we must think of what to do" Ryo said as they reached the city. "Does anyone know of a place were we can stay? All of us?"

As they were thinking, Shizuka's voice sounded in the bus. "I... I have a friend who's apartment is near. She isn't there and I don't think she would mind us staying there"

Ryo remembered Rika Minami's apartment. It was big enough for all of them, probably. Considering the fact that the original group fit in there and there was extra space. Now there were seven more girls though.

'Talking about that... arent't there too many girls here?' he thought as he looked at everyone around him. Three guys, of which only Kouta was useful, and eleven girls, of which more than half seemed to be interested in him, even if only slightly.

For the first time since his parents died, Ryo was feeling the pressure of receiving the attention of many people from the opposite sex.

'I somehow miss being numb...'


A short chapter with a bit of comedy at the end, to release some steam and cut on all the serious stuff.

Hope you guys like the backstory I made for Miku. It's not something extremely horrible or deep, like some people who made her be r**** by her uncle or stuff like that, but it is also very possible to have happened knowing Shido.