
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 26: The wall

Far ahead was a huge wall, seeing this it didn't take long for Adam to figure out who built the wall and why the sea of zombies where here, fighting his way forward he quickly realized that he was being surrounded, even with his speed the zombies where closing in giving him little space to move so he decided to run round bashing they're heads and making a round ring of space for him to catch his breath a little

thinking of a plan he immediately jumped back to where the others where

guys I have a plan he said as he used an axel kick to tire a zombie in two. Romeo and Sarah where being surrounded but they weren't in much trouble because Romeo could deal with the zombies easily while Sarah would reload, meanwhile Nikita was dealing with the ghouls, it wasn't easy seeing as they where quite fast, fast enough to react to her and dodge or block, even doe it didn't mean much when faced with her strength they could regenerate quite fast so she had to end things quickly

no, we aren't listening to your stupid plans anymore Romeo yelled

we need to head to the wall

huh? Romeo and Sarah said puzzled by what he said but he pointed towards the sea of zombies coming they're way and Romeo could then see it, far up ahead was a huge wall about 20 meters high

how didn't I see that Romeo said

we didn't notice because of the zombies, if we can get past them then I'm sure we can find other humans there

Nikita Sarah yelled, we are getting out of here. Out from an ally Nikita jumped out and following her where five ghouls, when she reached the gang the where now surrounded by ghouls and zombies

damn it we are surrounded Nikita said as they all got around the jeep, we're heading to the wall over there Romeo said pointing at the direction and Nikita looked ahead of the zombies and saw the wall

ok then, everyone get ready, I'll use my skill to slow them down while you guys jump to the top of a building then we head to the wall

alright they yelled

Adam immediately picked up the car, Romeo picked up Sarah in his arms

Now Niki yelled and they leaped into the air, while she used her skill

stomp feet

she stomped her feet hard on the floor and a huge earth quake occured making all zombies and ghouls fall to the floor and she jumped up in the air, that's when she met another enemy, the level eight zombies, the other had safely gotten to the roof tops but where Also fighting the flying mutated zombies, it looked like bullets where doing very little damage to these zombies so Romeo had to step in while Adam was doing fine but he noticed it took way more hits to bring them down

Nikita Sarah yelled as she saw her in the sky fighting the zombies, she was on ones head and punched it to the ground then jumped onto another before the zombie hit the floor.

Head for the wall she said as she killed the zombie she was on and jumped unto another one

the wall was 180 meters away but it was nothing to them as they jumped towards the wall only to hit something and start falling down

there's a force field covering the wall Romeo said

did you see that, the city inside, there are people in the wall and civilization is still intact Adam said excited

I think we need to worry more about ourselves at the moment Romeo said as they where now falling into the horde of zombies

just then they heard gun shots, looking down they saw the barrier was a few feet's away from wall and men with guns were standing there shooting at the zombies

people Adam yelled

with guns said Niki

look at they're clothes, are those policemen? Romeo said a bit surprised

as they fell to the floor immediately some speedsters grabbed them and ran to the wall, there where entrances to the wall on the ground and the speedsters took them inside the wall and immediately they where surrounded with guns pointing at them from all directions

who are you people and how did you get here one of the speedsters said. The gang looked at each other and Niki was the first too speak

we where just looking for refuge and we got caught by those flying zombies, we tried fighting our way through but then we saw the wall and knew we found refuge she said

they looked at them then one of them spoke up, you can stay in the city but first you all need to show us your status window, this was a problem and they looked at each other, before the situation escalated someone called out to them

Romeo, is that you?!

they turned around and saw a familiar face, one they didn't think they would see In a while

danny you know these people one of the guards said

yes well one of them, that one's my old friend he said as he walked up to them

well I'll be damned if it isn't the perverted short stack himself Romeo said with a smile on his face mean while Adam rushed over and jumped on Danny

Danny! it's really you but Danny dodged him

who are you? I don't know you?

what? oh I get it, you don't recognize me do you Adam said but Danny just ignored him and went to Romeo

long time no see game freak Danny said as they shook hands, do you know the weirdo over there Danny said pointing to Adam dusting his clothes

umm yh that's Adam

what! Danny then turned around and looked Adam from head to toe, now way that's Adam, Adams a short fat donut, how did this happen?

remember he chose the evolution system? well it did this to him Romeo said

no way, this is a joke right Danny said, prove it, tell me something only the three of us would know he said pointing to Adam

well before all this started you fought josh and you defeated him by grabbing.....

that's enough, your Adam your Adam! he yelled

umm Adam are you going to introduce us Niki said as she walked towards him

oh yh Danny meet Nikita, she's my tea... Nikita gave him an elbow to the ribs to stop him from talking

nice to meet you I'm Danny he said as he stretched his hand out

like wise she said as she shook his hand but he took it and kissed it, feel free to meet me for anything you need in our city he said with a wink

yh thanks she said with a smile but in her mind she was weirded out

and this is Sarah Romeo said

nice to meet you she said waving at him not wanting him to try flirting with her either

don't worry guys I'll take it from here he said

sure but they at least need to tell you what powers they have

oh that's easy, Adam here chose the evolution category and Romeo uhhh what did you choose

super strength, did you forget

oh yh so what about the girls

super strength


healing?! the men yelled, wait so your a healer Danny said

umm yh?

we seriously need a healer would you mind coming with us? the men said coming close but Nikita stepped in front of her covering Sarah

why don't I take then around and explain the rules to them first Danny said trying to defuse the situation before it escalates

ok we'll leave it in your hands they said as they left them and jumped back on the wall

alright follow me Danny said as he led the way

as they walked around they were amazed, it really was a civilized city in this world full of monsters

what your seeing is just the training are and living area

wow this is amazing Adam said

while they walked Danny kept sneaking glances at Adam he couldn't believe that was Adam, he is almost as tall as Romeo and he looked way to different, for one even with his cloths I can tell his buff under those cloths,what exactly does that evolution type do

ok so you guys will need to register your names, age and powers and skills if you want to be citizen here

huh? Niki said raising an eye brow

you guys came her because you wanted too seek refuge here right? Dany said

I mean we didn't know this place even existed but it is nice, how do you guys eat here

oh that? it's a secret, register as a citizen here and I'll show you he said

ok Romeo and Adam said, if Danny was the one suggesting they didn't really see anything wrong with it

wait a minute Nikita said, this place was nice, to good to be true she thought to herself.

who runs this place

oh the government Danny said

the government?!! they yelled