
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 20: Strong enough

Before Nikita stood four opponents, two sisters, a cheetah and rhino mutant

are those two the same like the guy Adam fought? Nikita thought

damn it, if it was just those two sisters it would be a problem, but with those two monsters I might not get out of this in one peace she thought

the first to reach where of course the sisters as they where faster than the other two but the one in front was Amie, she struck a powerful blow that sounded like a shut gun but it did nothing to Nikita


your speed means nothing to me now Nikita said as she grabbed her arm and was about to punch her when her sister Charlie came with a punch but Nikita caught it, using Amie like a bat she wacked charlie away with her own sister, sending them crashing into a shop, just then the cheetah mutant came in with his claws stretched out but Nikita dodged it

the cheetah man was almost as fast as a speedster so why does this one look so slow, is it because of the boots? I really underestimated how much speed of 425 really is Nikita thought to herself

she was right, the cheetah mutant's speed was above 100 but it couldn't compare to the speed boost she got from the boots, the cheetah mutant came back for another attack but got his head destroyed by an axel kick to the head, the sisters slowly got out of the shop only to see Nikita make quick work of the rhino mutant overpowering him in speed and strength as she dashed towards the charging rhinoceros and with a single punch burst him like a balloon

damn it, did she get stronger?

no it must be the the gear she has, you heard him, that hammer head guy is the one who made these, he must have given her a better one than the ones we have

what do we do sis

we use our weapons, use your speed and slice her apart but leave her alive, I want to be the one to give the finishing blow


as they devices a plan they got up and was ready to fight again as they pulled out a set of daggers

Amie ran as fast as she could and attacked Nikita non stop slashing at her, but she quickly noticed something, non of her attacks where doing any damage at all

what's going on, are her stats really that good?



my endurance is above 300, do you really think a measley dagger can hurt me?

Nikita clapped her hands creating a shock wave that pushed Amie away, just then charlie jumped towards Nikita

die she said as she threw a punch but Nikita vanished from her sight, Nikita appeared behind her and grabbed her neck then she turned around and called to Amie, charlie gave a string elbow to her stomach making her cough up blood but her grip stayed strong. Amie got up from the floor to see Nikita holding her elder sister in a choke hold before Nikita snapped her neck and pulled out her head with the spine attached

noooo!!!!! Amie yelled as she fell to her knees

her sister, her tough older sister that protected her all this time was killed Infront of her very eyes, a second of weakness, a second of vulnerability, a second of hesitation, a second of lack of focus was all it took for Nikita to dash and appear right in front of Amie and grabbed her by the neck

Amie regaining her senses as her life flashed before her eyes

I will get my revenge she struggled to say as Nikita tightened the grip on her neck

save your breath for the after life Nikita replied as she squeezed the life out of her and her head exploded

congratulations, you have killed all your enemies, congratulations you killed two enemies with enhancement equipment, rewards will be doubled, you used enhancement equipment to kill your enemies rewards will be shortened by half

reward: 50 stat points

level up: 1 stat point

level up: 1 stat point

when she saw the notification she was happy and sad at the same time

what was I supposed to do, if I didn't use it they would have killed me

Nikita! Conan yelled, drop the gear or she gets....

before he could complete his sentence she had left her spot and was right Infront of him, the next second she had disappeared and so did his gun and Sarah

huh? what just happened

you said I should drop my equipments right?

huh? he turned his back to see Nikita removing her gloves, boots and belt, Sarah was with the gun in her hands behind Nikita

boss fight: kill the head of the assault team

reward: level up, 50 stat points

damn it, I shouldn't have given those twins the equipment,

ok I've removed them, let's settle this one on one, you and me she said taking a stance

Conan smiled, don't think because you defeated all those guys that I'm a small fry, I'm not some lazy boss that would just sit around and watch matches all day he said as he took of his coat, I'm much stronger than any of them and more durable he said taking his fighting stance bouncing up and down like a game character

Nikita looked at him for a bit then took a different stance

I know that stance, it's the same one she used to knock hammer head out

before he could do anything she lunched her attack and the next seconds something burst and blood splattered all over the floor


he screamed at the top off his voice, Nikita had shattered his manhood with that move, more specifically his scrotum letting what was left stain the floor

as he fell on his knees unable to comprehend the pain she walked up to the still screaming and now crying Conan

don't you ever threaten Sarah again, too bad I won't give you a chance to try she said as she held his head and with all her strength twisted it backwards and ripped it off his shoulders

congratulations, you have defeated the enemy boss

reward: 50 stat points

level up: 1 stat point

hidden mission, defeat your first boss threat

reward: 50Exp, 50stat points

level up: 1 stat point

level up: 1 stat point

flawless victory

Nikita and Sarah turned around to see Romeo leaning on the wall

you could have helped you know Nikita said

well you wouldn't want that would you? after all getting stronger was the reason you've been finding trouble roaming around the streets isn't it

you've been stalking me?

not stalking, Keeping an eye on you, your Adam's teacher so I didn't think you would also get power hungry

I'm not... listen if I'm not stronger than Adam I won't be able to control him talk less of teaching him?

so he's the reason you want to get stronger, I like it but I think the word your looking for is guide not control, at least you know when to stop he said as he went back inside, as he did Nikita finally fell on her knees as she couldn't hold the pain from the blow charlie gave her

Niki Sara called as she ran to her

when they got back inside adam was chained up, it seemed they know very well what was going on and Adam wanted to fight but Romeo decided it would be best for Nikita to handle this as she would be best suited for the job, it was the best plan he could think of than giving Adam over to them, so he chained Adam and made them invisible

This is all your fault Adam, if you hadn't done that stupid stunt Niki wouldn't have to fight and kill people to save my life. They hadn't seen Sarah this mad before, it seemed the friendship between Niki and her was something special to her, mean while Nikita had been healed a while ago and was checking her stats

LVL 25: 105/125 till next

Name: Nikita blade

Age: 22

Gender: Female

strength: 150

speed: 63

endurance: 63

Perception: 45

Intellect: 31

stat points: 159

with this she could finally get stronger but she didn't want to use it yet, she wanted to keep the stat points till she really needed it most, during the apocalypse

according to the message the apocalypse was in a week's time so by that time she planned to get as strong as possible.

meanwhile outside the house a group of men in suits had witnessed the whole fight

that girl seems to be protecting him, she seems strong

didn't you hear, it had to do with the gear she was wearing, that gear somehow boosts they're strength and speed

so what do we do, do we attack them now?

no, now wouldn't be a good time, we know the one we are looking for is strong but to also have strong allies was something we didn't account for well at least not two more, so for now we wait and watch them

what of the apocalypse, it's in a week's time

we follow them around and when the apocalypse happens we wait for when they're worn out or at they're most vulnerable and then we strike