
Evolution Quest

Sol Hunter was invited to achieve his dreams of Isekai without having to rely on unreliable means such as Truck-kun, Plane-chan, or Mil-tan (the latter is highly un-recommended). The only catch? Sol has to fix the issues in his new world due to the havoc caused from crossover fanfictions. In this world, there are events and protagonists from tensei shitara slime datta ken, Re:Monster, Danmachi and various other similar fantasy stories. This is just a fun story about some less popular series that I as the author enjoyed and I hope you enjoy it too.

Degenerate_Panda · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 4: Magical beasts, and monsters and humans, oh my!

(Minor Edits)

'Huh, peculiar coloring? What do you mean? What color am I?' I suddenly felt more intrigued. Most grass munching slimes wouldn't be very smart, but what color am I that makes me so peculiar?

(It's a bit hard to explain, but you're a black slime with specks of different colors spread throughout your figure. It is quite remarkable, and unlike anything I've ever seen.) replied the dragon as he observed me.

'Hmm, so I sort of look like the night sky?' I asked, impressed but uncertain.

(Indeed. It's been a long time since I've seen the stars, but I can say that it is an apt description. Perhaps you are a unique monster, or a named one?)

'Umm, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I was only born about a month ago, and as I mentioned, you're the first person I've met.'

(Ah, excuse me. Named monsters are those empowered by strong demons by giving them a name. Considering you were just born, that seems rather unlikely. Perhaps you are unique, though.)

'And what does unique mean?'

(Unique monsters are variant monsters that have gone under some mutation and possess unusual powers. These creatures are usually born in locations with high mana levels. It would make sense if you were born from the mana leaked by me.)

'Ah! Does that make you my parent then, Veldora? Am I part dragon?'

(Hahahaha. Unfortunately for you, no. I am not your parent biologically speaking. In this world, dragons are supreme existences that do not need to reproduce. I am one of four in this world.)

'Oh... bummer.' I thought disappointedly. Adding part-dragon to my resume(status) would have been neat.

Afterward, Veldora talked my non-existent ears off as he explained to me some things about the intelligent monsters called majinn and the difference between inferior races like goblins, orcs, and lizardmen. I was excited when Veldora brought up the existence of demi-humans. Elves in particular.

'I have a critical question for you...'

(Do ask.)

'Which species has the most beautiful women?'


(Cough, cough! I'm certainly no expert on the matter, but I have made a few observations over the years.)

'Please enlighten me, sensei!'

(Hmm. The beast-girls of the demi-humans are incredibly fluffy and comforting, while the more cold-blooded species like lamia and lizardmen are quite the clingy cuddlers.

Elves from the spirit tribe exude a natural beauty snd comforting aura due to their high mana capacities and their nature-affinity.

Humans are probably the kinkiest race. They try all sorts of things with all kinds of races. They're personally my favorite...)

By the way his voice trailed off at the end, I had the feeling that the mighty Storm Dragon was somewhat embarrassed. I really can't wait to get that legendary humanoid form so that I can exit this slime form. I just can't get used to this sensory deprivation, especially when this is a world filled with such fantastic sights.

(There are also some more exotic species that as a group are called Majin. It is a generic term to describe those born from mana essence, monsters that have mutated, or those that evolved from magical beasts and animals.)

I listened to Veldora talk about the ethereal beauty of vampire lords, sensual, high-level demons, and the free-spirited giant women. The more he spoke, the more I couldn't wait to fluff some foxy ladies or drink with classy vampire-lords. Of course, some of the more exotic women like giants seemed beyond me, but I wouldn't necessarily discriminate. Veldora would make a great wingman in the future. Literally.

'So I guess that makes me a majin then, no?' I asked after we finished our discussion about our preferences.

(Technically yes. You are classified as a weak, newborn majin, but your status as an otherworlder might make things more complicated. While reincarnated persons are not rare, for you to be one from another world is entirely unheard of.)

'Hmm. I'm not sure if all that is significant or not. Don't the people here summon otherworlders? Is it that unusual?' I couldn't help but ask.

(Neither being a majin or an otherworlder are particularly incredible on their own, but having the status as both is instead quite remarkable, even for someone like me. I would not share this information with others so freely in the future.)

I know that various powers summon people to this world. I think there might even be some from my world based on what Veldora has told me. I guess it's nice being reincarnated into such a god-like being.

'Of course. I only told you because I have a rather close feeling to you. Perhaps its fate, or merely the fact that I was born from your mana, but you already feel like an old friend, Veldora.'

(Hmmph, you think it's so easy to become a friend of the great storm dragon, Veldora?)

'Oh? And here I thought we hit it off rather well after discussing the wonders of humans and demi-humans. You even told me about your monster-tribe kink...I guess it was just me, though...' I thought as I turned around and started walking in a random direction.

(Uh, you know you're slinking towards me, right?) Veldora asked. Hearing that, I stopped for a moment to ask Saul which way was the exit before immediately turning to leave the correct way. (Wait, wait! Who said we didn't hit it off? I'll smite them to cinders with my lightning. Of course we hit off. Who would have known that after three hundred years, my new friend would have taught me about the justice of fluff?)

'Umu. And you, my friend Veldora have rekindled my passion for humans. I'd become utterly blind towards the kinks of humanity otherwise. Let's celebrate, Veldora.'

Hah, so easy. As long as I don't have to fight Veld, I'm more than willing to befriend this perverted old dragon.

It is true, though, that Veldora has reawakened my appreciation for human women. Still, my passion for teasing shy elves, conquering proud vampires, and fluffing adorable beast-kin hasn't diminished in the slightest. Thanks to Veldora, my passion has grown even further.

'Hmm... Veld, you don't happen to have any wine on you, do you?'

(Veld? Hmm, its been a long time since I've been called such... I indeed do not, did you have something In mind?)

'How about we take an oath of brotherhood to celebrate our newfound friendship. Each of us drinking a cup of alcohol in the other's honor. Do they have something like that here?'

(Hmm... I've certainly heard of such things before, but I am unaware of the specifics. I suppose we could just make a heavenly vow of equals. There were once two great kings that did so, forming a mighty alliance. Unfortunately, their children were not so copacetic. They were betrothed to each other, but both loved another. Rather both the daughter and son loved the same person, their childhood friend. The result was rather tragic with the childhood friend rejecting both of them for a goblina he met while running from the two...)

'Wow... That's really something, Veld. I know you don't have any children, but do you have any beautiful sisters or nieces you could introduce me to?' I asked with a chuckle.

You know, I had already discovered Veldora's love for humans and his joy for telling stories, but that tale took the cake. It must've been one hell of goblina...

(Fuahahaha. You're quite daring little slime. I certainly wouldn't mind introducing you to my sisters or my niece, but I'm afraid they'd instantly eat you. Most slimes are considered a small treat for higher tier beings, though, you might be viewed as a decent morsel with your size. Hahahaha.)

'Oi, I'm not fat. I'm just saving up mass for when I gain a humanoid form. According to my Mimicry skill, any volume that exceeds my current size as a slime has to be made up of mana. This way, I won't be limited to some childish form.)

(Hmm, I see.) Veldora said, sounding mildly doubtful. I was sure if I had veins, they would be throbbing on my forehead about now. (In the future, you may want to store the...excess slime away so that others do not mistake you.) That was a brilliant suggestion! I couldn't help but make a mental note as I nodded my head.

'Anyway, let's forget about that for the moment. How are we going to get you out of here so that we can make our oaths? I can't even see at the moment.'

(Ah, that. The latter issue is much easier to address than the former. There's only one condition. Just, don't freak out when you see me, alright.)

Judging by that, I'm sure Veldora is a terrifyingly large dragon with an ominous aura, but none of that matters to me. Veldora is pretty chill for an all-powerful dragon. He's all good in my book.

'Sure thing, buddy. I'm sure you're quite big and scary, but I've seen some pretty frightening movies back in my world too, and they didn't phase me a bit.' I spoke confidently within my mind.

(Hmm. I'm unfamiliar with these movies you speak of, but I'll take your word for it. The first requirement is the skill [Magic Power Perception] do you have it?)

Looking at my status for a moment, I noticed there was no such skill. 'I don't have it. Is it something you can teach me?' I asked expectantly. Naturally, the supreme dragon didn't let me down.

(Hmph. Of course I can. The first thing you must do is feel the mana within you and manipulate it. Don't worry if it takes a while. I spent we-)

This wasn't too difficult. According to Saul, I learned to do this when morphing my body into a parachute and later refined when I was playing with water in the lake.

I easily manipulate the mana within my body as I felt a certain stirring inside me.

(*Cough, cough, cough* That's an impressive amount of mana for a newborn monster. You seem to have a decent control of it too. Now see if you can detect the difference between the mana inside of you and the outside world. This might be har-)

This was also easy as I noticed it during the several hours I trained my water abilities while draining the mana enriched lakes.

'Got it! What's next?' as soon as I said that, though, a chime appeared in my mind, and the world's voice confirmed my new ability.

『New Skill Acquired: [Magic Power Perception].』

Then Saul took over. 『Would host like to link new skill [Magic Power Perception] with unique skill [Solomon's Pride]? [Y/N]』

'Yes!' I immediately agreed, though not being able to hear the system, Veldora took it to mean that I had succeeded.

(Congratulations, Sol. You seem to have a particular knack for magic.)

Hearing him, I was removed from my thoughts about the system's OP capabilities as I looked at my new friend for the first time. He was covered in pitch-black scales and stood taller than my home back in America, though I suppose that's not saying much.

'Wow, so cool!' I couldn't help but comment upon seeing an evil looking western dragon.

It raised its brow, seemingly surprised by my commentary, but a moment later, it seemed to smile before barking out in loud laughter.

(Fuahahahaha. Indeed, you are certainly worthy of becoming my equal, Sol. I hope you evolve into a splendid slime in the future!)

'Of course! I'll explore all the beauties the world has to offer!' I said proudly, which was greeted by a cheer from Veldora.

(Since we shall be equals from now on, let us give one another a name to solidify our oaths of brotherhood. It should also give you a Divine Blessing since the name comes from me. Henceforth, I shall call you Orion.)

A strange feeling impacted me as I felt Veldora's mana being injected into my body. Though nothing changed much on the outside, a peculiar sensation resonated with the core of my being while I thought about my new name. Back on earth, Orion was a constellation and hunter in Greek Mythology. It was surprisingly fitting, given my previous name. Certainly much better than something like Rimuru.

'I graciously accept the name, Orion.' I said, giving a small nod to the dragon after the tingling sensation faded. I think my Lv.1 mana just maxed out, but now is not the time to check that. I considered taking the easy way out and giving him his cannon name, but since he gave me a fresh new name, I might as well do the same. 'Henceforth, I shall be known as Orion Anvindr, and you, my brother shall be known as Veldora Anvindr, the storm dragon.'

As soon as I spoke our surnames, a fierce wind flew down within the cave and cut at us. It was a good thing I packed on some weight, or I might have been blown away.

Veldora snorted, and the wind-dispersed, but he also raised a brow and looked at me strangely. (Where did you learn such a word? Although I don't recognize the language, the intent behind the name was powerful enough to stir up a bit of a significant phenomena.)

'I had no idea it would do that. It was just a word that means storm from one of the ancient languages where I originally came from.'

(Hmm... Be careful, Orion. Words have power. Luckily I was here; else you might've been blown away or cut to pieces. I wouldn't share your name with others unless you're both strong enough to survive such a thing in the future.)

'Phew. I'll keep that in mind. I guess this makes me a named, unique, majin now, huh?' I couldn't help but ask.

(Hahaha. Indeed it does, young Orion. Quite impressive indeed!)

'So, how do we get you out of there, Veldora' I asked, already having a clue which Veldora's answer confirmed.

Since a unique skill empowered the seal, only a more powerful or equally powerful unique could break the barrier. Unfortunately, as the target of the seal, Veldora is unable to use his uniques, or he would have escaped long ago.

What to do... I know, better call Saul! 'Hey Saul, how do we get Veld out of here?'

Fun fact: I found Anvindr when searching up names related to the word storm. It roughly translates to against the wind as I understand it. I basically used rng to decide which name to use and this one won.

Degenerate_Pandacreators' thoughts