
Evolution of universe:Omni-manipulation power.

VoidTime · Fantasy
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12 Chs

9.A girl who use space power.

when zero was cleaning zombies as if killing mosquito.on the other side the students who came to cafeteria before was like mosquito themselves.

when karan the "wind manipulator" the students counsel sub prasident and leon the "fire manipulator" come to the cafeteria what they encounter is also a 1st grade zombie but this zombi is different somehow because it is slow and big 8 or 9 f long and a big muscular body like those bodybuilder.

even though it is slow but its phisical power is enough to make a big hole in the wall.when the students fast came here there were 500 students but now 300 or something are alive.

even though the students are numerous and they have power not everyone is like zero who has vast amount of mind power and magic power.normal people even if they have 10 mind and magic power they can call themselves normal genius.not everyone has unlimited firepower.

on top of that the students who are more majority have power but not everyone even if you have power are not brave enough to fight.so they began to run wildly when thay saw this zombi and the zombi seems to have found some toys to play catching them and killing them.

the more powerful students and the brave amon the students are fighting the zombie but there mp and strength are insufficient.the wind boy karan and fire boy leon is more remarkable amon them they are using the elements as weapons to keep the zombie away.

because even they can't give big damage to the big zombi its defence is also vary hard and they need to keep there mp in check.the others who have physical powers are also fighting but as they fight the loud noises are attracting the nearby zombies and the zombies keep coming.

as the time pass everyone was mentally and physically challenged.if they can't kill the big 1st grade zombie there is no tomorrow for them in this new era.

"karan if this big muscle head keep this up we can't last long.we have to do something. atleast if zero was here it would be a pic of cake for him.i have seen him fight man if i had his power i don't have to put up with this ugly muscular."said loen to the student aub prasident karan.

"yea,leon it was a bad idea to come here with the lot of us.i thought it would be ok if we are so many students gather here but now i regret it.i was confident because new power help me solve some small timer but i don't think that zombies would be able to evolve so soon."karan said to leon.

"yea,the items we got after killing zombies before make me think that we were playing games.i don't think we will be killing in the first part of the game ..hahahaha..."leon smiled that looks a little like depression.

when they were fighting and sayings there last words abot 50 students come to the cafeteria at the same time.

seeing thia leon thought that it must be zero who bought the right side buildings students with him here.so he shouted upon his lounge.

"zero pls help kill this big gay we can't hold on anymore"

hearing this karan also look back but when he don't see the familiar flying swords he was disappointed but when be look at the students more clearly he saw a figure that looks like a flower in the mud.

there standing infront of 50 or so students stood a girl around the age of 19 or 20 she seems tobe in her final year and also the student council prasident.she look like a immortal fairy in white drass.her hand seems to be holding a sword and the winter white over dress that looks otherworldly.

her face is like a jada cold and her eyes are like gyms.her black hair is like the silk and the body that looks like a devils body in a way she seems to be the parfect female any male would like to pursue.

her name is leza white.

when she come to the cafeteria and watch what is going on she seems to be indifferent and the students behind her also not looks like they are afraid of the picture in here.

leza didn't say any word but slowly walking towards the big zombi.seeing this karan said panicky.

"prasident pls taka the students from here and don't come here there is a evolved zombie here.you should run"after seeing that his word seems to ba air and the prasident keep coming karan singh.what a waste.

after coming all the way infront of the big zombi leza didn't say anything but hold her sword with one hand horizontally when she was about 20 foot away from the zombi and the zombi also seems tobe comming to welcome her.

all the students in the cafeteria hold there breath they can't imagine the aftermath of the zombi braking the delicate girl infront of them.

but just as the students were panicking the sword in the delicate hand of the girl move and in the empty space in front of her the sword drow a beautiful silver helf moon and that silver helf moon seems to be moving forward towards the zombi.

in the blink of the eyes the silver helf moon come up to the zombies chest and with a bang sound a big cut 3 inch is dropping with blood come tobe visible in the chast of the zombe.

the zombi with the cut step by step move backwards and give a big houl like a beast in pain and look at the delicate girl and run towards her.

seeing this the girl name leza drow 4 more half moon and attack the zombie.

after the attack fall the zombie also fall down with his upperbody and lower body in different places his body become 2 clean pics.

seeing this the students,karan,leon and every one was silence at first that bigan to cry with joy that they can live again.

and the students prasident leza seems to hera a ding sound in her head that told har she could evolve her job.